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1 University of St Andrews Wednesday 25th of September 2019 05:52:26 PM Wednesday 25th of September 2019 05:52:26 PM
23 The St Andrews Preservation Trust Thursday 26th of September 2019 11:21:30 AM Thursday 26th of September 2019 11:21:30 AM
24 Old Burgher Kirk- 136 South Street This former barn and stable, occupied from the mid 18th century, was hidden behind a frontage on South Street. It was centrally located, behind 136 South Street and below the level of Imrie’s Close. The property was used from 1749 to 1774 by the St Andrews Secession or Burgher Kirk now represented at Hope Park Church. Soon its function changed, however, and it became a dwelling house. Despite the building remaining well preserved, it was gifted to the trust in 1950 by Mrs Bennet who wanted to ensure its survival. This was ever more urgent after a 1937 demolition order condemned the building, seemingly regardless of its condition. Thus she bequeathed it to the Trust. Plans drawn up by the Trust intended to prepare the building to be maintained as a home for one person. By 1954, the conservation work had been completed, gratefully assisted by the Dalrymple Archaeological Fund for a special grant towards the expense incurred. After it was furnished by members of the Trust., The house was until recently let out and inhabited by tenants, it was sold by the Trust in 2019 . Thursday 26th of September 2019 02:56:10 PM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 12:13:20 PM
25 The Burgher Kirk Thursday 26th of September 2019 03:17:09 PM Thursday 26th of September 2019 03:17:09 PM
26 166-168 South Street 166-168 South Street had been the only house in South Street with an outside stair. Despite its unique features, it remained under a demolition order. As a result of the condition of the property, restoration was going to prove highly expensive. Thus the Trust was unable to acquire the necessary funds for this work on its own. However, as a consequence of the generosity of Miss Janet Low, the house was able to be saved. She used her own funds in order to restore the building. The project took three years because of her commitment to ensure the building was preserved sympathetically. Upon completion of this work, Miss Low gifted the property to the Trust in 1957. In order to be faithful to her desires for the property, it was sold. Additionally, as per her request, the funds would be given to the Trust. This totalled just over £5300. Friday 27th of September 2019 10:47:11 AM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 10:08:24 AM
27 141 South Street Friday 27th of September 2019 10:50:41 AM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 10:08:11 AM
28 Bogward Doocot In 1961 the Trust’s boundaries ‘expanded’ with the acquisition of the doocot at Bogward Farm at the west end of the Lade Braes Walk. The structure is of beehive form common in 16th century Scotland, and may have been built by the Priory of St. Andrews, which owned the lands of Bogward at this time. It was in bad repair and the farmer was happy to transfer responsibility, but not ownership, to the Trust. The Dalrymple Archaeological Fund assisted financially with repair work. Friday 27th of September 2019 10:53:40 AM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 10:09:11 AM
29 12-20 North Street (Trust Museum) 12-20 North Street had once been split into two tenements. Prior to its restoration in the 1930s, this seventeenth century building had a long history. With 12 – 16 set back from the street containing four homes and 18-20 positioned closer towards the street by a few feet. The second (18-20) is positioned closer towards the street by a few feet. This extension on the face of the building was likely to been installed in the 18th century. The structure of each house is based on a 2 storey layout and attic with pantiled roof. Distinctively the east gable of 12-16 is crowstepped. In 1936 12-20 North Street was sold to James Hoey Scott, a local architect. He merged the two buildings into one, retaining for the most part the window positions with the addition of several more. He also removed the central staircase and inserted a door between the houses. Scott sold it to the Trust in 1961 and by 1963, the Trust’s conservation of the east wing was completed thanks to the generosity of Miss Janet Low, funded by the sale of Miss Low’s estate. The Trust decided to utilise the eastern part for their own purposes such as an office and storage space. It was also repurposed as an exhibition space. The western part became an independent dwelling. In 1982, 12-16 North Street (now 12 North Street) officially opened as the Museum. Friday 27th of September 2019 10:57:36 AM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 10:07:27 AM
30 11 College Street The urgent need for the restoration of 11 College Street motivated the Trust to acquire it in 1966. This 16th century house contained two storeys with crow stepped gables and a pantiled roof. The expense incurred, in conserving the property was met by Miss Dorothy Bryson’s bequest of around £6000. On the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the Trust, 11 College Street was faithfully restored. In this process, a vaulted cellar was made into a dining room and a medieval arched doorway became the front door. In 1971 it was completed and then sold. A former longstanding member of the community, Betty Bushnell, commented on the importance of 11 College Street and the two old houses at the north end of College Street as they contributed to the sense of history felt in the old wynd. Friday 27th of September 2019 11:02:17 AM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 10:06:58 AM
31 24 South Street The original late 16th to early 17th century structure of 24 South Street was once invisible to the passer-by. The addition in the 19th century of a false frontage prevented this building’s long history being known. When the Trust considered the case of this building, the aim was not only to restore it internally to its original condition, but also to allow the face of this building to truthfully reflect its age. Even more critically, a demolition order had been issued in the 1960s because Abbey Street needed to be widened to fulfil the council’s requirements. In his plans for the building’s conservation, the St Andrews architect and restorer W Murray Jack was able to demonstrate that the removal of this frontage would not only enhance the building but also allow the road to be wide enough to fit the Council’s requirements. Thus the Town council consented to the Trust’s purchase of the building in 1970 and even advanced the cost incurred for the project. The Trust was able to repay this upon the sale of 11 College Street. The Council’s Discretionary Improvement Grant of around £1200 exemplified its recognition of the importance of this project and the scale of the work that had to be undertaken. With the council’s help, the project was completed within two years. The Trust was then able to sell the house in 1972. Later, in 1975, Murray Jack received an honour at Holyrood for his design. Friday 27th of September 2019 11:09:13 AM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 10:08:35 AM
32 14/15 Fleming Place In 1975 the Trust purchased 14/15 Fleming Place with the intention of restoring it. Positioned at the south end of Fleming Place, it was a good example of and old St Andrews building. However in 1976, it was considered to be more beneficial to allow the property to be restored by an external party. This was because the funds raised from its sale could be used to further the work of the Trust enabling it to conserve more properties and protect the Town’s ancient history. Friday 27th of September 2019 11:27:48 AM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 10:08:00 AM
33 Bell Rock House, Shorehead Once known as Bell Rock Tavern, Bell Rock House has been a long-standing focal point of the harbour area of the town. The original building dating from 1785 was rebuilt as a merchant’s house with a granary. Later, the dwelling became licensed in 1825. The name of the Tavern derived from Stevenson’s lighthouse on the Bell Rock. In 1938, the building became Bell Rock House and a private home. It was considered as a candidate for a Trust Museum. However, following the death of Mrs Sekalska, the Trust determined to uphold the original aims of its founders and put the property on the market. The sale of Bell Rock House in 1990 signalled the last time the Trust would sell one of its ‘little houses’ until the recent sale of the Burgher Kirk in 2019. Its sympathetic restoration of the Bell Rock House can now be seen to enrich its surroundings and negotiations started to secure the purchase of the doocot and this was finally achieved in 2018. Friday 27th of September 2019 11:32:15 AM Friday 19th of February 2021 02:59:47 PM
34 Bell Rock House Friday 27th of September 2019 12:11:31 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 12:11:31 PM
35 Bell Rock House Friday 27th of September 2019 12:12:55 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 12:12:55 PM
36 Bell Rock House Friday 27th of September 2019 12:14:48 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 12:14:48 PM
37 Bell Rock 4 Friday 27th of September 2019 12:15:17 PM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:43:59 AM
38 Bell Rock House Friday 27th of September 2019 12:16:28 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 12:16:28 PM
39 11 College Street Friday 27th of September 2019 12:18:26 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 12:18:26 PM
40 11 College Street Friday 27th of September 2019 12:19:06 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 12:19:06 PM
41 11 College Street Friday 27th of September 2019 12:19:24 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 12:19:24 PM
42 11 College Street Friday 27th of September 2019 12:20:20 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 12:20:20 PM
43 11 College Street Friday 27th of September 2019 12:20:57 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 12:20:57 PM
44 24 South Street Friday 27th of September 2019 12:21:20 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 12:21:20 PM
45 141 South Street Friday 27th of September 2019 12:22:02 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 12:22:02 PM
46 141 South Street Friday 27th of September 2019 12:22:24 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 12:22:24 PM
47 168 South Street 01 Friday 27th of September 2019 12:23:00 PM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:44:21 AM
48 168 South Street 02 Friday 27th of September 2019 12:23:24 PM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:44:43 AM
49 166-168 South Street Friday 27th of September 2019 12:23:50 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 12:23:50 PM
50 166-168 South Street Friday 27th of September 2019 12:24:18 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 12:24:18 PM
51 166-168 South Street Friday 27th of September 2019 12:25:52 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 12:25:52 PM
52 Law Park Woodland (Boase Wood) Law Park Woodland was presented to the Trust on behalf of the Boase family in 1963. In particular, Philip Boase wanted to gift it in memory of his brother Norman. His desire to memorialise his brother in the space motivated a donation which would ensure the woodland’s upkeep for the next seven years of its conservation. In gratitude for the Trust’s efforts to preserve the natural beauty of the Lade Braes, specifically for ensuring an access path through the Lade Braes. Later the woodland came be known as The Boase Wood having been dedicated to the memory of Philip Boase who had also been the Trust’s Chairman from 1945 to 1948. He had dedicated himself to enriching and maintaining this woodland, highlighting it as a key part of St Andrews’ beauty. In this way, the Trust was able to respect a significant figure in its history and conserve an important part of the natural landscape. Friday 27th of September 2019 02:43:48 PM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 11:39:15 AM
53 Boase Wood Friday 27th of September 2019 02:45:17 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 02:45:17 PM
54 Boase Wood Friday 27th of September 2019 02:45:59 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 02:45:59 PM
55 Boase Wood Friday 27th of September 2019 02:46:17 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 02:46:17 PM
56 Boase Wood Friday 27th of September 2019 02:46:37 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 02:46:37 PM
57 Boase Wood Friday 27th of September 2019 02:46:59 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 02:46:59 PM
58 Doocot Friday 27th of September 2019 02:47:38 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 02:47:38 PM
59 Doocot Friday 27th of September 2019 02:48:02 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 02:48:02 PM
60 Doocot 03 Friday 27th of September 2019 02:48:25 PM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:45:29 AM
61 Doocot Friday 27th of September 2019 02:48:55 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 02:48:55 PM
62 Doocot Friday 27th of September 2019 02:49:18 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 02:49:18 PM
63 Doocot Friday 27th of September 2019 02:49:44 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 02:49:44 PM
64 Fleming Place Friday 27th of September 2019 02:50:53 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 02:50:53 PM
65 Fleming Place Friday 27th of September 2019 02:51:21 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 02:51:21 PM
66 Fleming Place Friday 27th of September 2019 02:51:45 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 02:51:45 PM
67 Fleming Place Friday 27th of September 2019 02:52:11 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 02:52:11 PM
68 11 College Street Friday 27th of September 2019 02:55:44 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 02:55:44 PM
69 11 College Street Friday 27th of September 2019 02:56:27 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 02:56:27 PM
70 11 College Street Friday 27th of September 2019 02:57:02 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 02:57:02 PM
71 12-20 North Street 12-20 North Street had once been split into two tenements as seen above. 12-16 were set back from the street containing four homes while 18-20 were positioned closer towards the street by a few feet, circa 1930. This extension on the face of the building was likely to have been installed in the 18th century. The structure of each house is based on a 2-storey layout and attic with pantiled roof. Distinctively the east gable of 12-16 was crowstepped. In 1936 12-20 North Street was sold to James Hoey Scott (1892-1981), a local architect. He merged the two buildings into one, retaining for the most part the window positions with the addition of several more in 1937. He also removed the central staircase and inserted a door between the houses. Scott sold it to the Trust in 1961 and by 1963, the Trust’s conservation of the east wing was completed thanks to the generosity of Miss Janet Low, funded by the sale of Miss Low’s estate. In 1982, 12-16 North Street (now 12 North Street) officially opened as the Museum. Photographer: George M. Cowie Friday 27th of September 2019 03:11:20 PM Thursday 08th of April 2021 09:49:07 PM
72 14-15 Fleming Place Friday 27th of September 2019 03:11:48 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 03:11:48 PM
73 24 South Street 1960 Friday 27th of September 2019 03:12:19 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 03:12:19 PM
74 24 South Street Friday 27th of September 2019 03:13:08 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 03:13:08 PM
75 166-168 South Street Friday 27th of September 2019 03:13:48 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 03:13:48 PM
76 166-168 South Street Friday 27th of September 2019 03:14:18 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 03:14:18 PM
77 Bell Rock House 1 Friday 27th of September 2019 03:14:54 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 03:14:54 PM
78 Bell Rock House 2 The front of the Bell Rock Tavern in 1926. The Bell Rock tavern is the oldest surviving harbour front building in St Andrews and dates from 1785 when it was constructed as a merchant’s house with granary. The building was converted into a Tavern in 1825 and likely named after Bell Rock lighthouse, which became operational in 1811 and is situated 14 miles from the St Andrews coast. The tavern would have been a popular spot on the busy harbour front with many fisher families living in the adjacent Royal George tenement. The Bell Rock Tavern became a private dwelling in 1938 and has since been known as Bell Rock House. Photographer: D Jack Friday 27th of September 2019 03:15:14 PM Friday 19th of February 2021 03:04:40 PM
79 Bell Rock House 3 Friday 27th of September 2019 03:15:40 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 03:15:40 PM
80 Bell Rock House 4 Friday 27th of September 2019 03:16:37 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 03:16:37 PM
81 Boase Wood Friday 27th of September 2019 03:17:21 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 03:17:21 PM
82 Boase Wood Friday 27th of September 2019 03:17:44 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 03:17:44 PM
83 Boase Wood Plaque Friday 27th of September 2019 03:18:09 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 03:18:09 PM
84 Boase Wood Friday 27th of September 2019 03:18:34 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 03:18:34 PM
85 Bogward Road Doocot Friday 27th of September 2019 03:19:23 PM Friday 27th of September 2019 03:19:23 PM
86 4 Queen’s Gardens Built in the 19th century, 4 Queen’s Gardens occupied a position within an existing, much earlier rigg system. The lower apartment came into the realm of the Trust’s knowledge in 1992 when it was rented from the Architects Gillespie and Scott. It was from a member of the Scott family J H Scott, that the Trust bought the Museum at 12 North Street. After renting the building at Queen’s Gardens, it was then bought in 1995 to store the Trust’s growing historic Artefacts and Collections and as an office space for the Administrator, Isobel Dominiak. Monday 30th of September 2019 09:49:45 AM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 10:08:49 AM
87 Kenly Green Doocot The Trust acquired this doocot on Kenly Green from Mr Roger in 1983. The doocot had been built for the nearby Palace of Inchmartrick. Possessing a distinctive style of gable and double pitched roof which was pantiled in one section and slated in the other, it was clearly a significant part of the history of the town and its surroundings. It is also imminently requiring restoration and repair. Hence, the Trust set about a plan which they could finance. Despite an offer from Historic Buildings for a grant, the Trust would have been unable to meet the outstanding cost of the plans they suggested. Unfortunately, they had to turn the offer of a grant down. Nevertheless, the Trust determined to carry out essential repairs to the roof and did so over the next few years with funds from the Dalrymple Archaeological Fund and the Pilgrim Trust. Monday 30th of September 2019 09:55:38 AM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 10:09:46 AM
88 Louden’s Close In the late 1930s Louden’s Close was condemned and marked for demolition. However, after persuasive discussions with the Medical Officer of Health and then the Department’s Chief Architect, the Trust took on the restoration of the burgher tenement. Funding from both the Dalrymple Archaeological Fund and The Pilgrim Trust assisted in the work on these buildings. Monday 30th of September 2019 09:59:55 AM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 10:10:38 AM
89 Trust Museum at time of purchase Monday 30th of September 2019 10:02:32 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:02:32 AM
90 4 Queens Gardens 1 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:04:50 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:04:50 AM
91 4 Queens Gardens 2 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:05:19 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:05:19 AM
92 4 Queens Gardens 3 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:06:00 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:06:00 AM
93 4 Queens Gardens 4 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:06:24 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:06:24 AM
94 4 Queens Gardens 5 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:06:48 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:07:07 AM
95 4 Queens Gardens 6 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:07:33 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:07:33 AM
96 Loudens Close 1 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:10:02 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:10:02 AM
97 Loudens Close 2 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:10:22 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:11:19 AM
98 Loudens Close 3 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:12:15 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:12:15 AM
99 Loudens Close 4 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:12:49 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:12:49 AM
100 Loudens Close 5 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:14:10 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:14:10 AM
101 Museum 01 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:15:39 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:15:39 AM
102 Museum 02 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:16:52 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:16:52 AM
103 Museum 03 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:17:19 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:17:19 AM
104 Museum 04 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:29:22 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:34:34 AM
105 Museum 05 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:29:24 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:34:48 AM
106 Museum 06 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:29:27 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:35:11 AM
107 Museum 07 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:29:29 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:35:27 AM
108 Museum 08 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:29:32 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:35:44 AM
109 Museum 09 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:29:34 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:36:14 AM
110 Museum 10 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:29:37 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:36:28 AM
111 Museum 11 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:29:39 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:36:41 AM
112 Museum 12 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:29:42 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:37:10 AM
113 Museum 13 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:29:45 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:37:24 AM
114 Museum 14 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:29:47 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:37:47 AM
115 Museum 15 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:29:50 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:38:08 AM
116 Museum 16 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:29:52 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:38:42 AM
117 Museum 17 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:29:55 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:45:53 AM
118 Museum 18 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:29:57 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:46:12 AM
119 Museum 19 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:29:59 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:46:26 AM
120 Museum 20 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:30:02 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:46:40 AM
121 Museum 21 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:30:04 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:46:57 AM
122 Museum 22 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:30:08 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:47:13 AM
123 Museum 23 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:30:10 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:47:40 AM
124 Museum 24 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:31:09 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:47:56 AM
125 Museum 25 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:31:12 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:48:14 AM
126 Museum 26 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:31:14 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:48:29 AM
127 Museum 27 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:31:17 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:48:47 AM
128 Museum 28 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:31:19 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:49:07 AM
129 Museum 29 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:31:21 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:49:22 AM
130 Museum 30 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:31:24 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:49:39 AM
131 Museum 31 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:31:27 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:50:26 AM
132 Museum 32 Monday 30th of September 2019 10:31:29 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:51:05 AM
133 Kenley Green Doocot Monday 30th of September 2019 10:54:07 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:54:07 AM
134 Kenley Green Monday 30th of September 2019 10:54:38 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:54:38 AM
135 Loudens Close Monday 30th of September 2019 10:55:01 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:55:01 AM
136 Loudens Close Monday 30th of September 2019 10:55:36 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:55:36 AM
137 Protesting kids doocot Monday 30th of September 2019 10:56:43 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:56:43 AM
138 Queen Mother visits museum Monday 30th of September 2019 10:57:21 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:57:21 AM
139 Upstairs Museum Room old exhibition Monday 30th of September 2019 10:58:31 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:58:31 AM
140 Woman who lived at 12-20 North Street site Monday 30th of September 2019 10:58:54 AM Monday 30th of September 2019 10:59:38 AM
141 4 Queens Gardens Monday 30th of September 2019 02:49:59 PM Monday 30th of September 2019 02:49:59 PM
142 Queens Gardens pre Trust renovation Monday 30th of September 2019 02:51:13 PM Monday 30th of September 2019 02:51:13 PM
143 11 College Street Monday 30th of September 2019 02:54:14 PM Monday 30th of September 2019 02:54:14 PM
144 11 South Castle Street 11 South Castle Street was built in the late 17th or early 18th century and was renovated in 1966 by the St Andrews Preservation Trust. It is otherwise known as ‘Joan’s House’ after local fishwife Joan Clark (1852 - 1927). Joan belonged to a well-established family of fisher-folk (the Waters family) and died at the age of 75 in 1927. She sold fish out of a wheelbarrow in Market St. and was known as a “survival of the old type of fishwife” (St Andrews Citizen). Monday 30th of September 2019 02:58:37 PM Monday 19th of April 2021 10:03:29 PM
145 11 South Castle Street Monday 30th of September 2019 03:02:54 PM Monday 30th of September 2019 03:02:54 PM
146 11 South Castle Street Monday 30th of September 2019 03:05:46 PM Monday 30th of September 2019 03:05:46 PM
147 11 South Castle Street Monday 30th of September 2019 03:06:11 PM Sunday 07th of February 2021 10:30:57 PM
148 South Castle Street 1 Monday 30th of September 2019 03:06:49 PM Monday 30th of September 2019 03:06:49 PM
149 South Castle Street 2 Monday 30th of September 2019 03:07:19 PM Monday 30th of September 2019 03:07:19 PM
150 Abbey Street 1966 Monday 30th of September 2019 03:52:52 PM Monday 30th of September 2019 03:52:52 PM
151 141 South Street Monday 30th of September 2019 03:57:43 PM Monday 30th of September 2019 03:57:43 PM
152 Sou.S.124 No 141, Burgher Close, during restoration - photo:6x8BW - copy:1 Monday 30th of September 2019 03:58:46 PM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 11:17:06 AM
153 Burgher Kirk 01 Tuesday 01st of October 2019 12:12:01 PM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:06:53 PM
154 Burgher Kirk 02 Tuesday 01st of October 2019 12:12:04 PM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:07:10 PM
155 Burgher Kirk 03 Tuesday 01st of October 2019 12:12:07 PM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:07:30 PM
156 Burgher Kirk 04 Tuesday 01st of October 2019 12:12:10 PM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:07:43 PM
157 Burgher Kirk 05 Tuesday 01st of October 2019 12:12:13 PM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:27:31 PM
158 Burgher Kirk 06 Tuesday 01st of October 2019 12:12:16 PM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:28:20 PM
159 Burgher Kirk 07 Tuesday 01st of October 2019 12:12:18 PM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:28:42 PM
160 Burgher Kirk 09 Tuesday 01st of October 2019 12:12:21 PM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:28:57 PM
161 Burgher Kirk 10 Tuesday 01st of October 2019 12:12:24 PM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:29:13 PM
162 Burgher Kirk 11 Tuesday 01st of October 2019 12:12:27 PM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:29:24 PM
163 Burgher Kirk 22 Tuesday 01st of October 2019 12:12:30 PM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:29:39 PM
164 Louden's Close 1 Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:39:05 PM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:56:02 PM
165 Louden's Close 2 Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:39:07 PM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:52:44 PM
166 Louden's Close 3 Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:39:08 PM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:54:53 PM
167 Louden's Close 4 Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:39:10 PM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:55:16 PM
168 Louden's Close 5 Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:39:12 PM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:55:49 PM
169 Louden's Close 12 Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:39:14 PM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:52:32 PM
170 Louden's Close 20 Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:39:16 PM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:53:51 PM
171 Louden's Close 21 Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:39:18 PM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:54:08 PM
172 Louden's Close 25 Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:39:19 PM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 02:54:37 PM
173 Aikman and Terras display Museum Tuesday 01st of October 2019 03:02:31 PM Tuesday 01st of October 2019 03:02:31 PM
174 11 South Castle Street 360 Thursday 03rd of October 2019 02:12:59 PM Monday 25th of November 2019 04:37:31 PM
175 141 South Street 360 Thursday 03rd of October 2019 02:27:14 PM Monday 25th of November 2019 04:37:46 PM
176 Bogward Doocot 360 Thursday 03rd of October 2019 02:29:58 PM Monday 25th of November 2019 04:37:56 PM
177 Trust Museum 360 Thursday 03rd of October 2019 02:31:11 PM Monday 25th of November 2019 04:38:06 PM
178 Law Park Woodland 360 Tour Thursday 03rd of October 2019 02:32:04 PM Monday 25th of November 2019 04:38:18 PM
188 View of Abbey Street View of Abbey street before road widening, circa 1966. Photographer: Unknown Friday 01st of November 2019 01:05:27 PM Tuesday 16th of March 2021 01:44:37 PM
214 Byre theatre Byre theatre before ladder was built - photo:8x6BW Friday 01st of November 2019 01:08:00 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:09 PM
253 Tiends Gate on Abbey Walk Tiends Gate in the Abbey Wall, from the east, with the gasometer on right. 16th April 1950. Photographer: D Jack Friday 01st of November 2019 01:09:24 PM Tuesday 16th of March 2021 01:43:27 PM
254 trees on Abby Walk View of the east end of north side Abb. Walk, with trees. - photo:4x6BW Friday 01st of November 2019 01:09:28 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:10 PM
260 Dauphin Hill Dauphin Hill viewed from the east, on a snowy day, with Abbey Wall on right. - photo:4x6BW Friday 01st of November 2019 01:09:34 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:11 PM
272 The 3rd Cottage Hospital with a group of staff The 3rd Cottage Hospital with a group of staff. (opened 1902) Black and white photo:6x8 inches BW. also framed and mounted print in framed print store. Friday 01st of November 2019 01:09:50 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:11 PM
488 Alfred Place Alfred Place - re-tarring the road. Group of workers with foreman Tom Black. Circa 1900. Friday 01st of November 2019 04:42:32 PM Tuesday 14th of September 2021 03:25:08 PM
516 Argyle Street – Courtyard of Ireland’s Brewery This is a picture of a group of workmen with tools in the courtyard of Ireland's (later Wilson's) Brewery, Arg. S, which was photoed by Downie, A Jnr in circa 1890. Friday 01st of November 2019 04:45:00 PM Sunday 21st of March 2021 05:28:56 PM
517 Wilson's Brewery A cart and barrels in courtyard of Wilson's Brewery (now Argyle Court housing) - photo:8x8sepia - copy:1 Friday 01st of November 2019 04:45:04 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:12 PM
518 Louden's Farm Louden's Farm (Croft-an-Righ) Opposite Double Dykes Road. (site of Anderson's Garage) Farm buildings, group of children, traction engine and haystacks. - photo:8x4sepia - negative:35mmBW - slide:35mmBW - copy:1 Friday 01st of November 2019 04:45:10 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:13 PM
520 Wilson's Lemonade Factory This recorded the entrance to Wilson's Lemonade Factory, with signboard in circa 1950. Friday 01st of November 2019 04:45:17 PM Sunday 21st of March 2021 05:37:03 PM
521 Wilson's Factory Bedford lorry Wilson's Factory Bedford lorry and Jock Gourlay, driver - photo:3x5col - negative:35mmBW Friday 01st of November 2019 04:45:23 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:13 PM
523 Argyle Brewery – machines This a picture of four machines in one at Argyle Brewery which was created in about 1910. Friday 01st of November 2019 04:45:26 PM Sunday 21st of March 2021 05:44:36 PM
524 Argyle Street – Courtyard of Ireland’s Brewery This is a picture of a man with decorated horse in courtyard of Wilson's brewery, which was created in circa 1920. Friday 01st of November 2019 04:45:36 PM Sunday 21st of March 2021 05:47:41 PM
525 North Street – Wilson's Brewery Jock Gourlay (from Wilson's Brewery) with his first Bedford lorry (in North Street), 1953. Photographer: Unknown Friday 01st of November 2019 04:45:43 PM Wednesday 24th of March 2021 12:32:44 PM
526 South Street – Wilson's brewery lorry Wilson's brewery lorry coming through West Port, South Street in 1953. Photographer: Unknown Friday 01st of November 2019 04:45:51 PM Wednesday 24th of March 2021 12:33:40 PM
527 Wilson's brewery This is a photo of four staffs at Wilson's brewery, which was taken in circa 1960. Friday 01st of November 2019 04:45:57 PM Sunday 21st of March 2021 05:56:29 PM
528 South Street - Wilson's brewery This picture shows a horse-drawn decorated float from Wilson's brewery, outside the Town Hall, South Street in circa 1910. Photographer: Unknown Friday 01st of November 2019 04:46:07 PM Wednesday 24th of March 2021 12:31:03 PM
529 Louden's Farm Louden's Farm. (Croft-an-Righ) Opposite Double Dykes Road (Site of Anderson's Garage)- 3 Haystacks, Man in centre, Traction engine in background. - photo:4x8sepia - negative:35mmBW - slide:35mmBW - copy:1 Friday 01st of November 2019 04:46:20 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:16 PM
530 Wilson's Lemonade Factory This is a colorful picture taken in circa 1980s, which recorded the entrance way to Wilson's lemonade factory, Argyle Street, with sign-board. Friday 01st of November 2019 04:46:23 PM Sunday 21st of March 2021 06:01:57 PM
540 Decorated Float Horse and decorated float inside Wilson's Brewery - photo:6x8BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:2 Friday 01st of November 2019 04:47:16 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:17 PM
550 Argyle Street Horse and decorated float being attended by Jock Gourlay in the courtyard of Wilson's (2nd prize winner). Circa 1928. Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:46:07 AM Friday 24th of September 2021 04:19:39 PM
551 Argyle Street Jock Gourlay with a horse in the courtyard of Wilson's Lemonade factory. Circa 1920s. Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:46:19 AM Friday 24th of September 2021 04:15:01 PM
552 J. Wilson's Lemonade Court Interior court of Wilson's Lemonade factory, with lorry. (see watercolour by Mary Hatton in collection) - photo:6x8BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:46:29 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:19 PM
558 Argyle Street The Last Toll Bar being removed from Argyle Street. Major Bell, Donald Rose (Loudens Close), Mr Young (Burgh surveyor, father of J Young, Master of Works at University), Mr Gatherum (county road surveyor). Circa 1880s. Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:46:53 AM Friday 24th of September 2021 04:13:21 PM
570 Argyle Street Wilson's brewery before demolition, showing state of masonry. Circa 1965. Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:47:29 AM Friday 24th of September 2021 04:12:10 PM
571 Argyle Street Wilson's brewery vaults. Circa 1960s. Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:47:35 AM Friday 24th of September 2021 04:04:35 PM
572 Argyle Street Wilson's brewery - carbonator. Circa 1960s. Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:47:40 AM Friday 24th of September 2021 04:05:15 PM
573 Argyle Street Wilson's brewery - carbonator. Circa 1940s. Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:47:45 AM Friday 24th of September 2021 04:06:00 PM
574 Argyle Street Argyle Court under construction, taken from Doubledykes Road. Circa 1990. Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:47:53 AM Friday 24th of September 2021 04:06:34 PM
575 Argyle Street Argyle Court under construction, taken from Doubledykes Road. Circa 1990. Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:47:58 AM Friday 24th of September 2021 04:07:28 PM
585 Argyle Street Tom Stewart's "Pipe Brand" Cleek factory. Group photo including Tom, David & John Stewart, W Joy, T Gordon, J Nicol, T Dunne, J Tom, J Kirk, Balfour, Cunningham, Allan. Circa 1920s. Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:48:56 AM Friday 24th of September 2021 04:08:38 PM
661 Baker Lane Baker Lane, looking south. Circa 1936. Creator: J Y Macdonald Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:01:42 AM Friday 24th of September 2021 03:40:54 PM
662 Baker Lane Baker Lane, looking south. - photo:6x8sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:01:53 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:23 PM
663 Baker Lane The north end of Baker Lane, looking north. Circa 1936. Creator: J Y Macdonald Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:01:55 AM Friday 24th of September 2021 03:41:40 PM
664 Baker Lane The north end of Baker Lane, looking north, after reconstruction. Many of the old houses on the west side have been demolished. Circa 1968. Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:02:05 AM Friday 24th of September 2021 03:43:15 PM
676 Balfour Place The exterior of Balfour House, before renovation. Circa 1950. Creator: J Y Macdonald Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:03:01 AM Friday 24th of September 2021 04:00:25 PM
678 Interior of Balfour House Interior of Balfour House, with fireplace and mantelpiece, 1945. Photographer: J Y Macdonald Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:03:12 AM Thursday 25th of February 2021 03:28:16 PM
679 Balfour House Interior of Balfour House, with fireplace and mantelpiece. Circa 1945. Creator: J Y Macdonald Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:03:22 AM Friday 24th of September 2021 04:02:51 PM
698 A. T. Reid's Jewellery Shop, 8 Bell Street A. T. Reid's was a jewellery shop, situated at 8 Bell Street, and was established in around 1902. It specialised in the sale of jewellery, silverware, watches and clocks, as well as repairs. The shop was originally located at 86 Market Street, but moved to its Bell Street address in 1908. Records from the Dean of Guild court, the authority on the care of buildings at the time, show that in 1908, the building consisted of a shop and workshop on the ground floor, and living quarters on the first floor. A hall and vestibule were later added onto the building in 1910. The owner of the shop was Alexander Taylor Reid. This photograph was taken after the retirement of Mr. Reid in 1977, and the shop was cleared prior to its sale. Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:04:22 AM Tuesday 28th of September 2021 05:35:17 PM
700 A. Caird's Clothes Shop, 19-23 Bell Street 21 Bell Street was originally occupied by Charles Donaldson's, a gentleman's outfittier, which had been established in 1886. In 1922, the shop merged together with the neighbouring 19 and 23 Bell Street buildings to create a larger store, and in 1931, was taken over by dressmaker's J.C. Smith's. By 1953, however, the building was occupied by the clothing store A. Caird & Son, which also had branches in Dundee, Perth and Elgin. This photograph was taken circa 1984, the year the shop closed. Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:04:34 AM Wednesday 29th of September 2021 05:49:31 PM
703 Black's Millinery, 19 Bell Street The exterior of Black's Millinery at 19 Bell Street, a seller of women's hats, with staff posed outside. This photograph was taken from 'St Andrews Illustrated' in 1904, and the owner of the shop at the time was Miss Annie Black. Later in 1904, the shop was taken over by William Tolmie, and became a seller of tobacco, claiming to be the oldest tobacconist in the town. By 1931, the building was owned by J.C Smith, a dressmaker and tailor. The building eventually merged with 21 Bell Street to become A. Caird's & Son by 1953. Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:04:55 AM Wednesday 29th of September 2021 05:30:51 PM
707 Victoria Cafe Victoria Cafe Tea Gardens (from postcard)_ - photo:5x7BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:05:04 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:27 PM
710 East View of Bell Street A view from the East side of Bell Street, showing Nicholson's, Caird's Clothing Shop and the Congregational Chapel. In 1807, the first Congregational Church in St Andrews was constructed at 105 Market Street. Prior to the building of the church, Congregational worship would take place at an old factory located in the south of the town. As well as this, the first Sunday school in St Andrews was formed by Thomas Paton, the minister of the church between 1805 and 1818. The Market Street chapel was demolished in December 1854, and a new place of worship was built to replace it at 35 Bell Street. The new church was designed by architects Andrew Kerr and Jessie Hall, and was constructed of grey sandstone, with a gothic-style, double-gable fronted exterior, and a school-room at the back. The Congregational Society in St Andrews disbanded in 1966. After the Church was demolished in 1983, shop units were erected in its place. This photographed was taken circa 1970. Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:05:17 AM Wednesday 29th of September 2021 07:09:36 PM
724 Charles Donaldson, Gents Outfitters Charles Donaldson, Gents Outfitters, Bell Street. (originally framed but this was damaging photo so was removed 9/00) - photo:8x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:05:40 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:28 PM
725 Shop Fronts in Bell Street The fronts of shops in Bell Street, such as Caird's Clothing Shop and Murray & Donald. This photo was taken circa 1984. Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:05:42 AM Wednesday 22nd of September 2021 03:38:35 PM
726 Shop Fronts in Bell Street The fronts of shops in Bell Street, such as Caird's Clothing Shop and Murray & Donald. This photo was taken circa 1984. Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:05:51 AM Wednesday 22nd of September 2021 03:39:16 PM
727 Bell Street shop fronts (Caird's, Murray & Donald, etc) - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:06:04 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:29 PM
728 Aikman & Terras, 165 South Street Aikman & Terras was a wine-merchant and greengrocers at 165 South Street, on the corner of Bell Street. It was established in 1837 and was particularly well-known for the fresh coffee brewed daily instore, which they would roast in bulk. One of the founders of the store, Andrew Aikman, resided in Rathmore House on Kennedy Gardens, a large Victorian house designed for him in 1857. Aikman was also involved in the establishment of the towns' railway line in 1850 as one of the original directors of the St Andrews Railway Company. After retiring in 1867, the management of the shop was taken over by his son Andrew, and a former apprentice, Thomas Terras. The remodelling of the shop front pictured here, and the mahogany, art noveau fittings in the interior, date from 1907 and were designed by Victorian architect David Henry. After 144 years of business, and as the last private grocer in St Andrews, the shop closed in 1981 due to the growing competition from commercial supermarkets. A display reconstructing the interior of Aikman & Terras, circa the 1950s, can be found inside the St Andrews Preservation Trust museum. Today, Aikman's Bistro and Cellar Bar, established in the mid 1980s, carries on the name of the old greengrocer, and is situated in the location of the store's warehouse at 32 Bell Street. This photograph was taken circa the 1940s. Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:06:12 AM Tuesday 12th of October 2021 04:37:11 PM
729 Bell Street shop fronts (Caird's, Murray & Donald, etc) - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:06:18 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:30 PM
730 Bell Street shop fronts (Caird's, Murray & Donald, etc) - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:06:25 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:31 PM
731 Murray & Donald, Bell Street A view of Murray & Donald on Bell Street. This was photographed circa 1984. Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:06:34 AM Wednesday 22nd of September 2021 03:47:07 PM
732 'Quality Seconds' Shop on Bell Street A view of the 'Quality Seconds' shop on Bell Street. This photo was taken circa 1984. Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:06:42 AM Wednesday 22nd of September 2021 03:48:51 PM
733 'Quality Seconds' Shop on Bell Street A view of the 'Quality Seconds' shop on Bell Street. This photo was taken circa 1984. Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:06:50 AM Wednesday 22nd of September 2021 03:49:38 PM
734 Fletcher's Shop on Bell Street The shop front of Fletcher's on Bell Street, selling gifts, toys and furniture. This was photographed circa 1984. Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:06:58 AM Wednesday 22nd of September 2021 03:51:41 PM
735 A. Caird's Clothing Shop, 19-23 Bell Street 21 Bell Street was originally occupied by Charles Donaldson's, a gentleman's outfittier, which had been established in 1886. In 1922, the shop merged together with the neighbouring 19 and 23 Bell Street buildings to create a larger store, and in 1931, was taken over by dressmaker's J.C. Smith's. By 1953, however, the building was occupied by the clothing store A. Caird & Son, which also had branches in Dundee, Perth and Elgin. This photograph was taken circa 1984, the year the shop closed. Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:07:07 AM Tuesday 12th of October 2021 02:45:40 PM
736 A. Caird's Clothing Shop, 19-23 Bell Street 21 Bell Street was originally occupied by Charles Donaldson's, a gentleman's outfittier, which had been established in 1886. In 1922, the shop merged together with the neighbouring 19 and 23 Bell Street buildings to create a larger store, and in 1931, was taken over by dressmaker's J.C. Smith's. By 1953, however, the building was occupied by the clothing store A. Caird & Son, which also had branches in Dundee, Perth and Elgin. This photograph was taken circa 1984, the year the shop closed. Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:07:14 AM Wednesday 29th of September 2021 05:50:01 PM
737 Murray & Donald, Bell Street The front of Murray & Donald on Bell Street. This was photographed in 1984. Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:07:22 AM Wednesday 22nd of September 2021 03:57:12 PM
738 Bell Street shop fronts (Caird's, Murray & Donald, etc) - negative:35mm BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:07:30 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:34 PM
739 Bell Street shop fronts (Caird's, Murray & Donald, etc) - negative:35mm BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:07:38 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:35 PM
740 Bell Street shop fronts (Caird's, Murray & Donald, etc) - negative:35mm BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:07:45 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:35 PM
741 Bell Street shop fronts (Caird's, Murray & Donald, etc) - negative:35mm BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:07:53 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:35 PM
742 Bell Street shop fronts (Caird's, Murray & Donald, etc) - negative:35mm BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:08:01 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:36 PM
805 Black's Close Black's Close looking north (now demolished, led from Market Street to North Street) photo:3x4 inches sepia negative:3x4 inches BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:11:45 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:36 PM
806 Black's Close looking north (now demolished, led from Market Street to North Street) - photo:3x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:11:47 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:37 PM
809 The Marine Hotel Home Farm, Bogward with the doocot on the right - photo:4x5sepia - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:11:56 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:37 PM
810 The Marine Hotel Home Farm, Bogward with the doocot on the right - photo:3x5sepia - negative:35mmBW - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:11:59 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:38 PM
819 The doocot at Bogward after renovation - photo:6x8BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:12:39 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:38 PM
830 Bogward doocot - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:13:38 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:39 PM
843 Bogward doocot with modern houses behind - photo:6x4col Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:14:34 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:39 PM
846 Bow Butts Bow Butts, Martyrs Monument in foreground, cannon and early Step Rock changing rooms to right - copied from postcard - photo:4x7BW - negative:35mmBW - slide:35mmBW - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:14:43 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:40 PM
856 The Pierrot's Theatre The Pierrot's Theatre, Bow Butts - photo:5x7BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:15:12 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:40 PM
857 Brass Band Sunday Concert in bandstand on Bow Butts - photo:6x8BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:15:14 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:41 PM
872 Martyrs Monument and Club House, from Handy Book of St Andrews - photo:5x7BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:15:30 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:41 PM
873 Bandstand under snow - photo:6x4col - negative:35mmcol Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:15:38 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:41 PM
915 Showing blacksmiths yard and motor shop - man and cars in foreground - photo:6x8BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:17:54 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:42 PM
916 Old motor shop with van and cyclist in foreground - photo:6x8BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:17:59 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:42 PM
917 Tailors shop and house - old halt sign to foreground - photo:6x8BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:18:03 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:43 PM
918 Whey Pat Tavern, two cars and pedestrians in foreground also part of garage - photo:6x8BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:18:08 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:43 PM
919 Whey Pat Tavern, with three employees at the door. R Philp proprietor. - photo:6x8BW - negative:glass Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:18:13 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:44 PM
922 Inside of G MacMillan's blacksmiths yard with old cart and car, bins to foreground. - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:18:28 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:44 PM
923 Entrance to blacksmiths yard showing gate and rubbish in background. Gable of Christies Motor Shop and Gillespie's garage - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:18:33 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:45 PM
924 Looking north up Bridge Street - photo:6x4col Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:18:39 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:45 PM
926 Christie Brothers Garage - photo:7x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:18:46 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:46 PM
927 Christie Brothers Garage - photo:7x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:18:49 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:46 PM
931 James and John Christie James and John Christie, of Christie Brothers Black and white photo:7x5 inches BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:19:04 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:46 PM
932 James and John Christie, of Christie Brothers - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:19:08 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:47 PM
933 Construction of new flats beside Lade Braes Walk - photo:6x4col Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:19:11 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:47 PM
934 Construction of new flats beside Lade Braes Walk - photo:6x4col Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:19:15 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:48 PM
962 Construction of the Bruce Embankment Work in progress on the construction of the Bruce Embankment - photo:4x6sepia - negative:35mmBW - copy:3 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:21:03 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:48 PM
963 A lifeboat exercise at the Bruce Embankment - photo:3x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:21:06 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:49 PM
964 Photograph taken before the putting green was made on the embankment with groups of people and the old railway sheds in the background - photo:5x3BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:21:09 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:49 PM
980 Bruce Street taken from Pipeland Road (Health Centre to right), under snow - photo:6x4col - negative:35mm Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:22:04 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:50 PM
991 Buchanan Gardens - photo:3x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:22:42 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:50 PM
992 Buchanan Gardens looking west. - photo:3x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:22:45 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:51 PM
1043 Castle with lady hanging out washing on railing - photo:5x7BW - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:23:48 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:51 PM
1044 Shipwreck Shipwreck below castle (Merlin?) - photo:2x4 sepia - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:23:51 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:51 PM
1055 Castle from East, with Tontine Baths in background - photo:4x5 sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:24:01 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:52 PM
1060 Castle from the east Oversized photo Castle from East, with conservatory - photo:18x15 sepia - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:24:05 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:52 PM
1063 Castle Castle from East, with conservatory - photo:8x11 sepia - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:24:10 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:53 PM
1065 Castle Castle from East, during building of retaining wall - photo:8x12 sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:24:16 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:53 PM
1071 Castle from East, with ladies' bathing hut in centre Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:24:23 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:54 PM
1075 Castle from West Castle from West, showing interior of Fore Tower - photo:8x6 sepia - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:24:29 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:54 PM
1076 Castle from East Castle from East, showing interior of Fore Tower - photo:8x6 sepia - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:24:32 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:54 PM
1081 Interior of castle from NE Tower - photo:7x9 sepia - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:24:39 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:55 PM
1147 West doorway of Cathedral Mounted oversized print West doorway of Cathedral with east gable framed in background - oversize - photo:9x7sepia - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:25:42 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:55 PM
1148 Cathedral west doorway West doorway with east gable framed in background - photo:8x11 sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:25:45 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:56 PM
1155 Looking East from West doorway with East gable in background - photo:4x6 sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:25:54 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:56 PM
1168 Cathedral West end of Cathedral from North East - photo:6x8 sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:26:08 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:57 PM
1171 Cathedra; West end of Cathedral from East - photo:4x6 sepia - negative:yes - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:26:14 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:57 PM
1173 Cathedral We end of Cathedral from East - photo:12x8 sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:26:17 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:57 PM
1177 S transcept of Cathedral from E, with funeral of Tom Morris - photo:4x6 BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:26:23 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:58 PM
1183 St Rule's Tower East gable and St Rule's Tower from West - photo:4x5 sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:26:30 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:58 PM
1188 E gable and St Rule's Tower from W - photo:6x4 BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:26:36 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:59 PM
1189 E gable and St Rule's Tower from W - photo:10x12 BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:26:43 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:27:59 PM
1190 E gable and St Rule's Tower from E - photo:6x8 BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:26:52 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:00 PM
1191 E gable and St Rule's Tower from SE - photo:6x8 BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:27:03 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:00 PM
1192 Cathedral East gable and St Rule's Tower from South East - photo:6x8 BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:27:09 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:01 PM
1193 E gable, St Rule's Tower and Turret Light from beach - photo:5x8 BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:27:11 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:01 PM
1194 St Rule's Tower from W - photo:5x7 sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:27:16 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:02 PM
1197 St Rule's Tower from E - photo:3x4 BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:27:35 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:02 PM
1198 2 arches in W side of S transcept - photo:3x4 BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:27:40 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:03 PM
1199 recess in S side of S aisle - photo:3x4 BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:27:42 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:03 PM
1204 S wall from Priory garden - photo:4x3 BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:28:07 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:03 PM
1205 Cathedral from S Street - photo:4x3 BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:28:10 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:04 PM
1206 E end of cathedral (see also Ex.X 012) - photo:5x7 BW - negative:yes Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:28:13 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:04 PM
1208 Tower viewed through priory - photo:5x7 BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:28:18 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:05 PM
1307 Head of Christ from Cathedral, on display Cathedral Museum 1992 - photo:8x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:30:19 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:05 PM
1367 Church Street, East Side. Aitken, Fish Merchant, 1 Church Street. Photographed from 'St Andrews Illustrated' 1904 - photo:5x3 BW - negative:2 - copy:4 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:35:16 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:06 PM
1368 Church Street, East Side. W.A. Dick, Painter, 9 Church Street. Photographed from 'St Andrews Illustrated' 1904 - photo:5x7 BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:35:24 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:06 PM
1370 Church Street, West Side. Niven & Sons, Flesher Church Street, West Side. Niven & Sons, Flesher (butcher) and Poulterers, 16 Church Street. Photographed from 'St Andrews Illustrated' 1904. - photo:5x7" BW - negative:35mm - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:35:33 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:07 PM
1372 Church Street, East Side. Exterior of St Andrews 'Citizen Office' at the corner of Church Street and South Street. - photo:5x7" BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:35:45 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:07 PM
1373 Church Street, East Side. Hendersons Bookshop. - photo:5x7" BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:35:50 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:07 PM
1374 Church Street, East Side. Shops running down to South Street incl. Fisher & Donaldsons. - photo:3.5x5 COL - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:35:54 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:08 PM
1396 Building work taking place outside Fisher & Donaldson - photo:4x4 COL Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:37:01 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:08 PM
1430 St Andrews Gas Company, photographed from 'St Andrews Illustrated' 1904. - photo:4.5x6" BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:40:02 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:09 PM
1432 Group listening to a brass band. Slide label: St Andrews Market - dancing in Church Square. - photo:8x6 BW - slide:35mm BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:40:16 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:09 PM
1433 Group listening to a band. - photo:7x5 BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:40:22 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:10 PM
1445 The west side of Hope Park Church, viewed from City Road. - photo:6x8 BW mounted Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:41:24 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:10 PM
1446 The west side of Hope Park Church, viewed from City Road. - photo:8x10" BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:41:34 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:11 PM
1486 No.5 college St before restoration. - photo:6x8" BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:44:41 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:11 PM
1487 No.5 College Street during reconstruction. - photo:6x8" BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:44:47 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:12 PM
1488 No.5 College Street during reconstruction. - photo:6x8" BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:44:53 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:12 PM
1489 No.5 College Street during reconstruction. - photo:6x8" BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:45:00 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:13 PM
1490 Nos.5-13 College Street, looking north. - photo:7x9" BW - negative:glass - slide:glass Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:45:06 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:13 PM
1493 Nos.11-13 College Street, before restoration. - photo:6x8" BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:45:28 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:13 PM
1500 Picture of the reconstruction work in progress on what is now Bramble's coffee shop. - photo:6x8" BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:46:07 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:14 PM
1502 The north end of the west side of College St, after restoration, showing the outside stair of the end house. - photo:6x8" BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:46:21 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:14 PM
1521 Looking south from half-way down. On the right-hand wall is an old street lamp. - photo:6.5x8.5" BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:47:42 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:15 PM
1522 Looking north towards Market Street, shows St Salvator's tower. - photo:6.5x8.5" BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:47:49 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:15 PM
1523 Looking north from South Street end. - photo:6x8" BW - negative:glass - slide:glass Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:47:55 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:16 PM
1536 Houses on Dempster Terrace, rebuilt by Gillespie & Scott (one is James Pirie's house?) - photo:5x7BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:48:34 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:16 PM
1537 Dempster Terrace - photo:7x5 COL - negative:35mm Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:48:43 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:17 PM
1583 East Sands, Gatty Marine Lab. - photo:10x8" BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:51:21 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:17 PM
1625 First Marine Laboratory First Marine Laboratory on East Bents, burnt down on 14th August 1905 with handwritten title and date. Landscape mounted photo:6x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:55:11 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:17 PM
1626 First Gatty Marine Laboratory Gatty Marine Laboratory on East Bents burnt down on 14th August 1905, handwritten title and date on the top edge Landscape mounted print, sepia- photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:55:14 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:18 PM
1956 A group portrait of five men at the Victory Show at Ladybank. - photo:5x3sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 11:24:56 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:18 PM
2163 workers at Seafield - negative:35mmBW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 11:37:25 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:19 PM
2603 Grange Road and Irvine Crescent - photo:10x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:00:00 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:20 PM
2610 Greenside Place, looking west from the fork - photo:4x6BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:00:34 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:21 PM
2612 Blacksmith's (Harvey) workshop in Greenside Place. Repairing roadmarking (?) machinery. - photo:5x7BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:00:43 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:21 PM
2618 Greenside Works with Jock Graham, Martin Czerajewski and Tommy Costorphine. - photo:6x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:00:51 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:22 PM
2620 University buildings at foot of Greenside Place, under snow. - photo:6x4col - negative:35mm Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:00:53 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:22 PM
2635 Greenside works smiddy, with Ed Harvey and horses - photo:6x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:02:08 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:22 PM
2651 East End Infants' School, Gregory Place, with a group of pupils and teacher. - photo:5x4sep Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:03:23 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:23 PM
2657 The Greyfriars Temperance Hotel The Greyfriars Hotel (temperance). - photo:5x7BW - negative:5x7Glass. Couple sitting in old fashioned car. Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:03:49 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:23 PM
2665 Corner of Greyfriars Garden and North Street, with Mr. Paterson's carriage waiting in front of his house. - photo:6x8sep - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:04:19 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:24 PM
2666 Mr Paterson's carriage Mr Paterson's carriage outside his house at the north end of Greyfriars Garden. - photo:6x8sep - negative:35mm - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:04:26 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:24 PM
2667 Petries upholstery shop with workers in foreground. - photo:8x6sep - negative:35mm - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:04:28 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:25 PM
2698 Hallow Hill - photo:5x7col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:06:11 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:25 PM
2699 Hallow Hill - photo:5x7col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:06:16 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:25 PM
2700 Hallow Hill - photo:5x7col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:06:21 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:26 PM
2702 Hallow Hill - photo:5x7col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:06:32 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:26 PM
2703 Early Christian burial cists left open after excavations on Hallow Hill - photo:5x7col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:06:37 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:27 PM
2704 Early Christian burial cists left open after excavations on Hallow Hill - photo:5x7col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:06:42 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:27 PM
2705 Children sledging in snow on Hallow Hill - photo:6x4col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:06:47 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:27 PM
2718 Group of fisherwomen Group of fisherwomen and children at foot of stairs leading to pier. Surrounded by baskets and piles of mussel shells in the foreground. - photo:6x8BW - negative:35mm - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:07:22 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:28 PM
2719 Sailors marching down road to pier - photo:4x3sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:07:25 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:28 PM
2721 Pier and harbour mouth - photo:11x7BW - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:07:29 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:29 PM
2723 Long Pier St Andrews Northern (Long) Pier and harbour mouth, 1878. The outer harbour is entered from St Andrews Bay by a gap, about 50 feet wide, between the end of the Cross Pier and a point in the Long Pier. Photographer: J Valentine Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:07:39 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 01:27:00 PM
2726 Fishing boats at W end of pier - photo:8x10BW - negative:6x4glass - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:07:44 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:30 PM
2727 Pier and harbour mouth - photo:8x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:07:52 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:30 PM
2728 line drawing of harbour from Wilson photo - photo:8x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:07:58 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:31 PM
2729 Sailors and troops on the pier Sailors and troops marching along the pier, circa 1910. Unknown occasion. Photographer: unknown Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:08:03 PM Tuesday 16th of March 2021 01:45:31 PM
2730 passengers embarking from pier onto excursion steamer passengers embarking from pier onto excursion steamer for trip round Bell Rock - photo:3x4BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:08:06 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:31 PM
2731 Shore Mill before 1889 - photo:5x7BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:08:09 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:32 PM
2732 Crowd gathers on the pier Crowds on the pier in 1912 watching the return of the lifeboat from a sea rescue. Which vessel the lifeboat was returning from rescuing is debated, as according to the Dundee Courier, 3 fishermen were rescued when the ‘Resolute’ struck rocks on the 29th of September 1912, and 9 sailors were rescued on the 1st of October 1912 from the Whilhelmina when it was wrecked on the rocks below the castle. Either way, shipwrecks and their rescues were not for the faint-hearted. Photographer: Unknown Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:08:14 PM Sunday 07th of March 2021 02:30:59 PM
2734 Carrick Castle paddle steamer - photo:6x8sepia - negative:35mm Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:08:18 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:33 PM
2735 Spectators arriving at pier to watch rescue of Wilhelmina crew - photo:4x3BW - negative:glass - slide:glass - copy:3 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:08:25 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:33 PM
2738 Pier and Bell Rock tavern - photo:5x3BW - negative:3x2BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:08:40 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:33 PM
2739 Bell Rock tavern - photo:2x3BW - negative:3x2BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:08:44 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:34 PM
2740 Two fisherwomen at the Harbour Bell Rock tavern & Royal George. Two fisherwomen in full fishwife costume walking up the steep hill carrying baskets. - photo:4x3BW - negative:35mm - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:08:46 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:34 PM
2741 Teeny Meville Bell Rock tavern & Royal George. Teeny Melville in foreground. - photo:4x3BW - negative:glass - slide:glass - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:08:48 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:35 PM
2742 Rear of Royal George The rear of The Royal George Tenement circa 1890. The box in the foreground was used to store live shellfish and would be submerged in the harbour. The piles of mussel shells were discarded by the fishwives who used the mussels to bait the fishing line as seen in many other photographs from the Ladyhead area of St Andrews. The clothes that can be seen hanging between the buildings to dry may not have smelled any cleaner after washing as the harbour was known to have a strong stench of fish, and when there was an east wind, the fumes from the nearby Gasworks also hung heavy in the air. Photographer: J Tunney & Co Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:08:50 PM Friday 19th of February 2021 03:59:58 PM
2744 Bell Rock tavern - photo:6x4col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:09:00 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:36 PM
2745 Bell Rock tavern - photo:6x4col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:09:04 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:36 PM
2746 Rear of Royal George - photo:10x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:12:16 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:37 PM
2747 Bell Rock House - photo:5x3col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:12:26 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:37 PM
2748 Fisherfolk at the Royal George The rear of The Royal George circa 1909. Here the outside lavatories which were built on to the rear of The Royal George can be seen. It is thought the lavatories were not added until around 1906 when they were constructed in ‘towers’ to improve the living conditions of the many fisherfolk families living within The Royal George tenement. Photographer: Willie Patrick Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:12:29 PM Friday 19th of February 2021 03:45:27 PM
2749 Bell Rock house for sale - photo:5x4col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:12:31 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:38 PM
2750 Bell Rock house interior - photo:6x4col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:12:35 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:38 PM
2751 Bell Rock house interior - photo:6x4col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:12:39 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:39 PM
2752 Bell Rock house interior - photo:6x4col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:12:42 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:39 PM
2753 Bell Rock house interior - photo:6x4col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:12:46 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:40 PM
2754 Fishwifes at the Harbour Mrs Cunningham (l), Mrs Fenton, Mrs Stevenson, Mrs Keir baiting lines at back of Royal George beside outside stair. - photo:3x4BW - negative:glass - slide:glass - copy:3 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:12:50 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:40 PM
2756 Baiting lines behind the Royal George Fisher women baiting lines at the rear of The Royal George tenement circa 1909. From left to right the women are, Mrs Keir, Mrs Stevenson, Mrs Fenton and Mrs Cunningham. The fisher women were very important for the fishing industry in St Andrews. As well as undertaking much of the shore work associated with fishing, including baiting the lines and hawking the catch, the women of the fisher families generally controlled the family’s earnings. Further, it was not uncommon for women in the fishing community to own shares in the fishing boats. Photographer: Willie Patrick Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:12:53 PM Sunday 07th of March 2021 08:19:12 PM
2757 Baiting lines at the back of Royal George Mrs Chisholm and a second fishwife baiting lines at the back of The Royal George in 1909. As well as being responsible for preparation of the fishing lines by cleaning, baiting, and layering them to be cast, the fishwives also played a large role in the selling or ’hawking’ of the catch every day. Photographer: Willie Patrick Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:12:56 PM Friday 19th of February 2021 03:18:04 PM
2758 Baiting lines at the back of Royal George Mrs Litster & Bess Palmer baiting lines at back of Royal George - photo:3x4BW - negative:glass - slide:glass Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:12:59 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:41 PM
2759 Two fisherwomen baiting lines at the Royal George Here two local fishwives Mrs Lister and Bess Palmer can be seen baiting lines at the rear of the Royal George Tenement in 1909. Baiting the lines was a very labour-intensive job and due to a lack of available indoor workspace, it would most likely be undertaken outside, whatever the weather. Photographer: Willie Patrick Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:13:01 PM Saturday 13th of March 2021 01:59:29 PM
2760 back of Royal George - photo:3x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:13:05 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:42 PM
2761 back of Royal George - photo:3x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:13:08 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:42 PM
2763 photo of oil painting by C Stanfield RA of harbour with fisherfolk - photo:5x7BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:13:19 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:43 PM
2764 Harbour with sailing ships view of front of Royal George; 2 sailing ships in harbour - photo:5x7sepia - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:13:29 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:43 PM
2766 Front of Royal George - photo:6x8BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:13:33 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:44 PM
2767 Front of Royal George - photo:4x3sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:13:39 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:45 PM
2768 Front of harbour buildings - photo:4x3sepia - negative:glass - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:13:42 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:45 PM
2772 The Royal George Front View of the harbourside buildings following the demolition of the Royal George Tenement. The Royal George was emptied of its tenants in 1936 as part of a government push to eliminate sub standard housing conditions and the building was later demolished. This image from 1965 shows the later development of the site, with the construction of the new, modern Shorehead Flats. Photographer: Unknown Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:13:58 PM Tuesday 09th of March 2021 06:26:58 PM
2773 Harbour after reconstruction of Royal George - photo:12x10BW - negative:35mm - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:14:01 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:46 PM
2774 Front of Bell Rock Tavern - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:14:08 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:46 PM
2775 Harbour front - photo:5x8sepia - negative:35mm - slide:35mm - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:14:15 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:47 PM
2776 Harbour front - photo:2x2BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:14:19 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:47 PM
2777 Bell Rock tavern - photo:2x2BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:14:22 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:48 PM
2779 View from pier - photo:11x9BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:14:30 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:48 PM
2782 View of St Andrews from the pier View of St Andrews harbour from the pier, circa 1900. Photographer: unknown Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:14:50 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 01:08:36 PM
2783 Harbour Harbour buildings with sailing vessel Nelly - photo:5x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:14:53 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:49 PM
2784 Harbour buildings with fishing boats - photo:3x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:14:56 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:49 PM
2789 Harbour buildings from SE - photo:3x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:15:19 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:50 PM
2790 Harbour Harbour from South. Ketch fishing boats & schooners in the harbour - photo:10x8BW - negative:glass - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:15:25 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:50 PM
2791 View of buildings S of Royal George; Auld Hoose Inn to centre - photo:4x3sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:15:31 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:51 PM
2792 View of buildings S of Royal George; Auld Hoose Inn to centre - photo:7x9BW - negative:3x3BW - slide:glass Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:15:36 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:51 PM
2794 View of old buildings along inner harbour - copy of Hill & Adamson original - photo:6x8sepia - slide:35mmBW - copy:4 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:15:48 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:52 PM
2798 View of harbour buildings - photo:8x6sepia - negative:35mm - slide:35mm - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:16:01 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:52 PM
2799 View of harbour buildings - photo:7x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:16:12 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:53 PM
2801 View of harbour buildings - photo:8x10BW - negative:glassx2 - copy:3 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:16:22 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:53 PM
2804 Inner harbour with fishermen and boats - photo:8x10BW - negative:glass - slide:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:16:39 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:53 PM
2806 Crew of fishing boat Catherine Black - photo:5x4BW - negative:glass - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:16:48 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:54 PM
2808 Crew of fishing boat Catherine Black - photo:4x3BW - negative:glass - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:16:52 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:54 PM
2810 Harbour looking S with potato boat unloading in foreground - photo:5x4BW - negative:glass - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:16:59 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:55 PM
2812 View of harbour buildings with gasworks in centre - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:17:04 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:55 PM
2813 Gasworks View of gasworks with group of workers and horse & cart - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:17:10 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:56 PM
2814 View of gasworks and buildings to S - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:17:15 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:56 PM
2815 View of harbour buildings and boats - photo:12x8sepia - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:17:20 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:56 PM
2817 View of Mill Port and buildings to N - photo:5x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:17:26 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:57 PM
2818 View of the harbour from the East Bends View of the harbour from East Bents, circa 1900. Photographer: unknown Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:17:32 PM Thursday 29th of April 2021 03:17:38 PM
2819 View of harbour buildings with gasworks on R - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:17:39 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:58 PM
2821 Harbour looking N including Auld Hoose and gasworks - photo:10x8BW - negative:glass - slide:35mm - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:17:53 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:58 PM
2822 Old harbour cottages in winter, with Mill Port on L - photo:8x6BW - negative:35mm Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:17:57 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:59 PM
2823 Inner harbour with fishing boats - photo:5x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:18:01 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:59 PM
2824 Inner harbour with fishing boats & gasworks - photo:5x7BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:18:06 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:00 PM
2825 Inner harbour with fishing boats - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:18:18 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:00 PM
2826 Inner harbour with fishing boats - photo:8x5BW - slide:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:18:22 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:01 PM
2827 Inner harbour with fishing boats - photo:4x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:18:27 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:01 PM
2828 George Bruce standing beneath canopy of his steamboat - oversize - photo:10x7BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:18:33 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:01 PM
2829 Harbour with lifeboat - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:18:44 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:02 PM
2830 Harbour with boats - photo:5x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:18:46 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:02 PM
2831 Harbour at low tide - photo:5x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:18:52 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:03 PM
2837 South end of harbour and Kinness burn - photo:21x21cm - negative:glass Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:19:09 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:03 PM
2839 Royal George & Bell Rock Tavern View of the Royal George Tenement and Bell Rock Tavern. This image dates from the 1930s, around the time that the fisherfolk tenants were removed from the building and relocated to housing schemes in other areas of St Andrews. The small boats visible in the foreground suggest that although a large part of the towns fishing industry had ended by this time, some families were still employed in the trade. Photographer: Unknown Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:19:19 PM Tuesday 09th of March 2021 06:31:15 PM
2840 Royal George & Auld Hoose Inn Front of Royal George & Auld Hoose Inn - photo:5x7 b/w - negative:glass Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:19:25 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:04 PM
2841 Harbour Buildings Harbour Buildings from South - photo:5x7 b/w - negative:glass Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:19:31 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:04 PM
2842 Harbour Buildings and Mill Port Harbour Buildings and Mill Port from East - photo:5x7 b/w - negative:glass - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:19:37 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:05 PM
2843 Cyanotype of harbour by moonlight (early morning) - photo:5x7col - negative:35mmx4 - slide:glass - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:19:44 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:05 PM
2848 Crew of fifie fishing boat preparing nets - photo:8x10BW - negative:35mmBW - slide:glass Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:19:56 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:06 PM
3046 Back of Auld Hoose - photo:8x10BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:24:04 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:06 PM
3048 Inner harbour (from postcard) - photo:8x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:24:11 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:06 PM
3049 Inner harbour - photo:8x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:24:16 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:07 PM
3051 Looking to Balfour Place - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:24:23 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:07 PM
3052 Inner harbour with long mast boats - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:24:29 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:08 PM
3053 Outer harbour - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:24:36 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:08 PM
3054 Auld Hoose and tall ships in inner harbour - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:24:42 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:09 PM
3055 People walking up Kirkhill - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:24:48 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:09 PM
3056 Harbour (from postcard) - photo:10x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:24:55 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:09 PM
3057 Gatty Marine Laboratory - photo:10x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:25:00 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:10 PM
3058 Gatty Marine Laboratory - photo:10x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:25:09 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:12 PM
3059 Bell Rock tavern from pier - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:25:18 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:12 PM
3060 Shorehead from pier - photo:6x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:25:24 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:13 PM
3061 Students on pier - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:25:32 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:13 PM
3062 Royal George - photo:5x7BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:25:37 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:14 PM
3063 Storage sheds by Mill Port - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:25:42 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:14 PM
3064 Back of Royal George - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:25:46 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:15 PM
3065 Boats at low tide - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:25:53 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:16 PM
3066 George Bruce at the East Sands People in launch, edge of sands. George Bruce far right. - landscape photo:6x8sepia - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:25:59 PM Tuesday 14th of September 2021 12:57:34 PM
3072 Long Pier View down the long pier of a vessel being pulled into harbour circa 1910. Large vessels such as this required many individuals on the shore to bring them in as seen here, with many men pulling a long rope to aid the boat into the harbour. This image also highlights the closeness of the fisherfolk of St Andrews with the community coming together to help each other when required and in emergency situations. Photographer: Willie Patrick Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:26:14 PM Tuesday 09th of March 2021 06:17:23 PM
3074 Sailing boat - photo:3x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:26:23 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:17 PM
3075 Sailing boat - photo:3x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:26:25 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:17 PM
3076 Boats in harbour - photo:3x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:26:28 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:18 PM
3077 far end of pier, regatta - photo:8x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:26:31 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:18 PM
3078 George Bruce in his yacht Tiger Lily - photo:8x10sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:26:35 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:19 PM
3080 harbour viewed from Kirkhill, under snow - photo:6x4col - negative:35mmcol Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:26:54 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:19 PM
3353 St Andrews Woollen Mill store St Andrews Woollen Mill store, originally Tin Tabernacle on Scores, moved to James Street and opened as roller skating rink and cinema (La Scala), then dance hall. - photo:6x4col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:35:56 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:20 PM
3354 St Andrews Woollen Mill store St Andrews Woollen Mill store, originally Tin Tabernacle on Scores, moved to James Street and opened as roller skating rink and cinema (La Scala), then dance hall. - photo:6x4col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:35:58 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:20 PM
3363 Westerlee, Kennedy Gardens (later part of University Hall) - photo:9x7BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:36:08 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:21 PM
3364 University Hall - photo:5x7BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:36:17 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:21 PM
3365 University Hall - photo:5x7BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:36:22 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:21 PM
3366 University Hall - photo:5x7BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:36:26 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:22 PM
3367 University Hall - photo:5x7BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:36:31 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:22 PM
3368 University Hall - photo:5x7BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:36:36 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:23 PM
3369 University Hall - photo:5x7BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:36:40 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:23 PM
3370 University Hall University Hall - Fireplace Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:36:45 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:23 PM
3371 University Hall - photo:5x7BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:36:48 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:24 PM
3399 Kinburn House from NE - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:38:19 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:24 PM
3404 Trees next to Kinburn Hotel - photo:3x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:38:44 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:25 PM
3405 Kinburn House - photo:7x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:38:47 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:25 PM
3461 Wreck on Kinkell Braes - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:40:33 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:26 PM
3479 Kinness Burn below New Mill, looking E - photo:8x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:41:14 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:26 PM
3480 Kinness Burn behind Thom's yard - photo:4x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:41:21 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:27 PM
3521 cannon emplaced on Kirkhill; cathedral to L - photo:4x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:43:02 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:27 PM
3522 View of cannons at Kirkhill Cannons at Kirkhill, circa 1925. Photographer: unknown Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:43:06 PM Thursday 04th of March 2021 02:11:13 PM
3523 cannon on Kirkhill, with members of 3rd Fife Artillery Volunteers, led by Capt David Lamb - photo:9x5BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:43:09 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:28 PM
3540 Group of men by railings at Kirkhill - photo:8x6BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:44:20 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:28 PM
3541 Replacement cannons under snow; cathedral and castle behind - photo:6x4col - negative:35mmcol Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:44:26 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:29 PM
3569 Lade Braes with houses on Hepburn Gardens in background - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:45:44 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:29 PM
3570 Lade Braes - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:45:49 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:30 PM
3571 John McHardy, butcher, with family and cows on fields near steps leading down to Fleming Place & Kinness Burn - photo:6x8BW - negative:2x2BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:46:01 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:30 PM
3583 Lade Braes before renovation - photo:6x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:47:08 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:31 PM
3584 New Mill (aka Plash Mill) - photo:6x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:47:16 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:31 PM
3585 Old bridge at Law Park - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:47:20 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:32 PM
3586 New Mill (aka Plash Mill) - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:47:24 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:32 PM
3587 New Mill (aka Plash Mill) - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:47:31 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:32 PM
3654 Lade Braes walk at Melbourne Brae entrance - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:48:40 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:33 PM
3655 Lade Braes walk - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:48:44 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:33 PM
3657 Lade Braes walk - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:48:50 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:34 PM
3658 Lade Braes walk - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:48:54 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:34 PM
3659 Lade Braes walk - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:48:59 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:34 PM
3660 Lade Braes walk - information board - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:49:04 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:35 PM
3661 Lade Braes walk - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:49:09 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:35 PM
3662 Lade Braes walk - information board - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:49:14 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:36 PM
3663 Lade Braes walk - information board - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:49:18 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:36 PM
3664 Cockshaugh Park - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:49:23 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:37 PM
3665 Cockshaugh Park - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:49:29 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:37 PM
3666 Cockshaugh Park - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:49:34 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:37 PM
3667 Cockshaugh Park - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:49:39 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:38 PM
3668 Cockshaugh Park - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:49:44 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:38 PM
3669 Botanic Gardens seen from Lade Braes walk - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:49:49 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:39 PM
3670 Botanic Gardens seen from Lade Braes walk - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:49:54 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:39 PM
3672 Memorial stone to John Milne - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:49:59 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:40 PM
3673 Memorial fountain to John McIntosh - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:50:04 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:40 PM
3674 Lade Braes walk - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:50:09 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:40 PM
3675 Lade Braes walk - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:50:14 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:41 PM
3676 Lade Braes walk - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:50:18 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:41 PM
3677 Lade Braes walk - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:50:23 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:42 PM
3678 Lade Braes walk - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:50:27 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:42 PM
3679 Lade Braes walk - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:50:32 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:42 PM
3680 New Mill - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:50:37 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:43 PM
3681 Lade Braes walk - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:50:41 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:43 PM
3682 Lade Braes walk - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:50:46 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:44 PM
3683 Lade Braes walk - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:50:51 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:44 PM
3684 Lade Braes walk - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:50:55 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:45 PM
3685 Lade Braes walk seen from Hallow Hill - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:51:00 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:45 PM
3686 Law Park Wood - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:51:04 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:46 PM
3687 Law Park Wood - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:51:09 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:47 PM
3688 Law Park Wood - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:51:13 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:47 PM
3689 Law Park Wood - St Andrews Preservation Trust sign - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:51:18 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:47 PM
3690 Law Park Wood - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:51:22 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:48 PM
3691 Playground at end of Lade Braes walk - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:51:26 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:48 PM
3692 Playground at end of Lade Braes walk - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:51:31 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:49 PM
3693 Playground at end of Lade Braes walk - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:51:35 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:49 PM
3694 Playground at end of Lade Braes walk - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:51:40 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:49 PM
3695 Playground at end of Lade Braes walk - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:51:44 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:50 PM
3696 "Spring Colours" - Lade Braes - photo:7x5col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:51:49 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:50 PM
3720 Garden of 19 Lade Braes (owned by Trust chairman Mrs Dorothea Morrison and Mr Norman Morrison); Hidden Gardens preview - photo:4x6col Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:53:27 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:51 PM
3721 Lade Braes under snow - photo:4x6col - negative:35mmcol Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:53:30 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:51 PM
3722 Lade Braes under snow - photo:4x6col - negative:35mmcol Thursday 14th of November 2019 12:53:34 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:52 PM
3884 PC Adamson, PC ?, Jim Walsh (assistant auctioneer), James McGregor (auctioneer), Bailie David Fraser - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:38:20 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:52 PM
3887 Ferris wheel on Market Street - photo:8x10BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:38:36 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:52 PM
3888 Ferris wheel on Market Street - photo:8x10BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:38:44 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:53 PM
3911 Measuring South Street for auction - photo:10x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:40:43 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:53 PM
3913 Lammas Market Carousel - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:41:00 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:54 PM
3979 Cows belonging to Mr Ireland of Claybraes Farm being herded up Largo Road (towards abatoir?). Note chimneys of electricity station on James Street. - photo:3x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:45:25 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:54 PM
3995 Buildings of the Law Mill - photo:5x4sepia - slide:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:46:49 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:55 PM
3996 Buildings of the Law Mill with stone bridge in foreground - photo:10x8sepia - negative:glass - slide:35mmBW - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:46:54 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:55 PM
3997 Law Mill showing water wheel intact - photo:4x3sepia - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:46:58 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:55 PM
3998 Feeding ducks and geese at Law Mill - photo:4x5BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:47:03 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:56 PM
3999 Curling on the Law Mill pond [nb - this is not where the duck pond now is but further along where there is now a playground] - photo:4x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:47:06 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:56 PM
4000 Curling on the Law Mill pond [nb - this is not where the duck pond now is but further along where there is now a playground] - photo:4x5BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:47:09 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:57 PM
4001 Law Mill with water wheel - photo:8x10BW - negative:glass - slide:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:47:12 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:57 PM
4002 Law Mill Law Mill farm with burn, haystacks and children - Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:47:18 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:58 PM
4003 Law Mill Farm Rachel Miles (Mrs Nicoll) feeding chickens at Law Mill farm - photo:9x7BW - slide:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:47:21 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:58 PM
4004 copy of Reliable Series postcard - photo:5x7BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:47:25 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:59 PM
4016 photo of map detail showing Law Mill taking water from Lumbo and Kinness burn lades - photo:7x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:47:37 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:59 PM
4025 Water course past mill wheel - photo:5x7col Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:47:47 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:29:59 PM
4026 Law Mill - photo:5x7col Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:47:56 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:00 PM
4027 Law Mill - photo:5x7col Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:48:05 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:00 PM
4028 Law Mill duck pond - photo:5x7col Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:48:13 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:01 PM
4029 Law Mill duck pond - photo:5x7col Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:48:22 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:01 PM
4030 Law Mill duck pond - photo:5x7col Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:48:31 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:02 PM
4031 Law Mill duck pond - photo:5x7col Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:48:39 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:02 PM
4032 Law Mill in winter - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:48:48 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:03 PM
4062 œ100 golf match in progress - photo of oil painting by Charles McLeas - photo:6x4BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:51:40 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:03 PM
4063 Links with original railway station Links with original railway station in background - photo:5x7BW - negative:glass - slide:35mmBW - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:51:42 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:04 PM
4064 R & A and Grand Hotel - photo:5x3BW - negative:2x2BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:51:45 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:04 PM
4065 Lady putting - photo:5x3BW - negative:2x2BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:51:49 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:05 PM
4066 Golf Match Golf match in progress - photo:8x5sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:51:52 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:05 PM
4067 photo of drawing of 2 old golfers - photo:7x5sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:51:53 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:06 PM
4068 Miss Elsie Kyle putting in Ladies' Open Championship - photo:5x3BW - negative:glass Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:51:59 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:06 PM
4069 R & A Clubhouse R & A Clubhouse (from postcard) - photo:8x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:52:01 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:06 PM
4070 First Open Championship First Open Championship - 18th green - photo:6x8sepia - negative:35mmBW - copy:4. Original is sepia nad faded, poor condition, in wooden galzed frame. Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:52:05 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:07 PM
4071 Group playing golf - photo:5x3BW - negative:3x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:52:11 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:07 PM
4072 facing Grand Hotel - photo:5x3BW - negative:3x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:52:17 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:08 PM
4073 R & A Clubhouse (from postcard) - photo:5x7BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:52:19 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:08 PM
4075 Union Parlour (first R & A Clubhouse Union Parlour (first R & A Clubhouse) where Grand Hotel (Hamilton Hall) later built - photo:5x4BW - negative:35mm Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:52:28 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:09 PM
4076 18th green, golfer in foreground 18th green, golfer in foreground - photo:6x4 Black and white - negative:glass - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:52:35 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:09 PM
4077 Tom Morris driving off at first tee Tom Morris driving off at first tee (postcard) - photo:6x4BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:52:37 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:10 PM
4078 Golfer driving off at first tee Golfer driving off at first tee - photo:6x4sepia - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:52:39 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:11 PM
4079 Golfers on 18th green Golfers on 18th green - photo:11x8sepia - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:52:42 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:11 PM
4080 West Sands Putting green & West Sands (from postcard) - photo:5x7BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:52:46 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:11 PM
4081 Golfers Golfers - photo:11x8sepia - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:52:48 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:12 PM
4083 R & A Clubhouse - photo:6x8BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:52:52 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:12 PM
4084 Ladies' Championship R & A Clubhouse; Miss Titterton driving from first tee during Ladies' Championship (postcard) - photo:6x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:52:56 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:13 PM
4085 R & A Clubhouse - photo:5x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:53:02 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:13 PM
4086 Scottish Ladies' final Miss E Grant putting during Scottish Ladies' final. Original Patrick print but mounted later. See also Lin. 037. - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:53:08 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:13 PM
4087 Group of caddies - photo:6x4BW - negative:glass Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:53:14 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:14 PM
4088 Caddies Group of caddies - photo:6x4BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:53:21 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:14 PM
4092 Ladies Putting Clubhouse Ladies Putting Clubhouse - photo:5x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:53:31 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:15 PM
4093 Ladies putting match Ladies putting match; union parlour in background - photo:7x5BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:53:35 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:15 PM
4094 Golfers - photo:8x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:53:41 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:16 PM
4095 Junior Golfers Junior Golfers - photo:8x6BW Black and white photo of large group of children on golf course, wearing victorian dress and some are holing golf clubs, row of adults standing behind them and the buildings of the R&A can be seen in the distance. Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:53:46 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:16 PM
4096 Ladies putting on links - photo:7x3BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:53:54 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:17 PM
4098 Crowds rushing onto the 18th gree Crowds rushing onto the 18th green after watching Miss Grant Suttie winning the Ladies Scottish Championship by a putt. See also Lin. 026. - photo:8x10BW - negative:glass - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:53:59 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:17 PM
4105 Caddies Box Jimmy Alexander, caddy, with Greig at caddies' box - photo:8x10BW - negative:glass - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:54:05 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:18 PM
4106 Starter Box Andrew Greig, starter at box (made from old bathing hut) - photo:8x10BW - negative:glass - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:54:12 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:18 PM
4107 Golfers at 17th green Golfers at 17th green - photo:8x10BW - negative:3x3BW - slide:glass Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:54:15 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:19 PM
4108 Golfers at R & A Golfers at R & A - photo:8x10BW - negative:3x3BW - slide:glass Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:54:17 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:19 PM
4109 Caddy's Box J Jolly and D Corstorphine at caddy's box - photo:7x10BW - negative:3x3BW - slide:glass Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:54:21 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:19 PM
4248 People on Links People on Links (watching golf match?) - photo:8x10BW - negative:glass Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:56:20 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:20 PM
4251 Fire engine on edge of green Fire engine on edge of green / Bruce Embankment (copy of Lin. 039 - see that for more info) - photo:6x8BW Gordon Christie claims that the engine is being used to treat the Links for worms, but it seems more likely that this its its first public demonstration 91901) in front of meembers of the Town Council (Welch, Linskill etc) and donor Major Carnegie. Also present is Headmaster Le maitre and Boys from St Salvators school. Note with one copy says: "Not so much care was taken of the "sacred Turf" on the Old Course, St Andrews 60 or seventy years ago. out prints shows the St Andrews Fire Brigade exercising a new Fire Engine on the first fairway with a crowd of spectators nearly as large as a Open Championship got around that time" Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:56:28 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:20 PM
4270 Artillery Volunteers Artillery Volunteers with R & A and Grand Hotel in background (celebrating coronation of King Edward VII). - photo:8x6BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:56:54 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:21 PM
4271 Car with 4 occupants outside New Club Car with 4 occupants outside New Club - photo:8x6BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 02:56:57 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:21 PM
4378 Very early photo of Links Road View of Links Road taken from 18th fairway showing Swilken burn and bridge - photo:3x2sepia Very faded Thursday 14th of November 2019 03:02:30 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:22 PM
4408 Dancing on Lammas Market Day to music of City Brass Band, seated on a platform at W side of Holy Trinity Church - photo:4x3sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 03:04:02 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:22 PM
4409 Dancing on Lammas Market Day to music of City Brass Band, seated on a platform at W side of Holy Trinity Church - photo:8x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 03:04:05 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:23 PM
4814 Hope Park Church, just after completion - photo:5x7 BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:17:01 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:23 PM
5106 Exhibition Golf and Fishers - photo:6x5BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:37:10 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:24 PM
5110 Exhibition Golf and Fishers - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:37:23 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:24 PM
5111 Exhibition Golf and Fishers - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:37:28 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:25 PM
5112 Exhibition Golf and Fishers - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:37:33 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:25 PM
5113 Exhibition Golf and Fishers - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:37:37 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:26 PM
5114 Exhibition Golf and Fishers - photo:6x4BW - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:37:41 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:26 PM
5115 Exhibition Golf and Fishers - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:37:46 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:26 PM
5116 Exhibition Golf and Fishers - photo:3x4Col - copy:4 Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:37:50 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:27 PM
5117 Exhibition Golf and Fishers - photo:6x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:37:54 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:27 PM
5142 St Andrews Looking Back - photo:6x8BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:38:34 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:28 PM
5144 Scottish Heraldry - photo:4x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:38:38 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:28 PM
5146 Scottish Heraldry - photo:4x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:38:42 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:29 PM
5149 Scottish Heraldry - photo:4x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:38:52 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:30 PM
5151 Scottish Heraldry - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:38:57 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:30 PM
5153 Victorian Gowns & China Figures - photo:5x3col - negative:35mmcol - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:39:02 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:30 PM
5164 Victorian Gowns & China Figures - photo:5x3col - negative:35mmcol - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:39:12 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:31 PM
5199 St Andrews Day - photo:4x6col Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:39:47 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:31 PM
5200 St Andrews Day - photo:4x6col Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:39:50 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:32 PM
5201 St Andrews Day - photo:4x6col Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:39:54 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:32 PM
5202 St Andrews Day - photo:4x6col Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:39:58 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:33 PM
5203 St Andrews Day - photo:4x6col Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:40:01 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:33 PM
5204 St Andrews Day - photo:4x6col Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:40:05 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:34 PM
5205 St Andrews Day - photo:4x6col Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:40:09 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:34 PM
5206 St Andrews Day - photo:4x6col Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:40:12 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:34 PM
5210 Town Officer - photo:5x3col Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:40:18 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:35 PM
5211 Raisin Receipts - photo:5x3col Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:40:22 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:35 PM
5212 Raisin Receipts - photo:5x3col Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:40:25 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:36 PM
5213 Raisin Receipts - photo:5x3 Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:40:27 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:36 PM
5214 Raisin Receipts - photo:5x3col Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:40:31 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:37 PM
5215 Raisin Receipts - photo:5x3col Thursday 14th of November 2019 06:40:34 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:37 PM
6103 Old woman (gypsy?) with a pony and cart and a monkey in Playfair Terrace, North Street - photo:2x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:09:54 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:38 PM
6104 Old woman with pony & cart and monkey at west end of North Street. - photo:2x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:09:56 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:38 PM
6107 The car park at Ellice Place, with gean (cherry) trees planted by the Preservation Trust. - photo:4.5x6.5 BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:10:11 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:39 PM
6108 Gean (cherry) trees planted in the car park at Ellice Place by the Preservation Trust. - photo:4.5x6.5 BW moun Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:10:15 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:39 PM
6222 An academic group, both staff and students, with ladies seated in the front. (oversize) - photo:15x9sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:18:16 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:40 PM
6223 An academic group staff and students with guests at university Bazaar to raise funds for Students Union. (oversize) - photo:15x9sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:18:17 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:40 PM
6224 Academic Group Academic Group - bazaar to raise funds for Students Union: secretary Mrs H B Simpson, plus Heddle, Hodge, Roberts, Stewart, Moir, Westley, Maitland, Donaldson, Campbell, Werner, Bittell, Purdie, Crombie, Meiklejohn, Jack, Harriot, Birrell etc - photo:15x7sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:18:23 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:41 PM
6231 First year students of United College, with 5 members of staff and a picture of United college. - photo:3x2sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:18:38 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:41 PM
6233 Charity Float in South Street. Wilson's Brewery supplied floats for the University's Charities Processions. - photo:5x7BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:18:41 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:41 PM
6238 A group of students A group of students with Lewis Campbell in the centre foreground. Oversize - photo:13x8sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:18:49 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:42 PM
6239 Rudyard Kipling's inauguration as rector R Kipling's (coach top) inauguration as rector. Also in coach Stanley Baldwin and Principal Irvine. Alex Cochrane and Duncan Mcleod in crowd. - photo:12x10BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:18:51 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:43 PM
6242 A group of professors in a garden A group of professors in a garden. Featuring possibly Profs Way, Ferrier & Lee. - photo:4x3sepia OVERSIZED mounted print. taken in Rodger's garden studio Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:18:55 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:43 PM
6267 University Procession outside town church - quincentenary (see Log.L 018 for negative) - photo:7x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:19:41 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:44 PM
6440 Leather case for chalice or wine flask, from St Marys College, pre-reformation - photo:5x7BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:27:44 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:44 PM
6448 Clifton Bank School, Pupils and Masters inc. James Boyd MA, (2nd row 5th from Right); Headmaster Mair - photo:12x9BW - negative:2x2BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:28:02 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:45 PM
6450 Group of 8 St Leonards girls in sports uniform. Printed from film found in camera SAAPT: 2000 - photo:5x3BW - negative:2x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:28:13 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:45 PM
6451 Madras Primary School 1919 Madras Primary School 1919, teacher Miss Finlayson. Back row 3rd from left Charles Robertson. Middle row far left Rhoda Glass, 2nd left Gracie Low, 7th left Gordon Christie, 3rd from right Mollie Anderson, 4th right Mollie Bridges. Front row far right Rose Fairweather, 2nd right Chrystle Douglas - photo:6x8BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:28:15 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:46 PM
6460 Burgh School, Class Photo Burgh School, Abbey Walk, Teacher with class of boys and girls. - photo:6x4sepia - negative:2x2BW - slide:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:28:50 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:46 PM
6471 East Infant School Class Photo East Infant School (Fisher School) Kirkhill. Teacher with class of boys and girls. (note boy with slate and lead light windows) - photo:5x4sepia - negative:35mmBW - slide:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:29:37 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:46 PM
6478 The East Infant School (fisher school). L-R: back: Miss Barnett, John Buddo, Jimmy Fowler, Jimmy Buddo, George Buchan, Miss Sturrock; 2nd row: John Cargill, Andrew Cuthbert, ?, ?, Tibby Cross; 3rd row: Willie Cunningham, Lizzy Ritchie, Maggie Cunningham, Isobel Cross, ?, Lizzy Cunningham, Nan Brown, Alli Gourlay, ?, ?; bottom: ?, ? Sherwood, Jimmy Cunningham, Billy Lamond - photo:5x7BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:29:51 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:47 PM
6480 Group of teachers with class of girls. (Mary Hay 1888-1984 4 Park St 3rd child from left 2nd row from top. - photo:6x4BW - negative:35mmBW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:29:55 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:47 PM
6495 Unknown School Group Unknown school group taken by London studio photographer - photo:4x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:30:38 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:48 PM
6500 Madras College girls at drill practice - photo:4x6sepia - negative:2x2BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:30:48 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:48 PM
6501 Madras College Maths department First Prizers: Carmichael, Scott, Richard, Todd, Henderson, Lonie, Urquhart, Ballingal, Wallace, Carnie, Johnstone, Conacher, McPherson, Salmond, Wilson, Balfour, Berwick, Glover, Macintosh, Aikman, McNicol, Cooper - photo:6x8sepia - negative:2x2BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:30:53 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:49 PM
6627 Group of three anonymous females; studio portrait. - photo:6x5BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:34:43 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:49 PM
6628 Large sitting group portrait of all ages. - photo:6x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:34:46 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:49 PM
6641 Unknown group - two women and one man - photo:4x3sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:35:10 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:50 PM
6642 Unknown group - men with huge pile of wood (for bonfire?) - photo:5x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:35:12 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:50 PM
6643 Unknown group - three ladies with carriage & horse - photo:5x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:35:15 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:51 PM
6644 Anonymous couple, taken in Cupar studio - photo:2x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:35:17 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:51 PM
6645 Same anonymous couple as in P006.8, but with three children - photo:2x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:35:19 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:52 PM
6648 Two unknown young men Two unknown young men in studio portrait - photo:4x6sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:35:22 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:52 PM
6650 Artilery Volunteers Men of the Artillery Volunteers, seated and standing - photo:8x6sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:35:27 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:53 PM
6652 37 portraits of Artillary Volunteers Men of the artillery Volunteers - 37 individual portraits - photo:7x5sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:35:31 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:53 PM
6653 58 portraits of Artillary Volunteers Men of the Artillery Volunteers, 58 individual portraits. - photo:4x7sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:35:34 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:54 PM
6654 Artillery Volunteers Men of the Artillery Volunteers with equipment beneath the turret light on the cathedral wall. - photo:8x6sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:35:37 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:54 PM
6655 Royal Horse Artillery Volunteers Men of the Royal horse Artillery Volunteers mounted and drawing gun carriages. - photo:8x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:35:39 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:55 PM
6656 Captain David Lamb and four Artillery Volunteers Captain David Lamb and 4 men of the Artillery volunteers with a cannon - photo:7x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:35:42 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:55 PM
6657 Artillery Volunteers Artillery volunteers Brass Band with instruments. - photo:9x7sepia - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:35:44 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:55 PM
6658 Artillery Volunteers Brass Band Artillery Volunteers Brass Band - Norman, Davies, Clark, Niven, Ness, Braid, Cunningham etc - photo:4x6sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:35:47 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:56 PM
6660 A brass band marching onto Hepburn Gardens from Double Dykes Road with onlookers - photo:8x10BW - negative:35mmBW - slide:glass Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:35:52 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:57 PM
6662 Musical group musical group taken in Rodger's garden studio (24 adults, 4 children) - oversize - photo:9x15BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:36:00 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:57 PM
6663 St Andrews Brass Band The city brass band, with their instruments at the Coronation Sports in the University Park - Auchterlonie, Stevens, Kirk, Marr, Brown, Stark, Cunningham, Lyle, Thomson, Petrie, Mackie, McIntyre, Millar, Macdonald, Ritchie Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:36:04 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:57 PM
6664 Concert party concert party group with banjos and guitars - photo:9x11BW. Oversized Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:36:07 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:58 PM
6665 Musical Group OVERSIZED musical band, including T Howie and T Rodger - photo:10x15BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:36:11 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:58 PM
6667 14 portraits of St Andrews Rifle Volunteers BRass Band Fourteen individual portraits of the members of the St Andrews Rifle Volunteers Brass Band, with their instruments and banners - Sorley, Peebles, Westwood, Herd, Wilson, Duncan, Keddie, Ness, Rolland, Scott, Ayton, Mitchell, Cunningham - photo:6x8sepia - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:36:20 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:59 PM
6669 Ladies and children in the ladies' pool - photo:5x3sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:36:25 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:59 PM
6676 Group of bathers on the castle sands (ladies' bathing pool) - photo:5x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:36:34 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:00 PM
6733 The Black Watch Volunteers The Black Watch Volunteers in camp, with rifles and helmets (oversize) - photo:10x8sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:39:32 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:00 PM
6734 Black Watch Volunteers on parade The Black Watch Volunteers on parade in front of their camp. - photo:9x7BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:39:34 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:00 PM
6735 The Black Watch Volunteers' Pipe Band The Black Watch Volunteers' Pipe Band, with instruments. (oversize) - photo:12x9sepia. Taken in Thomas Roger's garden studio. Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:39:37 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:01 PM
6736 Black Watch Volunteers' Pipe Band The Black Watch Volunteers' Pipe Band, with instruments. - photo:6x5sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:39:40 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:01 PM
6737 The first ten volunteers in St Andrews for 1914/18 war The first ten Volunteers in St Andrews for 1914/18 war. Serg. T. Wilson, Reg. S.M. W Greig, Serg. A. Thom, Serg. R. Wallace, Mega S.M.A. Wilson, Serg J. Wilson, Serg. J. Ripley. V.C., P.J. Pirie, Copl. J. Angus, Serg. G. Thomson. - photo:8x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:39:44 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:02 PM
6738 A group of holiday makers in a rowing boat at Carlisle (Merchants?) - photo:8x10BW - negative:35mmBW - slide:glass - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:39:48 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:02 PM
6739 St Andrews Bowling Club Members of the St Andrews Bowling Club, in front of their clubhouse - Bridges, Mullens, Davidson, Bruce, Henry, Wilson, Tolmie, Young, Hall, Brown, Cargill, Christie, Weighton, Aikman, Murray, McArthur, Petersen, Haxton, Thomson, Bisset, Kay, Reid, Petrie, Grubb, Ritchie, Carmichael, Smart, Duncan, Watson (oversize) - photo:15x12sepia - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:39:55 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:02 PM
6740 St Andrews Bowling Club Members of the St Andrews Bowling Club, in front of their clubhouse. The lady members are in the foreground. - photo:14x12sepia oversized. Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:39:57 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:03 PM
6775 The Boys Brigade grouped around their standard. Mount Melville? - photo:8x10BW - negative:glass; 2x2BW - slide:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:41:02 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:03 PM
6861 Spectators at the Ceres Games - photo:5x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:45:28 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:04 PM
6862 Three children and gramophone Three children playing with what looks like an early gramophone - photo:5x6BW - slide:glass Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:45:30 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:04 PM
6971 Staff of New Picture House Staff of New Picture House and cafe, taken outside - James Scott seated centre - photo:5x3BW - negative:35mmBW; 2x2BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:47:43 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:04 PM
6973 Usherettes outside New Picture House Group of usherettes taken outside New Picture House. - photo:5x3BW - negative:2x2BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:47:45 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:05 PM
6974 Jack Humphries Cinema House manager Jack Humphries at his desk, c.1930s - photo:8x6BW John (Jack) Humphries 1902-1985. Came to St Andrews in the 1930sa to manage "The Cinema House" (knowns as 'The Old') (on North Street at Muttoes Lane - now flats). Remains for 50 years until his retiral and the Cinema's closure. Champion Swimmer - in 1920s won the Scottish 880 yards Free Style and was 3rd in the Scottish 440yards. He was Honorary member of the Step Rock Swimming Club, and was a meember of St Andrews Town Council. Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:47:47 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:05 PM
6975 Cinema House Staff Cinema House staff: Jimmy Mitchell (chief operator), Alex Gourlay (assistant operator), Sylvia Ayton (usherette, later Mrs Cousins), Charlie Findlay (assistant operator) - photo:5x7BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:47:50 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:06 PM
6976 CInema House Usherettes Cinema House usherettes: (l-r) Nancy Anderson, Agnes Forgan, Ruby Nicoll - photo:5x7BW Nancy Anderson later married Murray Ness, Second Operator. Agnes Forgan later married Alex Gourlay, Chief Operator Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:47:52 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:06 PM
6977 Alex Gourlay and Alex Kirk Alex Gourlay & Alex Kirk, Cinema House - photo:7x11BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:47:54 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:06 PM
6978 Agnes Forgan (later Mrs Gourlay) in usheretters uniform with Murray Ness in Muttoes Lane, beside Cinema House. The Templars Hall (used by Eastern Star) can be seen behind - now site of University Library - photo:7x11BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:47:57 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:07 PM
6979 Staff at St Andrews Cinema House Staff at St Andrews Cinema House - Jimmy Robertson (student), Alex Gourlay (chief operator), Tom Bradford (became chief operator further north), Murray Ness - photo:8x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:48:00 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:07 PM
6980 Staff at St Andrews Cinema House Staff at St Andrews Cinema House - Margaret Preston, Agnes Forgan, Cynthia Dawson, Alex Kirk - photo:7x11BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:48:02 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:08 PM
6981 The Tin Tabernacle as a roller skating rink The Tin Tabernacle which Jock Spence turned into the town's first cinema - here it is used for roller skating. (one print is a reverse image) - photo:8x10BW - negative:35mmBW; 1x1BW - slide:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:48:05 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:08 PM
6982 Workmen at The Cinema House Group of workmen employed on extension to the Cinema House, North Street, including Alex Todd, ? Cuthbert - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:48:08 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:09 PM
6992 Coachtrip The coach driver and passengers in front of the bus. - photo:3x2BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:48:28 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:09 PM
6994 Passengers in an open topped coach Passengers in an open topped coach, with the driver seated on the running board. - photo:4x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:48:30 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:09 PM
6997 A concert party of 10 musicians (St Andrews Amateur Orchestra?) outside West Park hotel. (far right = Willie Patrick, local photographer) - photo:10x8BW - negative:glass; 2x2BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:48:33 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:10 PM
7004 Cycling Group Cycling group in the castle grounds. Cycles decorated for Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee celebrations. Donor's father is 2nd from Left, sitting front row, in front lady cyclist. - oversize - photo:9x11sepia - negative:35mmBW - slide:35mmBW - copy:3 Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:48:43 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:10 PM
7005 Highland Cycle Battalion on parade outside Templars Hall Highland Cycle Battalion (coastal Defence Duties) on parade outside Templars Hall (where university Library entrance now is). Includes Alex Matheson? - photo:8x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:48:46 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:11 PM
7100 Unidentified photograph of non-mechanised farming activity - photo:5x3BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:56:15 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:11 PM
7101 Unidentified photograph of non-mechanised farming activity - photo:4x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:56:19 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:12 PM
7102 Sheepdog trial, possibly Strathkinness - photo:8x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:56:22 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:12 PM
7106 Group of men with harvester - photo:7x5BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:56:34 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:13 PM
7107 Harvesting at Lumbo Farm - photo:6x10BW - negative:35mmBW - slide:glass Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:56:39 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:13 PM
7114 Unidentified photograph of non-mechanised farming activity - photo:3x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:57:25 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:13 PM
7115 Unidentified photograph of non-mechanised farming activity - photo:3x4BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:57:27 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:14 PM
7117 Unidentified photograph of non-mechanised farming activity - photo:7x5sepia - negative:2x2BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:57:31 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:15 PM
7118 Unidentified photograph of non-mechanised farming activity - photo:8x6sepia - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:57:35 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:15 PM
7119 Unidentified photograph of non-mechanised farming activity - photo:4x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:57:40 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:15 PM
7131 Man with horse decorated for parade - photo:5x3BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:58:22 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:16 PM
7134 St Andrews Fire Brigade Members of the St Andrews Fire Brigade, with their horse drawn Fire-engine, including Watson, Peterson (oversize) - photo:14x9sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:58:37 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:16 PM
7135 Members of the St Andrews Fire Brigade Members of the St Andrews Fire Brigade, seated on their horse drawn Fire-engine, including Town Officer Gillespie, Burgh Engineer Watson and G Murray. (oversize) - photo:12x9sepia - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:58:40 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:17 PM
7160 St Andrews Fire Brigade St Andrews Fire Brigade: T Smith, S Greig, J Ripley, W Mason, J Smart, W Lamont, J Christie, P Hutton, W Gourlay, W Joy & young Gordon Christie - photo:8x10BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 07:59:57 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:17 PM
7177 Fishwives and child at the harbour 5 Fishwives and a child at the harbour - Duff, Lister, Bell, Waters, Fowler - photo:5x4BW - negative:glass; 2x2BW - slide:glass; 35mmBW - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:00:38 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:18 PM
7179 Fisherwomen Fisherwomen studio photograph of women who attended a fisheries Exhibition in London - Hutchison, Cross, Henderson, Philp, Chisholm, Fenton - photo:5x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:00:40 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:18 PM
7180 Fisherwomen studio photograph of six fishwives - Henderson, Chalmers, Chisholm, Cross, Fenton, Duncan - photo:4x3BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:00:44 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:19 PM
7181 Group of fishwives and children at the Ladyhead Group of fishwives and children at the Ladyhead, beside a window. Inc. Jessie Mcdonald (Mrs Fenton), Nancy Gourlay, and her daughter Mary Kirk. - photo:6x4sepia - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:00:47 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:19 PM
7182 Group of fishwives. Centre Mrs Kirk (Mary Wood Hutchison),Left Mrs Corstorphine (Christina Teeny Fenton),Right Mrs Watters (Nancy Brown) and seated Mrs David Fenton (Jessie MacDonald) Child: Mary Kirk outside 21 North Street - photo:3x4sepia - negative:1x1BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:00:48 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:20 PM
7188 Group of fishermen at the Harbour - Fenton, Black, Gordon, Brown - photo:8x10BW - negative:35mmBW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:00:58 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:20 PM
7189 Group of fishermen and their dogs Group of fishermen and their dogs at the corner of North Street and North Castle Street, ladyhead barometer in bachground- Ireland, Hutchison, Cross, Waters, Fenton, Chisholm, Duncan - photo:8x6BW - negative:35mmBW - slide:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:01:05 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:20 PM
7192 The Lister Family at the harbour The Litster family, father and two sons at the harbour - photo:5x7BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:01:18 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:21 PM
7193 The Lister Family at the harbour The Litster family, father and two sons at the harbour - photo:5x6BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:01:22 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:21 PM
7194 Gourlays painting the Nelson Postcard showing Henry, Alex and James Gourlay(baby James Hill Gourlay) painting the Nelson DE57 - photo:5x3sepia - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:01:24 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:22 PM
7195 Portrait of five Fishermen in St Andrews Harbour inc. Sandy Kirk and 'Tinny' Black - photo:6x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:01:26 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:22 PM
7197 8 Fishermen 8 Fishermen inc. Young Peter Waters, Alex Hill Gourlay and Old Peter Waters leaning on a rail on the East Scores. - photo:8x6BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:01:35 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:22 PM
7198 Group of fishermen in boat - photo:5x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:01:37 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:23 PM
7200 A group of Fishermen and women with children A group of Fishermen and women with children - Langlands, Black, Scott, Duncan, Melville, Bell, Gourlay, Campbell, Anderson, Brown, Watters, Grey - photo:7x5BW - negative:2x2BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:01:45 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:24 PM
7202 A group of Fisherfolk at the ladyhead A group of Fisherfolk and children with creels and baskets at the ladyhead - photo:7x5BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:01:49 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:24 PM
7203 Fishing family Fishing family. Stewart Fenton and wife Julia ("Jury") Bond - photo:3x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:01:52 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:24 PM
7204 Fisherfolk baiting lines at Kirkhill Fisherfolk baiting lines on the Kirkhill path, circa 1900. Creator: A&G Taylor Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:01:53 PM Thursday 01st of April 2021 03:26:24 PM
7210 Boys Brigade Football Team. - photo:3x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:02:33 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:25 PM
7218 St Andrews Football Team - Dawson, Forgan, Taylor?, Hutchison, Burns, Maloney, Alexander, Hay, Turnbull, Anderson, Carstairs, Cuthbert, Durie, Wilson - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:03:12 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:26 PM
7225 The winners of Martin White Cup The winners of Martin White Cup - Mitchell, Edmonds, Adams, King, Robertson, Mackay, Will, Wallace, Paterson, Brown, Murray, Lothian, Edie (oversize) - photo:15x10sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:03:41 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:26 PM
7226 Football Team group photo of football team - oversize - photo:11x9sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:03:43 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:26 PM
7227 St Andrews City Football Club St Andrews City Football Club - winners of Martin White Cup, Armitage Cup, Davidson Cup, East of Fife Cup - photo:11x9sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:03:46 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:27 PM
7228 St Andrews City Football Club Holders of Davidson Cup - Hatton, Campbell, Carstairs, Duncan, Thomson, Scott, Louden - oversize - photo:9x11sepia - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:03:50 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:27 PM
7229 St Andrews Football Team. L-R top row = Mr Dick, Willie Duncan, A A Duncan, Johnnie Plum. Front row from left = Andrew Duncan, Willie Thompson, Tom Jesseman. Far right = Peter Thompson. - photo:12x9BW - slide:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:03:54 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:28 PM
7230 St Andrews City Football Club St Andrews City Football Club including Willie Duncan (son of AA Duncan), Neddy Smart (goalie), William Hardie (112 South Street, 4a Castle Street, Paper Mill workder), William Easton (clubmaker), Dan Hutton (Team trainer, North Street, Plasterer) , John Robb Thomson (24 Abbey Street Married aged 33 in 1910), Mr Kirkwood (had the City Arms), William Scott (emigrated to Australia, son of ex-provost Reid. Killed in 1st World War), David Carstairs (Joiner), Peter Campbell (South Street, Clubmaker, lost hand in 1st world war), Peter/William Thomson (Motor mechanic, Wilsons, South Street) - oversize - photo:11x9BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:04:00 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:28 PM
7231 St Andrews City Football Club Footballers and officals with Martin White cup and McArthur cup in foreground - David Carstairs (joiner), William Easton (clubmaker), Alec Louden, Neddy Smart (goalkeeper), Alec Thomson (22 Abbey Street), Mr Kirkwood (had City Arms), William Scott (emigrated to Australia, killed in France in 1st World War, Team Captain), Robert Burns (Tailor, age 19), William Hardie (won St Andrews Walk, Strongest Kennal of Bull Terriers in Scotland. Prizes for small bore rifle shooting), Peter Campbell (Clubmaker), William or Peter Thomson (Motor mechanic, Wilsons) - oversize - photo:9x11BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:04:03 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:29 PM
7233 St Andrews City Football Club Footballers and officals with Martin White cup - oversize - photo:12x10BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:04:06 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:29 PM
7234 Football team Footballers - photo:9x11BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:04:10 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:29 PM
7235 Football team City Reserves 1906-07 - photo:5x7BW - negative:35mmBW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:04:13 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:30 PM
7236 City Football team - photo:8x5BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:04:17 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:30 PM
7238 St Andrews United Football Club parading in coach to celebrate winning Fife League Cup 1960 - photo:5x7BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:04:28 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:31 PM
7253 Robert Forgan & son Robert Forgan & son, Golf club makers. Robert Forgan with long white beard. Thos Forgan on extreme left. Photo with employees - Yeoman, Cuthbert, Brown, Hutton, Govan, Stewart, Grieve, Clark, Crosthwaite, Baptie, Blyth, Auchterlonie, Braid, Smart, Anderson, Stephen, Thomson, Herd, Fowlis, Chishom, Mason, Black, Annal, Gatherum, Turpie, Robertson, Murray - photo:12x10sepia - negative:35mmBW Oversized Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:05:20 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:31 PM
7254 Forgans factory workers - photo:7x10BW - negative:1x1BW;35mmBW - slide:glass - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:05:23 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:32 PM
7262 Workers with clubs Forgans Workers with clubs outside the factory on Links Road. - photo:6x9sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:05:47 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:32 PM
7266 Interior of Forgans golf club making factory sawmill Interior of Forgans golf club making factory sawmill - Gatherum, Hutton, Lyall, Forgan - photo:8x6sepia - negative:35mmBW - slide:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:06:03 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:32 PM
7267 Interior of Forgan's golf club making Factory. M Fenton, R Faichney, J Elder, T Gatherum. - photo:10x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:06:06 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:33 PM
7268 Forgans golf club-making workshop Forgans golf club-making workshop (has also been identified as Anderson's in Ellice Place) - photo:10x8BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:06:10 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:34 PM
7270 Employees of Mr J Wilson, Greenside Nursery. Showing Coronation Crown in flowers - R Mackie, R Grieve, R Muckersie, W Manson, J Low - photo:6x5sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:06:20 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:34 PM
7271 J Wilson, market gardener, and a group of his staff - including Elizabeth Forrester, Daisy (Margaret) Duncan - photo:8x6sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:06:23 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:34 PM
7282 Early Golfers A group of early professional golfers including Allan Robertson, Tom Morris, James Wilson, Bob Andrew, Willie Dunn, Willie Park, D Anderson, Bob Kirk - photo:8x5BW - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:07:03 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:35 PM
7286 The 1921 Open Golf Championship The 1921 Open Golf Championship. St Andrews. Herd, Kirkwood - photo:5x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:07:08 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:35 PM
7287 The 1921 Open Golf Championship The 1921 Open Golf Championship. St Andrews. Kirkwood - photo:5x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:07:10 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:36 PM
7288 The 1921 Open Golf Championship. St Andrews. Braid - photo:5x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:07:11 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:36 PM
7289 The 1921 Open Golf Championship. The 1921 Open Golf Championship. St Andrews. Hunter,Jones,Harris - photo:5x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:07:17 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:36 PM
7290 The 1921 Open Golf Championship. St Andrews The 1921 Open Golf Championship. St Andrews. Duncan & Mitchell - photo:5x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:07:21 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:37 PM
7291 The 1921 Open Golf Championship. St Andrews The 1921 Open Golf Championship. St Andrews. Seymour & Mitchell - photo:5x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:07:26 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:37 PM
7292 The 1921 Open Golf Championship. The 1921 Open Golf Championship. St Andrews. Jas. Barnes (USA) - photo:5x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:07:30 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:38 PM
7293 1921 Open Championship The 1921 Open Golf Championship. St Andrews. Chick Evans - photo:5x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:07:36 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:38 PM
7294 The 1921 Open Golf Championship The 1921 Open Golf Championship. St Andrews. Abe Mitchell - photo:5x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:07:37 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:38 PM
7295 The 1921 Open Golf Championship. St Andrews. Abe Mitchell - photo:5x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:07:39 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:39 PM
7296 The 1921 Open Golf Championship. St Andrews. Hunter, Tolley, Jones - photo:5x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:07:40 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:39 PM
7297 The 1921 Open Golf Championship. St Andrews. Unknown Golfer - photo:5x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:07:42 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:40 PM
7298 1921 Open Championship The 1921 Open Golf Championship. St Andrews. Abe Mitchell - photo:5x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:07:44 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:40 PM
7299 The 1921 Open Golf Championship. St Andrews. Kirkwood - photo:5x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:07:46 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:40 PM
7300 The 1921 Open Golf Championship. St Andrews. French & Hagen - photo:5x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:07:48 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:41 PM
7301 The 1921 Open Golf Championship The 1921 Open Golf Championship. St Andrews. Kirkwood - photo:5x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:07:55 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:41 PM
7303 Four golfers / caddies watching fellow player tee-off on 17th tee St Andrews sand-box in foreground - photo:5x7BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:07:57 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:42 PM
7311 Contestants in a Veterans' putting match Contestants in a Veterans' putting match. M Brown, A Brown, D Ayton, D Black, S Fenton. - photo:5x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:08:27 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:42 PM
7313 Left foreground A Kirkaldy; left back, N Sandeman; with pipe at back, F G Tait; pipe foreground, J D Fairlie. - photo:4x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:08:35 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:43 PM
7314 Golfers In Centre F G Tait, Back to camera, Edward Blackwell and old Tom Morris - oversize - photo:9x11sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:08:37 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:43 PM
7315 Early Professional Golfers A group of early professional golfers with Willie Dunn putting and Allan Robertson in the foreground, also James Wilson, Bob Andrew, Willie Park, Tom Morris, D Anderson, Bob Kirk - photo:7x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:08:40 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:43 PM
7335 A group of professional golfers at Grand golf Tournament at Leith Links A group of professional golfers at Grand golf Tournament at Leith Links 17/5/1867 - Hutchison, Campbell, Brown, Morris, Greig, Dow, Ferguson, Paterson, Andrews, Park, Kirk, Dunn, Anderson, McDonald - photo:9x6BW - negative:glass; 2x2BW - slide:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:10:20 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:44 PM
7342 St Andrews Golf Club members of a St Andrews golf club - Balfour, Philp, Todd, Laing, King, Foster, Anderson, Monteith (same people in P040.11) - photo:9x12sepia - copy:1 Oversized Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:10:47 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:44 PM
7356 Mid 19th Century golfers (from painting in Camperdown House) - photo:10x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:11:31 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:45 PM
7367 A golf match in progress, surrounded by spectators - photo:8x6sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:12:04 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:45 PM
7369 Golf match Golf match in progress. West Sands in the background. - photo:8x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:12:09 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:45 PM
7370 Lady golfers on the Old Course Lady golfers on the Old Course, with Rusacks in the Background. - photo:7x4BW - slide:glass Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:12:10 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:46 PM
7371 Lady golfers on the Old Course Lady golfers on the Old Course, with Links Road in the Background. - photo:6x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:12:12 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:46 PM
7376 Lady golfers on the Old Course. - photo:7x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:12:23 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:47 PM
7377 Lady golfers on the Old Course Lady golfers on the Old Course. - photo:7x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:12:27 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:47 PM
7378 Lady golfers on the Links. - photo:8x6sepia - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:12:28 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:47 PM
7387 Good Templar's Outing - W G Lorimer, Mrs Lucas, Belle Liddell, Mrs Drummond, Mr Low - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:12:45 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:48 PM
7399 Fife & Forfar Yeomanry Fife & Forfar Yeomanry, formed by Sir John Gilmour for service in Boer War, South Africa (printed in supplement to Evening Post) - oversize - photo:7x11BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:13:07 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:48 PM
7401 Joiners A group of joiners, with their tools, on a building site - oversize - photo:8x6sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:13:14 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:49 PM
7404 Kate Kennedy Cartoon, 1870, representing members of the University staff as characters at the court of Apollo - Prof Macdonald (Neptune), Shairp (Jupiter), Bell (waiter), Roberts, Fischer? etc - photo:2x4sepia - slide:35mmBW - copy:4 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:13:21 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:49 PM
7405 Kate Kennedy Cartoon, 1871, representing members of the University staff at a wild party. - photo:4x7sepia - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:13:22 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:49 PM
7416 Kate Kennedy Cartoon, 1871, representing members of the University staff playing musical instruments and juggling. "Mrs Key" written on back. - photo:4x2sepia - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:13:42 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:50 PM
7425 Kate Kennedy Cartoon, 1872, representing members of the University staff as entertainers of various kinds - including Prof Swan, Prof Fischer, Prof Baynes, Prof Flint, Dr Bell, Prof Roberts, Prof Campbell, Dr Macdonald, Prof Heddle (?), Principal Sharp - photo:4x2sepia - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:13:56 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:50 PM
7448 Kate Kennedy Cartoon, 1873, representing members of the University staff as animals and anatomical exhibits - Prof Swan, Prof Roberts, Princiapl Sharp, Prof Baynes, Prof Fischer, Prof Macdonald, Dr Bell, Prof Campbell, Prof Heddle, Prof Flint - photo:2x4sepia - copy:5 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:15:10 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:51 PM
7488 Kate Kennedy Cartoon, 1879, representing members of the University staff racing along the west sands on a variety of strange animals. - photo:4x2sepia - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:16:34 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:51 PM
7493 Woodburn Laundry Interior of Woodburn laundry, work in progress (see also Woo.) - photo:6x5BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:16:38 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:52 PM
7494 Exterior of laundry (Woodburn), featuring the female staff. Taken from St Andrews illustrated. - photo:7x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:16:41 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:52 PM
7496 St Andrews Lifeboat crew The St Andrews lifeboat crew, in uniform, in front of the lifeboat station. - photo:9x6sepia oversized Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:16:44 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:52 PM
7497 Lifeboat being attached to trailer Securing Lifeboat to trailer on returning from a rescue. East Sands. - photo:2x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:16:46 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:53 PM
7499 St Andrews Lifeboat Crew St Andrews Lifeboat Crew, c.1920 - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:16:48 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:53 PM
7506 Lifeboat Crew Lifeboat crew with "John and Sarah Hatfield" outside lifeboat station at the East Bents circa 1910, now the site of the St Andrews Sailing Club. Pictured are Duncan, Cunningham, Gourlay, Fenton (Coxswain), Gordon, Chisholm. The John and Sarah Hatfield was the last St Andrews lifeboat and was a 25 foot, self righting Rubie Class Type vessel put into commission on 12th May 1910. She served until 1938 when the vessel was sold to Valvona of Portobello as a pleasure cruiser. Over the years, the John and Sarah saved 43 lives and helped many vessels in distress. Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:17:01 PM Thursday 29th of April 2021 01:54:10 PM
7515 Lifeboat with trailer Hauling in lifeboat with trailer. St Andrews harbour sands. - photo:3x2sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:17:16 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:54 PM
7516 LIfeboat with trailer Hauling in lifeboat with trailer after launch. - photo:4x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:17:18 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:55 PM
7517 St Andrews and Boarhills Lifeboat crews St Andrews and Boarhills Lifeboat crews. A studio portrait taken in Glasgow on the occasion of a Lifeboat Convention. Copied from St Andrews Gazette 1899. Wilson, Duncan, Gourlay, Chisholm, Gordon, Smith, Millar, Martin, Melville, Hutchison - photo:8x10BW - negative:35mmBW - slide:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:17:19 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:55 PM
7518 St Andrews and Boarhills Lifeboat crews St Andrews and Boarhills Lifeboat crews. Lifeboat being drawn along watched by large crowd, at Convention in Glasgow. Copied from photograph belonging to Mrs James Hill Gourlay. - photo:5x7BW - negative:35mmBW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:17:21 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:55 PM
7519 A studio portrait of the lifeboat crew A studio portrait of the lifeboat crew - Gourlay, Duncan, Wilson, Gordon, Chisholm, Hutchison, Melville - photo:9x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:17:23 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:56 PM
7520 Lifeboat crew The lifeboat crew in front of the lifeboat Station - Litster, Black etc - photo:5x4BW - negative:2x2BW - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:17:29 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:56 PM
7521 LIfeboat crew being presented with scarves The lifeboat crew being presented with scarves. From left = Sandy "Sandshoes" Chisholm, Tom Black (grandson of owner of 12 North Street), Bob "Mousie" Martin. Front left centre = Bob Wilson. Far right J Cargill Cantley. - photo:7x5BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:17:31 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:57 PM
7522 Lochty water group - "Lochtyites, Loafers & Liars" - see B255 for copy and details - photo:7x5sepia - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:17:33 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:57 PM
7524 A group of Macgregor's workmen, with tools, including Cross, Ireland, Doig - photo:8x6sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:17:50 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:57 PM
7525 Martyrs' Free Church Deacons' Court A studio portrait of the Martyrs' Free Church Deacons' Court, with the Rev Lewis Davidson in the centre. Also Cleghorn, McBean, Aikman, Meldrum, Lees, Maitland, Forgan, Henry, Milne, McPherson, Wilson, Howie, Carmichael, Urquhart, Nicholson, Ritchie, Malcolm, Terras, Morris, Dickson, Morton, Hay Fleming, Fairweather, Scott, Pryde, Laing, Thompson (oversize) c.1880 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:17:58 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:58 PM
7532 Ancient Order of Foresters Members of the Ancient Order of Foresters wearing their sashes - 46 individual portraits: Watson, Dewar, Stewart, Wilson, Rutherford, Hardy, Stuart, McLean, Walker, Ritchie, Shepherd, Smith, Thomson, Brown, Melville and others (oversize) - photo:12x15sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:18:34 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:58 PM
7533 Members of the Ancient Order of Foresters wearing their sashes - 2 Men at the back are carrying the Order's banner. - photo:9x7sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:18:36 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:59 PM
7539 Group of Medical examiners A group of medical examiners: Dr Adamson, Principal Tulloch, Prof Gairdner - Russell Album p16 - photo:8x6sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW Original in Russell Album c/o University of St Andrews Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:19:06 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:31:59 PM
7540 Group of women on Merchant Association trip 1913 by Balmoral Castle - photo:5x7BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:19:08 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:00 PM
7541 Group of St Andrews Traders photographed by a chain bridge during a holiday. - photo:5x7BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:19:13 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:00 PM
7542 Large group of St Andrews merchants on holiday. - photo:5x7BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:19:17 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:00 PM
7543 Large group of St Andrews merchants at Inverness station. - photo:6x8BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:19:22 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:01 PM
7545 Scottish Soldiers First World War Scottish Soldiers First World War (Local Scottish Horse regiment?) - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:19:28 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:01 PM
7549 motorcyclist with passenger in sidecar motorcyclist with passenger in sidecar - photo:2x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:19:39 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:02 PM
7550 Two uniformed men in car Two uniformed men in car (Royal Artillery, Larkhill?) - photo:4x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:19:40 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:02 PM
7553 Group of soldiers Group of soldiers (Royal Artillery?) in front of dugout shelter (in France?) - photo:6x4BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:19:46 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:03 PM
7554 Soldier and Horse Full length portrait of a soldier with his horse, at the time of the Boer War. - photo:6x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:19:48 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:03 PM
7555 Sergeant on bicycle Sergeant in the Lowland Cycle Battalion on a B.S.A. folding bicycle - photo:5x7BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:19:50 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:03 PM
7560 Early motorists with their car A couple of early motorists with their car - photo:5x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:20:01 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:04 PM
7561 motorists in their open-topped car Four motorists in their open-topped car - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:20:03 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:04 PM
7567 Car at West Lodge gates of Mount Melville estates Mr Grieve, chauffeur, in Dr Younger's car at West Lodge gates of Mount Melville estates - photo:10x8BW - negative:glass; 2x2BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:20:17 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:05 PM
7568 Car at Mount Melville west lodge gates Mount Melville west lodge gates - James Wilson driver and father William in car - photo:8x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:20:20 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:05 PM
7575 Ariel Motor Cycle & Sidecar Ariel Motor Cycle & Sidecar - James Christie and young Gordon Christie (by this time they built their own sidecars - John Clow employed for this) - photo:3x5sepia - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:20:44 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:06 PM
7576 James and John Christie outside their workshop James and John Christie outside their workshop at 55 South Street - photo:7x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:20:45 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:06 PM
7589 John Christie with early Motor Cycle John Christie with early Motor Cycle. Note bath chair attached. - photo:7x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:21:06 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:06 PM
7590 Jack Foster on early Douglas Motor Cycle Jack Foster on early Douglas Motor Cycle - photo:5x3sepia - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:21:08 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:07 PM
7591 James Christie on Triumph Motor Cycle James Christie on Triumph Motor Cycle (before competing in speed championships at West Sands) - photo:5x3sepia - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:21:10 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:07 PM
7598 St Andrews Post Office Staff St Andrews Post Office Staff, outside office in South Street (later Christian Institute). Back L: rural postman H McKenzie; front R: chief telegraphist Alexander McKenzie (oversize) - photo:14x12sepia - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:21:24 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:07 PM
7618 Eight individual portraits of the Provosts of St Andrews from 1842-1905 - Playfair, Milton, Paterson, Moncrieff, Macgregor, Welch, Murray - photo:4x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:22:49 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:08 PM
7629 St Andrews Town Council (including Provost Wilson, J Cargill Cantley) carrying out work at Cameron Reservoir. Same as Ex.Cam 002 - photo:8x10BW - negative:glass Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:23:07 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:08 PM
7700 St Andrews Town Council St Andrews Town Council, c.1963. Provost Fordyce with MacKenzie, Cooper, Ritchie, Conchie, Murray, Roche, Niven, Donaldson - photo:11x9BW glazed. Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:30:02 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:09 PM
7701 Mechant Association outing Railway passengers posed in front of a train (Merchants Association outing) at Ballater - Liddell, Patrick, Cornfoot, Soutar (Mrs Macdonald), Litts, Hackerstone (Mrs Gordon), - photo:8x10BW - negative:glass; 2x2BW - slide:35mmBW - copy:3 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:30:06 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:09 PM
7715 St Andrews Railway Company - the Original directors. L-R Messers Meldrum, Aikman, John Brown, R. Haig, W. Smith, A. Briggs, Fogo. Ireland, and Sir Hugh Lyon Playfair. - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:31:26 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:09 PM
7731 Rocket brigade Members of the rocket brigade - Andrew Gordon & Alex Hill Gourlay. - photo:5x7BW - negative:1x1BW - slide:glass; 35mmBW - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:32:35 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:10 PM
7732 Rocket Brigade The St Andrews Rocket Brigade. Mason, Thomson, Scott, Malloch, Black, Peebles, Band, Ripley, Young, Carter (coastguard), Greig, Coupar, Gatherum, Ritchie, Grant, Wilson, Liddle, Eade (coastguard) - photo:8x10BW - negative:glass Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:32:37 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:11 PM
7767 No. 12 Initial Training Wing. R A F including Flying Officer H Donington Smith - photo:8x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:35:54 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:11 PM
7768 Aeroplane crash. Meteor Seven twin jet, crash at Leuchars. Pilot Grp Captain Bray was killed. - photo:7x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:36:00 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:11 PM
7862 Members of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club Members of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club - Baldwin, Mitchell, Carnegie,Tom Morris, Oliphant, Fairlie, Don (?), Bailey, Glennie, Boothby, Alexander, Paterson, Kermath, Simson, Crichton, Balfour, Bennett, Blackwell - photo:15x7sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:39:46 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:12 PM
7898 Willie Braid, Willie Keith and another inside Observer Post - photo:3x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:42:19 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:12 PM
7905 Willie Braid and another inside Observer Post - photo:3x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:42:52 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:13 PM
7906 soldier at Observer Post (was marked George Cowie but isn't) - photo:2x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:42:55 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:13 PM
7924 St Andrews Golf Club OVERSIZED 73 individual portraits of St Andrews Golf Club. - photo:7x10sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:43:22 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:14 PM
7925 Members of St Andrews Golf Club Members of St Andrews Golf Club, with the "Evening Times" trophy won by W Greig and D Simpson. (oversize)_ - photo:10x7sepia - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:43:24 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:14 PM
7926 The Thistle golf club committee the Thistle golf club committee, 1910, with the Captain, J Lang, in the centre. Also Symons, Rutherford, Fairbairn, Cornfoot, King, Greig, Officer, Burns - photo:8x6sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:43:26 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:14 PM
7927 The Thistle golf club committee The Thistle golf club committee, 1911, with the Captain, R Fairbairn, in the centre. Lang, Burns, King, Sturrock, Wilson, Symons, Officer, Grieve - photo:8x6sepia - negative:35mmBW - copy:4 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:43:28 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:15 PM
7976 Shoting Range, Eden A group with rifles at the shooting range at Eden, including Balsillie - photo:10x7sepia. OVERSIZED Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:44:11 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:15 PM
7999 Unidentified sports club Members of an unidentified sports club, with trophies. - photo:10x8BW oversize Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:44:30 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:16 PM
8052 Scottish Lawn Tennis Championships Presentation of prizes at the Scottish Lawn Tennis Championships, held at St Andrews - photo:12x8sepia - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:45:24 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:16 PM
8055 Scottish Lawn Tennis Championships Presentation of prizes at the Scottish Lawn Tennis Championships, held at St Andrews (taken at back of United College) - photo:10x7sepia - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:45:28 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:16 PM
8059 A group of actors A group of actors in an unidentified play - oversize - photo:12x8sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:45:36 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:17 PM
8060 A group of actors A group of actors in an unidentified play - oversize - photo:10x8sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:45:39 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:17 PM
8064 A group of actors A group of actors in an unidentified play - Bruce theatricals? Oversize - photo:10x8sepia - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:45:44 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:18 PM
8073 A group of actors A group of actors in an unidentified play - oversize - photo:10x8sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:45:52 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:18 PM
8110 A group of actors A group of actors in an unidentified play, including A Willson, C A M Carmicheal & D M Moir - oversize - photo:9x6sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:46:24 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:19 PM
8120 A group of actors A group of actors in an unidentified play - oversize - photo:11x7sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:46:32 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:19 PM
8216 A wedding group A wedding group with the bride and bridegroom surrounded by guests. Oversize - photo:12x9sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:47:52 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:19 PM
8217 Unknown wedding group Unknown wedding group on steps of house. - photo:8x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:47:55 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:20 PM
8227 A penny wedding group A penny wedding group at Auchmithie on the way to church. - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:48:11 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:21 PM
8228 Wedding group Wedding of members of the Walker/McLeod family, St Andrews. - photo:8x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:48:13 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:21 PM
8229 Wedding at Stonywynd House Wedding at Stonywynd House, Boarhills of Ada Bayne & George Ballingall (Nether Strathkinness Farm). Mrs Woodcock Bumby (seated far left) Ada Hill Walker (seated 2nd from right) & her sister Elizabeth on her left. - photo:7x10BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:48:14 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:21 PM
8355 Professor John CouchAdams Professor John Couch Adams, professor of Maths 1858-9 (discovered the planet Neptune; later professor at Cambridge). In Russell Album p68 - photo:6x8sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:49:48 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:22 PM
8358 Miss Adamson Miss Adamson, sister of John Adamson (photographer) In Russell Album p8 - photo:6x8sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW original in Russell Album c/o University of St Andrews Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:49:51 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:22 PM
8359 Mrs Adamson Mrs Adamson (mother of John Adamson). In Russell Album p90 - photo:7x9sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:49:53 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:23 PM
8362 Dr John Adamson Dr John Adamson. Russell Album p2 photo:6x8 inches sepia negative:4x5 inches BW copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:49:56 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:23 PM
8366 Mrs John Adamson Mrs John Adamson (daughter of Prof Alexander, Greek) with book. In Russell Album p4 - photo:6x8sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:50:02 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:24 PM
8368 Tetty Adamson Tetty Adamson standing. Russell Album p6 - photo:6x8sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:50:07 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:24 PM
8369 Tetty Adamson Tetty Adamson head and shoulders. Russell Album p12 - photo:3x4sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:50:09 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:24 PM
8390 "Auld Daw" Anderson "Auld Daw" Anderson (served drinks and lemons to golfers) - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:50:32 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:25 PM
8398 Boy in sailor suit Full length portrait of a boy in a sailor suit (back garden of one of 1930s council houses) - photo:2x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:50:38 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:26 PM
8403 Boy playing banjo Boy playing a banjo - photo:2x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:50:42 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:26 PM
8404 Boy with lobster and spade Small boy with a lobster and spade - photo:2x3sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:50:44 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:27 PM
8424 Gentleman carrying a top hat Full length studio portrait of a gentleman carrying a top hat. - photo:3x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:51:05 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:27 PM
8428 'Mabel' with pram Full-length portrait of 'Mabel' with her new hood pram. - photo:5x3sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:51:09 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:28 PM
8429 Portrait of a lady in her carriage Portrait of a lady in her carriage, with the coachman in his seat. Oversize mount (smaller copy under Anon Groups) - photo:6x10sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:51:11 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:28 PM
8434 Woman with bicycle Unknown Young woman standing in a doorway with bicycle. - photo:6x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:51:16 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:28 PM
8436 Unknown Woman Studio portrait of unknown woman - photo:2x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:51:19 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:29 PM
8444 Unidentified Lady Unidentified lady. Russell Album p62 - photo:6x8sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:51:24 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:29 PM
8506 Laurie Ayton at 16th tee (uncle of donor) - photo:8x10BW - negative:1x1BW - slide:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:52:18 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:30 PM
8538 Dr Andrew Bell Dr Andrew Bell (1753-1832), founder of Madras College. Photo by T Buist of painting. - photo:3x4sepia - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:52:59 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:30 PM
8539 Professor Oswald Home Bell Professor Oswald Home Bell, cousin of John Adamson (photographer). Lived in house next door to him - both later built their own houses on Scores. Russell Album p118 - photo:2x4sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:53:01 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:30 PM
8547 David Black (lived at 12 North Street in 1870s, lost it in a court case 1880). - photo:6x8BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:53:07 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:31 PM
8556 gravestone in Illinois of Black, born in St Andrews 1837 - photo:3x5sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:53:15 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:31 PM
8560 Great grandmother Black with her grandson's family in Chicago. - photo:5x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:53:19 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:32 PM
8561 "Great-grandmother" Black with her grandson in Chicago, Illinois. - photo:4x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:53:22 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:32 PM
8580 Sir David Bewster Sir David Brewster - copy of original calotype - photo:8x10BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:53:40 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:32 PM
8611 Man and woman on the Links "Father at St Andrews and Mrs Burn sometime after Norah and Billy's deaths" - two people on Links, with railway station in background - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:54:14 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:34 PM
8618 Professor Stanley Butler and Andrew Lang Professor Stanley Butler and Andrew Lang playing golf, with caddy - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:54:26 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:35 PM
8634 Dr Carstairs (Reverend?). Russell Album p70 - photo:8x6sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:54:38 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:35 PM
8635 Miss Carstairs Miss Carstairs. Russell Album p86 - photo:7x9sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:54:38 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:35 PM
8636 "Caum Eppy" carrying a basket and a key which she called "the key of hell" Called Caum after the caum which she sold for scrubbing steps - photo:4x6sepia - negative:2x2BW - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:54:43 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:36 PM
8638 Miss Phoebe Chambers sitting with a book. Russell Album p52 - photo:6x8sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:54:46 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:36 PM
8640 Robert Chambers Robert Chambers seated at a table. He lived in Abbey Park. Published "The Magazine". He also wrote "The Antiquity of Man" (on origin of life, which predated Darwin) and also series on popular information which became Chambers' Encyclopoedia. Russell Album p34 - photo:7x9sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:54:51 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:37 PM
8641 James Chisholm, lifeboat Coxswain - negative:1x2BW - slide:glass; 35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:54:53 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:37 PM
8642 Sandy Chiholm Alexander (Sandy) Chisholm, last lifeboat man sitting on harbour wall with the castle in the backgroound. Wearing bunnet, head and Shoulders - photo:5x7BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:54:55 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:37 PM
8644 Sandy Chisholm Alexander (Sandy) Chisholm, last lifeboat man standing by the side of the harbour, ion front of some small boats. - photo:5x7BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:54:57 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:38 PM
8646 Sandy Chisholm Alexander (Sandy) Chisholm, last lifeboat man standing behind some creels on the pier. - photo:5x7BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:54:59 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:38 PM
8647 Jack Chisholm - laughing Fisherman Jack Chisholm laughing. His wife was Nan Kinsman. Stayed upstairs at 12 North Street. [this has also been identified as Waters or Watters] - photo:3x5sepia - negative:35mmBW - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:55:01 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:39 PM
8711 horse and trap on Pilmour Links Lady Clancurry with horse and trap on Pilmour Links. Name Jane Kyles written on back of mount. - photo:9x12sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:55:53 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:39 PM
8712 Joan Full length portrait of "Joan", Mrs Henry Clark, the last St Andrews fishwife - photo:3x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:55:55 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:40 PM
8714 Joan Mrs Joan Clark with her barrow - photo:6x4sepia - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:55:59 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:40 PM
8715 photo of painting by J N B (Bonthron?) of Joan Clark, based on P125 - photo:5x7BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:56:01 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:40 PM
8716 Mrs Joan Clark Mrs Joan Clark (Jo-Ann, the Last St Andrews Fishwife) sitting on chair - photo:2x3BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:56:03 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:41 PM
8719 Antoine Claudet Antoine Claudet, French photographer 1797-1867. Studied under Daguerre and patented Daguerreotype in England (had portrait studio in London). Russell Album p116 - photo:6x8sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:56:12 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:41 PM
8726 Dr Hugh F C Cleghorn of Stravithie, IMS&I Forestry S. Russell Album p98 - photo:7x8sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:56:29 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:42 PM
8732 Head and Shoulders of Dr Cook - photo:2x3sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:56:48 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:42 PM
8736 Teenie Corstorphine Christina (Teenie) Corstorphine (Fenton) in Crails Lane - photo:4x6sepia - negative:35mmBW - slide:35mmBW - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:56:59 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:43 PM
8746 George Cowie at Observation Post (St Andrews?). - photo:4x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:57:31 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:43 PM
8763 Studio portrait of Mr & Mrs Hull-Dalmahoy, Rockview, The Scores - photo:4x6sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 08:58:14 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:44 PM
8788 Admiral William Heriot Maitland Dougall, seated reading a paper. From a drawing. Prominent member of R & A - photo:4x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:00:45 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:44 PM
8793 Weding group Group at wedding, Dr Dorothy Douglas far right - photo:5x7BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:01:20 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:44 PM
8800 Mrs Duff, attendant at the castle pool. Note the archways, the tops of which can still be seen despite the increase in the sand levels. - photo:7x10BW - negative:2x2BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:01:50 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:45 PM
8801 Sandy Duff (father of Mary) - photo:3x5sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:02:01 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:45 PM
8803 Mr Duncan owned the first cycle shop in St Andrews, at 130 Market Street. "Crown Cycle Depot" - photo:4x6sepia - negative:35mmBW - slide:35mmBW - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:02:12 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:46 PM
8804 Staff of A.A. Duncan, cycle and Motor Mechanics. Back row left: George Carruthers, In flat Cap, Watson, father of stonemason. - photo:7x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:02:19 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:46 PM
8831 Mrs Dewar, the oldest inhabitant in St Andrews being presented to the Queen. (Sept 1950) - photo:8x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:04:42 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:47 PM
8849 Edward Ellica MP Edward Ellice M P (Ellice Place was named after him). Russell Album p94 - photo:7x9sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:06:42 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:47 PM
8850 Edward Ellice M P. Head and Shoulders portrait - photo:6x5sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:06:44 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:47 PM
8858 David Fenton Head and shoulders portrait of David Fenton, Coxswain of the St Andrews Lifeboat - photo:9x14BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 original in wooden glazed frame Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:07:36 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:48 PM
8859 Full-length portrait of Walter Fenton, river pilot, who lost his right leg at the Battle of Trafalgar. Ships used to sail up river Eden to Haig's distillery at Guardbridge - photo:5x7sepia - negative:2x2BW - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:07:38 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:48 PM
8860 Mary (Blyth) Fenton. (Grandmother of donor) Resident at 12 North St during lifetime. Died 1933. See also B722 - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:07:46 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:49 PM
8871 Mary (Blyth) Fenton. (Grandmother of donor) Resident during lifetime at 12 North St. See also B722 - photo:6x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:08:45 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:49 PM
8880 Studio portrait of David Fleming? Partialy illegible writing on back mentions Markinch railway - photo:3x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:09:51 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:50 PM
8881 David Hay Fleming David Hay Fleming (1849-1931) - photo:7x9BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:09:54 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:50 PM
8882 David Hay Fleming David Hay Fleming (1849-1931) in the guise of a 17th century cleric - photo:8x10BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:09:56 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:50 PM
8885 Head and shoulders portrait of Principal James David Forbes. - photo:2x3sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:10:13 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:51 PM
8901 Tommy Gatherum (lead drummer, St Andrews Pipe Band) - photo:2x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:12:20 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:51 PM
8911 George Glennie, Captain of R & A and civil engineer. Died 1886. Russell Album p56 - photo:6x8sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:13:20 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:52 PM
8912 Miss Godfrey Miss Godfrey. Russell Album p54 - photo:4x5sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:13:24 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:52 PM
8914 Miss Godfrey? Russell Album p72 - photo:6x8sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:13:31 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:53 PM
8925 Gourlay, Elizabeth Mitchell.42 North Street.(1902-1980). Portrait postcard. Mother of donor - photo:3x5sepia - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:14:33 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:53 PM
8927 Mrs Alec Hill Gourlay baiting lines at the Ladyhead - photo:4x3BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:14:37 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:54 PM
8939 Alec Hill Gourlay baiting lines at St Gregory's - photo:7x5BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:14:58 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:54 PM
8940 Alec Hill Gourlay on the Scores, with bait. - photo:3x4BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:15:04 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:55 PM
8941 Alec Hill Gourlay and son James Alec Hill Gourlay and his son James Hill Gourlay taken at the corner of North Street and North Castle St. - photo:7x5BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:15:10 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:55 PM
8944 James Gourlay and his daughter Lizzie at his wife's grave in the Eastern Cemetery. Her name was Betsy Buddo, died 25th Dec 1934, aged 69. James died 31st Dec 1938, aged 73. Lizzie worked in Armit the baker's (later Fisher & Donaldson) and lived in North Street (d. 1980, aged 77) - photo:4x6BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:15:12 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:56 PM
8945 Three generations of Gourlays Three generations: Nancy Buddo Gourlay (1828-1918), Alexander Hill Gourlay (her son) James Hill Gourlay (his son). Taken in North Castle Street. - photo:4x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:15:18 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:56 PM
8946 Nancy Buddo Gourlay (left) and her family (from left to right) Mrs Brown: her son David, Tom Gourlay, Betsy Gourlay: Betsy's father Henry Gourlay and Alexander Hill Gourlay. - photo:5x7BW - slide:35mm BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:15:20 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:57 PM
8951 Alex Gourlay as a child Alex Gourlay as a child outside 23 South Castle Street (later projectionist at Cinema House) - photo:6x7sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:15:59 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:57 PM
8960 Peter Graham, artist, at work in his studio at Westoun, Wardlaw Gardens, St Andrews. Became member of Royal Academy; grandfather of donor - photo:3x5BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:16:45 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:57 PM
8968 Sandy Grieve in a car (head driver for Mrs Younger of Mount Melville), taken at West Lodge (now entrance to Craigtoun Park) - photo:8x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:17:04 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:58 PM
8973 Robert Haldane Robert Haldane, D D Principal of St Mary's College. Oversize mount - photo:6x8sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:17:17 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:58 PM
8999 Portrait of David Octavius Hill painting. (see P156.1 for original) - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:18:34 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:59 PM
9000 David Octavius Hill David Octavius Hill. Secretary of RSA; partner of Robert Adamson in 1840s. Russell Album p36 - photo:6x8sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:18:41 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:59 PM
9003 John Honey taken from "Reminiscences of St Andrews Bay" by George Bruce. The traditional Pier walk is reputed to have begun in Honey's honour. Photo of engraving. - photo:4x6sepia - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:18:44 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:00 PM
9023 Boy with Pipers outside New Picture House boy with bicycle (Norrie Ireland?) beside parade of pipers marching past New Picture House, North Street - photo:2x3sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:20:25 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:00 PM
9024 boy dressed as golliwog (Norrie Ireland?) with decorated bicycle advertising marmalade, outside Culross garage? - photo:1x2sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:20:27 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:00 PM
9025 Norrie Ireland at A M G Culross garage - photo:3x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:20:29 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:01 PM
9026 CHild at Culross Garage young child (Norrie Ireland?) at Culross garage - photo:2x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:20:32 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:01 PM
9027 Mr Norman Ireland at Duncan's Garage, Argyle Street, when they were the main Ford agents for East Fife. Also Mr John Gilmour (coach builder), and blacksmiths J Gilmour and Andrew Culross - photo:3x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:20:34 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:02 PM
9086 Head & shoulders portrait of Mr Jameson, in uniform of the Artillery Volunteers - photo:3x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:23:53 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:03 PM
9092 Mr Johnston outside his livery stables in Market Street. His head men took over the stables (and Johnston's garage in North Street) when he died. When the stables closed it became the Mercat Centre. - photo:5x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:24:20 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:03 PM
9099 Methven & Simpson Music Shop Mr Joiner, manager of Methven & Simpson, outside his shop. Dunfermline Building Society now occupies the site on Greyfriars Garden. The office was at number 1 Greyfriars Garden and the workshop was at number 3 Greyfriars Garden. Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:25:04 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:04 PM
9100 Group watching Golf - Bobby Jones Pictures copied from book by Bobby Jones 'Golf is my game': Diana Fishwick, British lady champion in group of golfers; with view of 17th green - photo:6x10BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:25:06 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:04 PM
9103 Bobby Jones with Andrew Kirkaldy Picture copied from book by Bobby Jones 'Golf is my game': Jones with Andrew Kirkaldy - photo:6x10BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:25:11 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:05 PM
9104 Bobby Jones with Tolley Picture copied from book by Bobby Jones 'Golf is my game' - Jones with Tolley during match - photo:6x10BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:25:14 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:05 PM
9136 Rev. Charles Kingsley Rev. Charles Kingsley (1819-1875), author of The Water Babies, Westward Ho etc. He visited St Andrews while attending British Association meeting in Dundee. Russell Album p84 - photo:7x8sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:26:49 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:05 PM
9141 Mrs Kirk (Mary Wood Hutchison) at 14 (now part of 12) North Street. Postcard originally - photo:4x6sepia - negative:35mmBW - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:27:16 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:06 PM
9142 Group at 29 norht street Mary Wood, Mary Kirk, Meg Kirk, and friends at 29 North Street - photo:6x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:27:19 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:06 PM
9147 Andrew Kirkaldy speaking to Mrs P G Tait Andrew Kirkaldy speaking to Mrs P G Tait (wife of Prof Tait, mother of Freddie) - photo:3x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:27:42 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:07 PM
9148 Andrew Kirkaldy playing golf Andrew Kirkaldy playing golf - photo:6x8 B/W Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:27:43 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:07 PM
9150 Head & Shoulders Portrait of John Knox from drawing - photo:4x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:27:46 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:08 PM
9151 Head & Shoulders Portrait of John Knox from drawing or engraving by A Vaensoun. - photo:5x7BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:27:50 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:08 PM
9157 David "Charlie" Laing, in uniform, with sword. - photo:4x6sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:27:58 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:08 PM
9158 David Imlach Lamb (1847-1923) in an armchair. See also 2140 postcard. - photo:3x2BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:28:01 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:09 PM
9159 Colonel David O W Lamb CBE's Indian residence - photo:2x2BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:28:03 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:09 PM
9192 Sir Harry Lauder at golf in Johannesburg. Also L B Waters open champion of South Africa (from news cutting) - photo:5x7BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:29:39 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:10 PM
9195 Head & Shoulders portrait of Prince Leopold (son of Queen Victoria) - photo:2x3sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:29:49 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:10 PM
9199 Bobby Locke being congratulated on winning the Open Bobby Locke being congratulated on winning the 1957 Open by Linda Anne Liddel - photo:10x8BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:30:04 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:11 PM
9213 Mr Lyle on left of picture. Cleekworks? Joinery? - photo:10x7BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:31:20 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:11 PM
9221 St Andrews 9th Hole on Old Course St Andrews 9th Hole on Old Course. A F MacFie 1st Amateur Golf Champion with "Old Turpie" (Daw Anderson) - photo:8x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:32:05 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:12 PM
9226 Bailie (later Provost) John McGregor in his horse drawn trap outside Auld Burn Farm, which he owned. Cottages on Dempster Terrace can be seen in the background - members of McGregor's family lived in these and they were rebuilt c.1899 - photo:6x4sepia - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:32:22 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:12 PM
9227 Provost John Macgregor Head & shoulders portrait of Provost John MacGregor in his official regalia. - photo:6x4sepia - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:32:30 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:13 PM
9228 Mr & Mrs James MacGregor Mr & Mrs James MacGregor - photo:2x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:32:32 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:13 PM
9236 Mr McHardy by van outside shop, Kinnessburn Road. - photo:5x7BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:33:14 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:13 PM
9237 Mr McHardy Jnr at the wheel of the family motor car/delivery van. - photo:8x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:33:16 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:14 PM
9238 John McHardy the butcher's horse and trap John McHardy the butcher's horse and trap, possibly outside a cottage on the Strathkinness High Road - photo:3x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:33:19 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:14 PM
9241 John McHardy and staff outside the premises of the butchers shop, Kinnessburn Road. Includes Elsie McHardy (Mrs Sutherland) - photo:7x9BW - negative:35mmBW - slide:35mmBW - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:33:34 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:15 PM
9242 Dr William C McIntosh, Prof of Natural Philosophy. Son of Bailie John McIntosh, builder (Queen's Gardens, Bell Street, Lade Braes). Prof McIntosh opened first Marine Laboratory in what had been fever hospital - now boat sheds on East Bents. Russell Album p32 - photo:6x8sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:33:37 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:15 PM
9253 Isobel Milne McLeod (nee Cran). Wife of Duncan McLeod and mother of Emma McLeod. Died August 1882 at birth of youngest child. Lived at 5 Murray Place - photo:4x6sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:34:26 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:16 PM
9272 Mr Mallock Full-length portriat of Mr Malloch, rescue at the step rock swimming pool. Stayed in Market Street (now Woolworth's) - photo:4x6sepia - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:36:20 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:16 PM
9279 Tom Melville, fisherman Tom Melville, fisherman (father of Danny Melville) - photo:3x5BW - negative:1x1BW - slide:glass; 35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:36:50 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:16 PM
9280 Tom Melville Tom Melville, fisherman - photo:3x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:36:52 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:17 PM
9282 John Whyte Melville, with his horse, at a hunt (from painting) - photo:6x5sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:36:58 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:17 PM
9295 Head & shoulders of General Moncrieff - photo:2x3sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:37:42 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:18 PM
9296 Portrait of Tom Morris with a golf club in his right hand from a painting by Sir George Reid - photo:5x7BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:37:44 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:18 PM
9297 Old Tom Morris Portrait of Tom Morris and Bob Dow, with golf clubs - from an engraving? - photo:4x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:37:47 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:18 PM
9298 Young Tom Morris Portrait of Young Tom Morris wearing his Open Championship belt, from a painting - photo:4x6BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:37:49 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:19 PM
9299 Old Tom Morris Old Tom Morris seated on chair at 17th Hole, with Mrs Tait (back centre) - photo:4x3BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:37:52 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:19 PM
9300 The last photograph taken of Tom Morris The last photograph taken of Tom Morris before his death, with 2 friends - photo:4x6sepia - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:37:53 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:20 PM
9336 Nightwatchman Full-length portrait of the Nightwatchman, possibly of Cupar, with his lanterns, a young boy at his side. - photo:3x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:39:38 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:20 PM
9337 Nightwatchman (Cupar?) with small boy. Reproduced by Fairweather from original by Rodger - photo:4x6sepia - negative:2x2BW - copy:3 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:39:39 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:21 PM
9393 Thomas Ogilvie with masonic regalia - photo:6x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:44:03 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:21 PM
9394 Mary Ogilvie in masonic regalia - photo:6x5sepia - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:44:13 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:22 PM
9407 Head & Shoulders of Rev Dr John Park - photo:2x3sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:45:10 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:22 PM
9422 Portrait of William Patrick photographer and his wife Portrait of William Patrick photographer and his wife taken in a studio - photo:5x7BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:45:35 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:23 PM
9446 Malcom Patterson Malcolm Patterson works at a hand printing press - photo:3x4BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:48:06 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:23 PM
9447 Malcom Patterson Malcolm Patterson (Artist & Teacher, St Leonards) 2nd Lieut Royal Garrison Artillery - photo:4x6sepia - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:48:08 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:24 PM
9459 Sir Hugh Lyon Playfair - photo:4x5BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:48:18 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:24 PM
9467 Sir Hugh Lyon Playfair Sir Hugh Lyon Playfair (1786-1861) Provost. Russell Album p24 - photo:6x8sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:48:24 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:24 PM
9477 Sir Hugh Lyon Playfair in a wheeled sedan-chair which has been mounted on wheels. Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:48:33 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:25 PM
9479 Lyon Playfair Lyon Playfair, later First Baron. Son of George Playfair. Died 1898. Professor of Chemistry, Edinburgh, 1858-68. MP for Universities of St Andrews & Edinburgh. Deputy Speaker of House of Commons 1892. Russell Album p44 - photo:7x9sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:48:40 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:25 PM
9514 Pat Riley, knife grinder, outside Holy Trinity Church (railings visible) - photo:7x10BW - negative:glass; 2x2BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:49:15 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:26 PM
9515 Sgt John Ripley 2382 Sgt John Ripley V.C., 1st Black Watch, 30th October (year illegible), in uniform - photo:4x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:49:16 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:26 PM
9521 John Ripley Portrait of John Ripley V.C. of the Black Watch. Photograph signed "Jack Ripley 31/12/27" - photo:4x6BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:49:20 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:27 PM
9534 Allan Robertson with golf clubs (reprint by Cowie & Govan) - photo:4x6BW - copy:Y Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:49:33 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:27 PM
9535 Allan Robertson with golf clubs Allan Robertson with golf clubs (from artwork based on Thomas Rodger photo) - photo:4x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:49:36 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:28 PM
9555 Portrait of Rev Dr Mathew Rodger - photo:4x6sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:49:52 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:28 PM
9556 Thomas Roger Snr as fishwife Portrait of Thomas Rodger Snr (Father of Photographer), dressed as a fishwife. - photo:5x6sepia - negative:2x2BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:49:56 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:28 PM
9557 Thomas Roger Snr Portrait of Thomas Rodger Snr (Father of Photographer), playing the bellows with a brush, mimicking the fiddler on the right of the picture. - photo:5x6sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:49:57 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:29 PM
9560 Portrait of Thomas Rodger with his daughter Jenny sitting on his knee. - photo:6x8sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:50:00 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:29 PM
9561 Unknown Girl unknown girl in Rodger's studio. Museum volunteer Jessie Robertson identified her as possibly a relative of hers who worked as an assistant to Rodger. - photo:6x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:50:03 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:30 PM
9624 Sir James Young Simpson Sir James Simpson, Bart. Russell Album p102. See P204 for details. - photo:9x7sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:51:18 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:31 PM
9637 Captain John Speke Captain John Speke (1827-1864), the famous African explorer (discovered source of the Nile in famous expedition with Richard Burton), probably taken when he visited the Blackwoods (of Magazine) at Strathtyrum. Russell Album p18 - photo:7x8sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:51:31 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:31 PM
9638 Wedding photo of Jim & Eva Spence. Wedding photo of Jim & Eva Spence. Also present, Jim's uncle Thomas Christie and his wife (ran draper's near West Port), also Meg, Fred and Betty Christie - photo:6x8BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:51:33 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:32 PM
9654 Mary Stuart Portrait Head & shoulders of Mary Stuart (Mary Queen of Scots) from the drawing by Clouet - photo:5x7BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:52:33 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:32 PM
9655 Peter Sturrock Head & shoulders of Peter Sturrock. - photo:5x6sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:52:34 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:33 PM
9670 Professer Tait Head & Shoulders of Professor P G Tait (1831-1901) author of "Flight of the golf ball" - photo:2x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:53:03 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:33 PM
9671 Lieutenant F G "Freddie" Tait Lieutenant F G "Freddie" Tait posing with a golf club and plus-fours - photo:4x6sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:53:05 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:33 PM
9672 "Nails" "Nails" - dog belonging to Lt F G Tait - photo:4x6sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:53:06 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:34 PM
9673 W A P Tait when a child W A P Tait when a child - photo:2x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:53:08 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:34 PM
9674 Edith Tait playing golf Edith Tait playing golf. Won Gypsys Prize, First Medal, St Andrews Ladies Club 21/9/1894 etc - photo:2x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:53:09 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:35 PM
9675 Freddie Tait Freddie Tait as a youngster playing golf - photo:4x6BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:53:11 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:35 PM
9676 Freddie Tait & Nails Freddie Tait posing with a golf club and his dog Nails - photo:4x6sepia - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:53:13 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:36 PM
9677 Freddie Tait Studio portrait of Lieut. Freddie Tait in uniform (he was killed in action in the Boer War at Koodesburg) - photo:4x6sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:53:15 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:36 PM
9697 Miss Thomson? Full-length portrait of an old woman (Miss Thomson?) seated with knitting in her hands. - photo:2x4sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:54:39 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:36 PM
9722 Comic portrait of I M Toole, comedian in tramps costume - photo:3x5BW - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:55:29 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:37 PM
9723 William (Buff) Trail, seated on a barrel with his crutch. Known as Silly Wullie or Professor Trail, he hold papers and worked as a delivery boy - photo:5x7sepia - negative:2x2BW - copy:2 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:55:32 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:37 PM
9724 Head & Shoulders portrait of Principal Tulloch - photo:2x3sepia Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:55:38 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:38 PM
9728 Principal Tulloch, St Mary's College. A powerful preacher and favourite of Queen Victoria. Russell Album p26 - photo:6x8sepia - negative:4x5BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:55:59 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:38 PM
9733 The Misses Walker The Misses Walker seated in a garden. 3 Greenside Place. Ada Hill Walker, Agnes Walker, Elizabeth Walker. (copies of this are marked both 1926 and 1936) - photo:6x8BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:3 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:56:19 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:39 PM
9734 William Walker (architect) and his wife, Emma McLeod. Lived 5 Murray Place and Westview, St Andrews. Brother of Ada Hill Walker, he was also session clerk, St Leonards & involved in bowling club and Rose Soc. Awarded Croix de Guerre. Taken outside Holy Trinity Church. - photo:3x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:56:21 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:39 PM
9740 Peter Waters Peter Waters, fisherman (Watters?) - photo:5x7BW - negative:35mmBW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:56:49 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:39 PM
9747 Studio Portrait of J Ritchie Welch (became provost in 1899) - photo:4x6sepia - negative:35mmBW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:57:16 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:40 PM
9764 Robert Wilson Snr Robert Wilson Snr Fisherman - photo:5x6BW - copy:1 Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:59:08 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:40 PM
9767 Wilson's Seafield brickworks - 3 workers - photo:3x4BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:59:20 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:41 PM
9768 display of products of Wilson's Seafield brickworks - photo:3x5BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 09:59:23 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:41 PM
10817 The Light Brigade Employees of St Andrews Gasworks dressed as "The Light Brigade" for procession to mark coronation of King Edward VII in 1902. - photo:8x10BW Thursday 14th of November 2019 10:36:23 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:46 PM
17838 WW1 Postcard - Barry Camp Black and white photograph of Barry Camp outside Dundee during WWI. Sent to the Patterson family at 2 South Castle Street 1915. Published by Webster's Copyright series Friday 15th of November 2019 11:32:45 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:22 PM
25150 Man on foot shaking hands with man on horseback Man on foot with a beard wearing suit and top hat and carrying a caneshaking hands with man on horseback - photo:8x6BW. In brown wooden frame, glazed. Wednesday 20th of November 2019 04:34:57 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:05 PM
28493 Pirie's Glass & China shop, Pirie's Glass & China shop, copy from 'Official Guide to St Andrews' 19105 - photo:5x3BW - copy:2 Wednesday 20th of November 2019 06:08:17 PM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:17 PM
29218 01 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:15 PM Wednesday 08th of April 2020 02:48:19 PM
29219 02 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:16 PM Wednesday 08th of April 2020 02:48:25 PM
29220 03 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:17 PM Wednesday 08th of April 2020 02:48:30 PM
29221 04 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:17 PM Wednesday 08th of April 2020 02:48:36 PM
29222 05 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:18 PM Wednesday 08th of April 2020 02:48:41 PM
29223 06 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:19 PM Wednesday 08th of April 2020 02:48:46 PM
29224 07 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:20 PM Wednesday 08th of April 2020 02:48:52 PM
29225 08 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:21 PM Wednesday 08th of April 2020 02:48:57 PM
29226 09 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:22 PM Wednesday 08th of April 2020 02:49:03 PM
29227 10 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:23 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:22 PM
29228 11 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:24 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:21 PM
29229 12 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:25 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:21 PM
29230 13 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:26 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:21 PM
29231 14 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:27 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:21 PM
29232 15 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:28 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:21 PM
29233 16 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:28 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:21 PM
29234 17 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:29 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:21 PM
29235 18 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:30 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:21 PM
29236 19 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:31 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:21 PM
29237 20 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:32 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:21 PM
29238 21 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:33 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:21 PM
29239 22 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:34 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:21 PM
29240 23 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:35 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:21 PM
29241 24 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:36 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:21 PM
29242 25 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:37 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:21 PM
29243 26 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:38 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:21 PM
29244 27 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:39 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:21 PM
29245 28 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:40 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:21 PM
29246 29 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:41 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:21 PM
29247 30 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:41 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:21 PM
29248 31 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:43 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:21 PM
29249 32 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:43 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:21 PM
29250 33 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:45 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:20 PM
29251 34 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:46 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:20 PM
29252 35 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:47 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:20 PM
29253 36 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:48 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:20 PM
29254 37 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:49 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:20 PM
29255 38 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:51 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:20 PM
29256 39 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:52 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:20 PM
29257 40 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:53 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:20 PM
29258 41 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:54 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:20 PM
29259 42 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:55 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:20 PM
29260 43 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:56 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:20 PM
29261 44 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:57 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:20 PM
29262 45 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:58 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:20 PM
29263 46 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:35:59 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:20 PM
29264 47 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:00 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:20 PM
29265 48 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:01 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:20 PM
29266 49 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:02 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:20 PM
29267 50 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:03 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:20 PM
29268 51 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:04 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:20 PM
29269 52 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:05 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:20 PM
29270 53 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:06 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:20 PM
29271 54 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:07 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:20 PM
29272 55 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:08 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:20 PM
29273 56 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:09 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:20 PM
29274 57 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:10 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:19 PM
29275 58 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:10 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:19 PM
29276 59 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:11 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:19 PM
29277 60 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:12 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:19 PM
29278 61 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:13 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:19 PM
29279 62 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:14 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:19 PM
29280 63 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:15 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:19 PM
29281 64 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:15 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:19 PM
29282 65 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:16 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:19 PM
29283 66 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:17 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:19 PM
29284 67 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:18 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:19 PM
29285 68 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:19 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:19 PM
29286 69 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:19 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:19 PM
29287 70 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:20 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:19 PM
29288 71 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:21 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:19 PM
29289 72 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:22 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:19 PM
29290 73 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:23 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:19 PM
29291 74 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:23 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:19 PM
29292 75 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:24 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:19 PM
29293 76 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:25 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:19 PM
29294 80 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:36:26 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:19 PM
29295 April-2012 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:37:02 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:19 PM
29296 April-2013 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:37:03 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:19 PM
29297 April-2014 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:37:04 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:18 PM
29298 January-2013 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:37:05 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:18 PM
29299 January-2014 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:37:05 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:18 PM
29300 January-2015 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:37:06 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:18 PM
29301 July-2012 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:37:07 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:18 PM
29302 July-2013 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:37:08 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:18 PM
29303 July-2014 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:37:09 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:18 PM
29304 October-2012 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:37:10 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:18 PM
29305 October-2013 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:37:11 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:18 PM
29306 October-2014 Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:37:12 PM Tuesday 07th of April 2020 01:46:18 PM
29307 Year Book 68 2005 Wednesday 08th of April 2020 02:50:37 PM Wednesday 08th of April 2020 02:52:19 PM
29308 Year Book 69 2006 Wednesday 08th of April 2020 02:55:00 PM Wednesday 08th of April 2020 02:55:00 PM
29309 Year Book 70 2007 Wednesday 08th of April 2020 02:58:43 PM Wednesday 08th of April 2020 02:58:43 PM
29310 Year Book 71 2008 Wednesday 08th of April 2020 02:59:23 PM Wednesday 08th of April 2020 03:01:17 PM
29311 Year Book 72 2009 Wednesday 08th of April 2020 03:10:44 PM Wednesday 08th of April 2020 03:11:52 PM
29312 Year Book 73 2010 Wednesday 08th of April 2020 03:10:45 PM Wednesday 08th of April 2020 03:11:37 PM
29313 Year Book 74 2011 Wednesday 08th of April 2020 03:10:45 PM Wednesday 08th of April 2020 03:12:17 PM
29314 Year Book 75 2012 Wednesday 08th of April 2020 03:10:47 PM Wednesday 08th of April 2020 03:12:44 PM
29315 Year Book 76 2013 Wednesday 08th of April 2020 03:10:48 PM Wednesday 08th of April 2020 03:13:11 PM
29316 Year Book 77 2014 Wednesday 08th of April 2020 03:10:49 PM Wednesday 08th of April 2020 03:13:55 PM
29317 Year Book 79 2016 Wednesday 08th of April 2020 03:10:49 PM Wednesday 08th of April 2020 03:14:20 PM
29318 Year Book 80 2017 Wednesday 08th of April 2020 03:10:50 PM Wednesday 08th of April 2020 03:14:41 PM
29319 Year Book 24 1961 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:16 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:53 PM
29320 Year Book 25 1962 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:16 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:53 PM
29321 Year Book 26 1963 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:17 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:53 PM
29322 Year Book 27 1964 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:17 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:53 PM
29323 Year Book 28 1965 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:18 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:53 PM
29324 Year Book 29 1966 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:19 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:53 PM
29325 Year Book 30 1967 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:19 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:53 PM
29326 Year Book 31 1968 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:20 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:53 PM
29327 Year Book 32 1969 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:21 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:53 PM
29328 Year Book 33 1970 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:21 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:53 PM
29329 Year Book 34 1971 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:22 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:53 PM
29330 Year Book 35 1972 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:23 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:53 PM
29331 Year Book 36 1973 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:23 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:53 PM
29332 Year Book 37 1974 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:24 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:53 PM
29333 Year Book 38 1975 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:25 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:53 PM
29334 Year Book 39 1976 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:25 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:53 PM
29335 Year Book 40 1977 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:26 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:53 PM
29336 Year Book 41 1978 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:26 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:53 PM
29337 Year Book 42 1979 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:27 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:52 PM
29338 Year Book 43 1980 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:28 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:52 PM
29339 Year Book 44 1981 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:28 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:52 PM
29340 Year Book 45 1982 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:29 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:52 PM
29341 Year Book 46 1983 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:30 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:52 PM
29342 Year Book 47 1984 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:30 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:52 PM
29343 Year Book 48 1985 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:31 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:52 PM
29344 Year Book 49 1986 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:31 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:24:10 PM
29345 Year Book 50 1987 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:32 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:52 PM
29346 Year Book 51 1988 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:33 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:52 PM
29347 Year Book 52 1989 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:34 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:52 PM
29348 Year Book 53 1990 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:34 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:52 PM
29349 Year Book 54 1991 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:35 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:52 PM
29350 Year Book 55 1992 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:35 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:52 PM
29351 Year Book 56 1993 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:36 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:52 PM
29352 Year Book 57 1994 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:37 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:52 PM
29353 Year Book 58 1995 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:38 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:52 PM
29354 Year Book 59 1996 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:38 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:52 PM
29355 Year Book 60 1997 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:39 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:52 PM
29356 Year Book 61 1998 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:39 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:52 PM
29357 Year Book 62 1999 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:40 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:52 PM
29358 Year Book 63 2000 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:41 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:52 PM
29359 Year Book 64 2001 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:41 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:52 PM
29360 Year Book 65 2002 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:42 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:52 PM
29361 Year Book 66 2003 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:43 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:51 PM
29362 Year Book 67 2004 Friday 10th of April 2020 03:20:44 PM Friday 10th of April 2020 03:21:51 PM
29363 A boat coming ashore near the Rock and Spindle. - photo:7x5sepia Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:29:48 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:19 PM
29364 View of St Andrews from St Salvators College Tower, looking east. - photo:4x2sepia Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:30:01 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:28:20 PM
29365 North Street looking west from the vicinity of no. 45. The Scottish Episcopal church, designed by William burn, can be glimpsed behind the trees on the right. A new St. Andrews Episcopal Church was built in Queen's Terrace in 1869. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:30:24 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:38 PM
29366 Academic Group Academic Group - professors and students (bazaar for Students Union?) (oversize) - photo:10x15sepia Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:30:58 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:30:43 PM
29367 Miss Alexander, sister-in-law of John Adamson. Russell Album p10 - photo:7x10sepia - negative:5x4BW - slide:35mmBW Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:31:02 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:25 PM
29368 George Bruce George Bruce (sawyers collotype), original in Destiny book Black and white photo: 5x7 inches BW negative:35mmBW Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:31:07 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:33 PM
29369 studio portrait of female - Bruce Family studio portrait of female member of George Bruce's family (+ oversize enlargement) - photo:4x6sepia - copy:1 Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:31:10 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:32:33 PM
29370 studio portrait of unidentified girl (member of Ireland or Spence family?) - photo:6x4sepia Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:31:13 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:02 PM
29371 studio portrait of unidentified girl (member of Ireland or Spence family?) - photo:6x4sepia Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:31:19 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:02 PM
29372 Wiliiam Rusack William Rusack - photo:6x4sepia Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:31:23 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:30 PM
29373 William Rusack William Rusack - photo:12x10sepia Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:31:26 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:31 PM
29374 C Wordsworth, Bishop of St Andrews - photo:6x4sepia Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:31:27 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:41 PM
29375 The Pends from the north with the gate of the Priory on the left - photo:5x3Sep - copy:1 Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:31:30 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:42 PM
29376 The Pends from the S.E. with four men - photo:6x5Sep Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:31:35 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:42 PM
29377 The Pends - photo:6x8BW - copy:1 Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:32:20 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:43 PM
29378 The Pends Two men standing in the Pends - photo:8x6BW Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:32:25 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:43 PM
29379 The restored crypt of the Priory - photo:10x8BW - copy:1 Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:32:27 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:44 PM
29380 Silkey hairpins Box of silkey hairpins. Rectangular in shape. White box with gold and red details. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:32:29 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:44 PM
29381 Post Office wall letter box Red letter box with relief of royal insignia/emblem of 'E VII R' and black plaque with white writing of street location: Union Street and collection times Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:32:31 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:45 PM
29382 St Andrews: Church of St Regulus and Ruins of the Cathedral Black lacquer frame with gold moulding Framed black and white print of St Andrews: Church of St Regulus and Ruins of the Cathedral. Tombstones and benches scattered around the buildings. String attatched to the back for hanging purposes. Price label on reverse: £20 Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:32:34 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:45 PM
29383 West Front of Cathedral Black and white print framed in a black frame with gold trim. Image of the ruins of St Andrews Cathedral. String attatched to the back for hanging purposes. Prce label on reverse: £20 Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:32:37 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:45 PM
29384 Medicine chest Medicine chest owned by Sir D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson and Dr gamgee. Travelling Case? With handle, two hinged doors that open to reveal drawers and glass bottles with labels - some bottles still have opriginal contents and D'Arcys writing on labels. Bottles are numbers : 1580 - 1598. For photos see MO 010, MO 010.1 and MO 028 Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:32:41 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:46 PM
29385 Case of bottles Leather chemist's case with 6 compartments containing 4 bottles from T.M. McKechnie with ground glass stoppers. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:32:43 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:47 PM
29386 Prescription envelope Prescription enevelope from Keith's the Chemist. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:32:45 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:47 PM
29387 Dispensing measure Dispensing measure. Glass. Used in South Street Chemist by T. M. Mckechnie between 1960-1970 Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:32:46 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:47 PM
29388 Etching "South Street" print by SAAPT of etching by Malcolm Patterson. Unsigned. Printed from Etching plate by the trust 1988. Framed June 1988 . Printed label on reverse: St Andrews Fine Art, 84a Market Street, St Andrews, Scotland Telphone 74080. (See SAAPT 1988.134) Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:32:48 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:48 PM
29389 Etching Etching of North Castle Street with a view of the castle ruins at the end of the street. By Malcolm Patterson, circa 1920. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:32:51 AM Wednesday 24th of March 2021 12:41:23 PM
29390 Inner Harbour Etching of the inner harbour, circa 1920. Shows the ‘Auld Hoose’ pub and harbour buildings. Artist: Malcolm Patterson Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:32:54 AM Friday 16th of April 2021 01:12:10 PM
29391 Etching Print from etching of harbour & pier from the cathedral, circa 1920. Fisherman on the path. By Malcolm Patterson. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:32:56 AM Wednesday 24th of March 2021 12:38:33 PM
29392 St Andrews From Kinkell Braes B/W print from original Malcolm Paterson plate. Distant view of St Andrews from the Kinkell Braes. Printed from etching plate by The Trust 1988. Framed June 1988. Unsigned print. St Andrews Fine Art sticker on reverse. Believed to be from shore rather than Kinkell Braes. (See Saapt 1988112) Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:32:57 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:49 PM
29393 St Andrews Harbour Oil painting of the long pier at St Andrews Harbour, 1886. Artist: James Graeme Leckie Ewing Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:32:59 AM Friday 16th of April 2021 01:21:11 PM
29394 New Zealand Creamery Butter Full tin of New Zealand Creamery Butter tin. Round tin with red and gold decoration. Printed on sides : New Zealand Creamery Butter Pasteurised/ Superfine Anchor Brand Butter Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:00 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:50 PM
29395 Oriental Tea Caddy Oriental Tea Caddy, square shape Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:02 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:51 PM
29396 Wilson's Ginger Beer Bottle Wilson's of St Andrews ceramic ginger beer bottle, clear glaze. makers mark stamped on neck. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:05 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:51 PM
29397 Wilson's Glass Bottle Wilson and Co of St Andrews brown glass bottle moulded makers inscriptions around base fragments of paper label : "Crystal Spring" label printed by J&J Litho, Glasgow Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:06 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:51 PM
29398 Wilson's Glass Bottle Wilson and Co of St Andrews green glass bottle, empty, no cap Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:08 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:52 PM
29399 Wilson's Glass Bottle Wilson and Co of St Andrews green glass bottle with cork Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:09 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:52 PM
29400 Wilson's Glass Bottle Wilson and Co of St Andrews pale blue/green glass bottle with cork. Remenants of label still on bottle Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:11 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:53 PM
29401 Wilson's Glass Bottle Wilson and Co of St Andrews pale blue/green glass bottle. Mineral water bottle. m akers mark moulded around base of side. Marble stoppers devides by Hiram Codd, London 1872, Patended U.S.A 1873 Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:12 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:53 PM
29402 Wilson's Glass Bottle Wilson and Co of St Andrews pale glass, Ginger Beer bottle. Unpoened, full. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:15 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:53 PM
29403 Bottle of Ginger Beer with Crown Cap Bottle of Ginger Beer with Crown Cap. Wilson's of St Andrews. Full. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:16 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:54 PM
29404 Wilson's Glass Bottle Wilson and Co of St Andrews pale glass bottle, Kola- Kola, unopened, full. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:19 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:54 PM
29405 Wilson's Glass Bottle Wilson and Co of St Andrews pale glass bottle with crown cap, Whole Gordon Orange Drink, unopened, full. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:20 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:55 PM
29406 Wilson's Glass Bottle Wilson and Co of St Andrews Large. clear glass bottle, twist cap, Orange Squash, Unopened, full Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:22 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:55 PM
29407 Wilson's Glass Bottle Wilson and Co of St Andrews Large. clear glass bottle, Ginger Beer, Unopened, full Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:23 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:55 PM
29408 Hair Clip 2 metal hair fastenings Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:25 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:56 PM
29409 St Leonards with clock tower Signed print of etching by Malcolm Patterson of St Leonards. signed bottom right. black lacquered wood frame Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:28 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:56 PM
29410 Peek Frean's Ritz Assorted Biscuit Tin oval biscuit tin box, decorative label on lid with cocktail scene, measurements: depth 4.5 cm, diameter 29 cm. The labels on the sides are slightly torn Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:29 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:57 PM
29411 Blue glass bottle Blue glass bottle (contents emptied), with label two labels stuck on it: 'Tincture of Iodine, John K. Kirk... family chemist, South Street, St Andrews; 'For outward use'. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:32 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:57 PM
29412 Cough medicine box Veno's Lightning cough cure box. Dummy box for window display. Veno's Drug Co. Ltd., Manchester. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:34 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:57 PM
29413 Yardley's Old English Lavender bottle Glass bottle containing lavender perfume with brown paper labels on front and back. Front label decorated with image of woman and text in black and cream. Back label is oval and decorated with grey details and black text. Has gold screw lid. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:37 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:58 PM
29414 Sweet Pea Blossom Perfume Square based glass bottle with paper labels on front and neck. Front label decorated with image of sweet pea blossom and black text. Brown label on neck of bottle with white text. Lid is gold with small screwtop for application. Martelle et Cie Paris. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:40 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:58 PM
29415 Rouge: Rosette Brune Cylindrical cardboard pot containing rouge and applicator. Blue pot with cream top and bottom with black detailing and text. The lid lifts off and side has gold edging. Label reads, 'Bourjois Ltd., Queens Way, Croydon. Made in England.' Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:41 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:58 PM
29416 St Salvators & North Street Framed print of etching "St Salvators & North Street" by Malcolm Patterson Unsigned print. Printed from etching plate by the Trust 1991. St Andrews Fine Art Stamp on reverse. Framed July 1988 Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:42 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:59 PM
29417 Butts Wynd Black frame with beige mount. Etching of Butts Wynd with St Salvators chapel prominent to the left of the lane. Students dressed in graduation garb near the gate to the quad. String attatched to the back for hanging. Framing company sticker on the back that says the proint was framed July 1988 by St Andrews Fine Art. Unsigned print. Printed from etching plate by the Trust 1991. St Andrews Fine Art Stamp on reverse. Framed July 1988 Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:44 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:33:59 PM
29418 St Andrews from the pier Framed print of etching "St Andrews View from Pier" by Malcolm Patterson Unsigned print. Printed from etching plate by the Trust 1991. St Andrews Fine Art Stamp on reverse. Framed July 1988 Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:47 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:00 PM
29419 Fry's Chocolate Box Wooden Box - Fry's new Assorted Chocolates. No lid. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:48 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:00 PM
29420 Wilson's Brewery Label label for Wilson's Quinine tonic water bottle Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:50 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:00 PM
29421 Stellon mixing dish Used for mixing acrylic resin (dentures). Thick and heavy because mixture has to be kept cool or it goes off. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:52 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:01 PM
29422 Box containing x-ray film Used by Mr W.A Duncan the Dentist, St Andrews. For children, small enough to fit in mouth. Red box with sticky label that has the film's measurments and brand name 'Ilford' on it. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:54 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:01 PM
29423 Wooden needle case Cylindrical wooden case of metal files Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:55 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:02 PM
29424 Vice Held to dentist bench with clamp (1995.38.24) Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:33:58 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:02 PM
29425 Jewellers Bench Belonged to Mr Duncans Great-Grandfather David Duncan. Used in Cupar workshop as a jewellers bench, brought to St Andrews after David Duncans death in 1875. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:00 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:02 PM
29426 Dentist tool Triangular metal dentist tool with wooden handle Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:03 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:03 PM
29427 Anvil Made from part of the mast of the 'Merlin' wrecked in St Andrews Bay in 1881. Scrap wood from the boat was gathered up and sold off in lots. This was bought by Grandfather of Mr Duncan the Dentist. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:06 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:03 PM
29428 Foot powered lathe Belonged to Grandfather of Mr Duncan the Dentist. Last used during WWII for power cuts. Carbondum disc to smooth vulcanite etc. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:09 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:04 PM
29429 Hammer Belonged to Grandfather of Mr Duncan the Dentist. For use with anvil (SAAPT 1995.038.11) Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:11 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:04 PM
29430 Metal rolling machine Tall wooden rolling machine with metal rollers and winding handle. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:13 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:04 PM
29431 Brass tie wire for tying things Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:16 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:05 PM
29432 Straight graver tool Tool used when working with vulcomite fitted in the handle. The handle is wooden and the tool is metal. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:17 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:05 PM
29433 File One of 4 files (two are ordinary and two are for working with vulconite). Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:19 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:05 PM
29434 File One of 4 files (two are ordinary and two are for working with vulconite). Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:21 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:06 PM
29435 File One of 4 files (two are ordinary and two are for working with vulconite). Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:23 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:06 PM
29436 Brush Brush for cleaning metal files (listed as 53a, b, c and d). Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:25 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:06 PM
29437 Metal lance Thin, metal, double ended lance. Each end has a small knife for cutting. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:28 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:07 PM
29438 Metal tool with wooden handle A tool either for filing or chiseling. The handle is wooden and rounded and the tool-end is metal and flat. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:30 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:07 PM
29439 Dental punches Eight-sided metal dental punch (one of four listed as 70a, 70b, 70c and 70d). Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:32 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:08 PM
29440 Dental punches Four-sided metal dental punch with slightly tapered but blunt end (one of four listed as 70a, 70b, 70c and 70d). Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:34 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:08 PM
29441 Dental punches Cylindrical metal dental punch with grooved end (one of four listed as 70a, 70b, 70c and 70d). Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:36 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:08 PM
29442 Dental punches Cylindrical metal dental punch with flattened end (one of four listed as 70a, 70b, 70c and 70d). Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:38 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:09 PM
29443 Double ended denture tool Wooden dental tool with a sharp end and a flat rounded end. The handle is wooden but the tool ends are metal. Used for "waxing up" dentures and smoothing moulding wax dentures. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:41 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:09 PM
29444 Pliers Dark metal pliers Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:43 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:10 PM
29445 Metal pot Very small, homemade metal pot with handle. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:45 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:10 PM
29446 Tin container Small gold tin box Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:48 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:10 PM
29447 Metal punch Metal metal punch with tapered but blunt end (listed as one of three: 84a, 84b and 84c). Use not known - may have belonged to a jeweller. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:50 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:11 PM
29448 Metal punch Metal metal punch with tapered but blunt end (listed as one of three: 84a, 84b and 84c).Use not known - may have belonged to a jeweller. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:52 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:11 PM
29449 Metal punch Metal metal punch with tapered but blunt and engraved/shaped end, as if to make an impression like a stamp (listed as one of three: 84a, 84b and 84c). Use not known - may have belonged to a jeweller. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:55 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:12 PM
29450 Half round graver Small metal, half rounded graver. Would have been insterted into wooden handle to be used to cut/mould vulconite dentures. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:57 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:12 PM
29451 Metal stamp Metal Stamp with relief of "M A Duncan" Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:34:59 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:12 PM
29452 Mould Dental mould for crowns (part of four listed a-d). According to Mr Duncan these moulds are 'ancient', he never saw them used and are supposed to have belonged to his great-grandfather. Loctaed in bottom drawer of small wooden cabinet on dentist bench. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:35:01 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:13 PM
29453 Paper envelope containing gold solder A small brown paper envelope with red printed text: "Ash 14 Gold Solder: For general gold work". Gold solders were used because gold does not rot. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:35:03 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:13 PM
29454 Chayes box of wheels and discs used for dentistry work Small yellow coloured box containing Chaynes unmounted wheels and discs (11 soft discs, 11 wheels, 1 plastic tool with pointed end, 2 hard squares and 1 small, metal pointed file) Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:35:05 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:13 PM
29455 A small metal box of jewellers tools, including spanners and sharpened metal punching sticks Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:35:08 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:14 PM
29456 Lead ladle Large iron ladel (with pouring lip), used to pour/melt lead. Used in the manufacture of lead dies for dentures. Assoc. with wooden ladle rest. Belonged to Mr Duncan's grandfather. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:35:11 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:14 PM
29457 Packaging for Gold Foil Packaging for Gold Foil. Prepared by Claudius Ash and Sons, manufactuers of Mineral Teeth and Dental Materials. Small square booklet. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:35:13 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:15 PM
29458 American dentistry text book/leaflet Brown dentristry manual with decorated front cover, feauturing an eagle, list of addresses and border frame of leaves Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:35:18 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:15 PM
29459 Label from Wilson's Label from Wilson's brewery for Bitter Lemonade. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:35:20 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:15 PM
29460 North Street Watercolour of North Street. Signed on bottom right by artist. In white painted wood frame with carving. Allan and Duncan framers label on reverse. New window mount by Sproson, March 2002. Artist: James Graeme Leckie Ewing Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:35:22 AM Thursday 01st of April 2021 07:21:31 PM
29461 Brand's Beef Essence Paper (packet) glass (jar) Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:35:23 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:16 PM
29462 Sweet Tins a) Wilkinson's Pontefract Cakes b) Pascall Weekly Assortment Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:35:25 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:16 PM
29463 Bottle of Mackenzie's smelling salts Bottle of Mackenzie's smelling salts sold at Charles Robertson's chemist, 113-115 Market Street Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:35:28 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:17 PM
29464 Oxo Kitchen Aid Oxo Kitchen Aid - Handy Measures & Bottling Chart Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:35:31 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:17 PM
29465 Watch Spring Pessary Watch Spring Pessary. Black rubber ring No. 1. Diametre 2. Red box, orange label Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:35:34 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:18 PM
29466 Framed Certificate Certificate issued to William Ainslie Duncan from St Andrews University -Licentiateship in Dental Surgery - framed. Assoc material in information file and photographic collection - see Duncan Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:35:36 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:18 PM
29467 National Dried Milk Tin National dried milk tin issued by the Ministry of Food, London. Suitable for infants. Available from local council office at 13 Queens Gardens in exhange for coupons. Was available during the(WWII) 2nd World War until c.1959 Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:35:39 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:19 PM
29468 Name Plaque for Dentist Name plaque : William A Duncan/ LDS St A./ Dental Surgeon. Brass on wood. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:35:40 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:19 PM
29469 Queen Mary's, St Leonards School Library Framed print by Malcolm Patterson of St Leonards School Library. Large building with stairs leading up to the door with two trees in front of the building. Rreproduction of pencil drawing of Queen Mary's House, St Leonards School library. Exhibited November 2001 Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:35:44 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:19 PM
29470 St Leonard's House with Clock Framed print by Malcolm Patterson of St leonards House with large clock tower in the background. A large tree bench to the left of the building. String attatched to the back for hanging purposes. Reproduction of pencil drawing of St Leonards House. Exhibited November 2001 Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:35:49 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:20 PM
29471 St Andrews From the East by Leckie Ewing St Andrews From the East (the links). Framed Oil Painting. Skyline of St Andrews in background, with sheep and young girls playing in the foreground. Frame, wood, gesso decoration, gilt. Signed bottom left. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:35:51 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:20 PM
29472 Corner of Union Street Framed water colour by Leckie Ewing."Corner of Union Street" Signed bottom right. Black stained wood frame. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:35:52 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:21 PM
29473 Dentist's Powder Tin of Dr Wernet's Powder - for holding dental plates in place. Manufactured by Wernet's Dental Co c 1940s/1950s? Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:35:54 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:21 PM
29474 Post Office letter balance Spring letter balance used for weighing letters etc up to 1lb in Post office. Made in England. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:35:56 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:22 PM
29475 Soda Siphon Soda siphon produced by Wilson & Co, St Andrews. Logo on front. Glass with plastic nozzle. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:35:58 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:23 PM
29476 Bottle of Vicks Bottle of Vicks with contents (double accesion, original number is SAAPT 1991.189) Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:36:00 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:23 PM
29477 Hair curling Tongs Black handled tongs with 'Mrs Ingles' on label. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:36:03 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:24 PM
29478 St Andrews Curry Powder Bottle St Andrews Curry Powder Bottle for Smith and Govan, 109 South Street, St Andrews Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:36:19 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:24 PM
29479 Benzedine inhaler Benzedine inhaler for relieving nasal congestion Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:36:21 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:25 PM
29480 College Pure Sweets and Toffees tin College Pure Sweets and Toffees tin Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:36:24 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:25 PM
29481 Mackintosh's carnival assortment de luxe tin Mackintosh's carnival assortment de luxe tin Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:36:26 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:25 PM
29482 Post Office Whistle Metal General Post Office whistle Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:36:29 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:26 PM
29483 General post office staff handbook General post office staff handbook. Red cover with GPO logo. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:36:31 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:26 PM
29484 Post Office Scales General Post Office Scales Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:36:33 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:27 PM
29485 Maypole Cheddar Cheese Box "Maypole pure rich cheddar cheese" box with lid. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:36:35 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:27 PM
29486 Box of Purified Creme of Tartar Box of Purified Creme of Tartar B.P. Yellow and beige in colour. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:36:37 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:27 PM
29487 Tea Aikman and Terras Finest China and Darjeeling tea. In original packaging. Good condition. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:36:40 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:28 PM
29488 Tea Green coloured packet of Aikman and Terras finest China and Darjeeling tea. In original packaging. Good condition. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:36:42 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:28 PM
29489 Bottles six St Andrews bottles Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:36:45 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:29 PM
29490 Almond Oil Bottle of Almond Oil (contents disposed) from A. W. Keith the Chemists, 73 South Street. The donors' aunt, Dorothy Anderson, worked in Keith the Chemists for 40 years. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:36:47 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:29 PM
29491 Glass bottle from Wilson and Co Glass bottle from Wilson and Co. manufacturers. Bottle moulded with inscription 'WILSON & CO./REGISTERED TRADEMARK/ST ANDREWS AND CUPAR.' Missing cap. Found in donor's garden. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:36:49 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:29 PM
29492 Glass bottle from Suttie manufacturers. Glass bottle from Suttie manufacturers. Bottle moulded with inscription 'SUTTIE/REGISTERED TRADEMARK/ST ANDREWS.' Missing cap. Found in donor's garden. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:36:51 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:30 PM
29493 McCormick's whole nutmegs Tin of McCormick's whole nutmegs, containing contents. Good condition. Red and white in colour Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:36:53 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:30 PM
29494 Allinson active baking yeast dried Cyclindrical blue and white tin of Allinson active baking yeast dried, including contents. Produced circa 1970s-1980s. Good condition. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:36:56 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:31 PM
29495 Powdered gelatine packet Cardboard packet of powdered gelatine produced by S.C.W.S. Ltd. Food Specialists (Scottish Cooperative Wholesale Society), circa 1950s-1960s. Good condition. Yellow and brown in colour. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:36:58 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:31 PM
29496 Soreen meringue powder Paper packet of Soreen meringue powder, vanilla flavour, circa 1980s. Produced by John R. Sorensen and Co. Ltd., 119-123 Cross Street, Sale, Cheshire. Good condition. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:37:00 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:31 PM
29497 National Rules and Standing Orders National Rules and Standing Orders produced by the Union of Post Office Workers in 1973. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:37:03 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:32 PM
29498 Oxo stock cube tin Oxo stock cube tin made by Oxo Ltd.,Thames House, London. Fair condition, rusting present. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:37:06 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:32 PM
29499 Soda siphon Soda siphon from John Suttie's bottleworks, St Andrews. Original label still present on neck of siphon, slightly torn. Some original contents still inside. Good condition. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:37:08 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:33 PM
29500 Postman Documents Booklet - Instructions for drivers of postal motor vehicles belonging to/signed by R. J. Connah who worked in St Andrews. Beige cover, good condition. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:37:09 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:33 PM
29501 Certificate Framed certificate of registration stating that Charles W. Robertson is a registered chemist and member of the Pharmaceutical Society, dated 22 March 1941. Good condition. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:37:12 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:33 PM
29502 Chlorodyne Blue bottle of chlorodyne with black lid, 9.5 cm high. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:37:18 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:34 PM
29503 Food colouring One of a collection of 3 glass bottles, ingredient used for cooking with a)holly red food colour by A.B. Marshall Ltd Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:37:21 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:34 PM
29504 Cooking ingredients One of a collection of 3 glass bottles, ingredient used for cooking with b)clear blue food colour, Manufactured by A.B. Marshall, Ltd. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:37:22 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:35 PM
29505 Chlorodyne Dr J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne. Tube incased in neutral coloured paper printed with red inck. Sealed at each end with red wax trademark seal. full. highley decorative. 9cm high. Clas A Drug contained inside - contains extract of opium (morphine). Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:37:24 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:35 PM
29506 Chemist Bottle White glass bottle from Smith and Govan Chemist, 109 South Street St Andrews. Dirty. Handwritten label. Embossed address off chemist on bottle. Found during renovation work at The Castle Tavern, North Street St Andrews Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:37:27 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:36 PM
29507 Calendar Calendar from E. Walker, Artist, Colourman and Stationer, 13 Bell Street, St Andrews, from 1911. Front has original watercolour by Leckie Ewing. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:37:29 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:36 PM
29508 Certificate of the Institute of Certified Grocers Framed and glazed certificate. R.A. Gall has passed 1st exam of Institution of Certified Grocers, 30th June 1925. R.A. Gall was grocers assitant at Aikman and Terras. Black wood frame with gold inlay. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:37:32 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:36 PM
29509 Ceramic inhaler Bottle reads; 'Improved inhaler for hot water infusions. The water used hsould be boiling and the inhaler not more than half full'. Cork stopper with glass pipe. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:37:35 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:37 PM
29510 Ceramic box Marbrero toothpaste box with white and black decoration Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:37:38 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:37 PM
29511 Dentist's mirror Victorian silver handled dentist's mirror Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:37:39 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:37 PM
29512 Chemist's bottle Small green glass bottle. Hexagonal / Ribbed. From Charles Robertson's Chemist Shop. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:37:41 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:38 PM
29513 Chemist's bottle Green glass bottle for methylated spirits. No lid. Hexagonal / Ribbed. From Charles Robertson's Chemist Shop. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:37:43 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:38 PM
29514 Pestle Wooden pestle (and chine mortar - still fine powder inside). Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:37:46 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:39 PM
29515 Kinkell Braes with St Andrews in the background Print - Kinkell Braes with St Andrews in background; from 1908 Calendar; Leckie Ewing. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:37:49 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:39 PM
29516 St Andrews from Links Print - St Andrews from Links; Leckie Ewing: from 1906 Calendar. View of St. Andrews from the west sands. Image is mounted on calendar board for 1906. The reverse says "with compliments from E. Walker, 13 Bell Street, St Andrews. Two hole punches in the top of the mount in order to hang. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:37:49 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:39 PM
29517 St. Andrews Harbour Print - Watercolour Pastel; from 1909 Calendar; Leckie Ewing: "St Andrews Harbour". Boats in inner harbour. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:37:52 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:40 PM
29518 Wooden box from Aikman and Terras Wooden box from Aikman and Terras Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:37:54 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:40 PM
29519 Tin scoop measure Tin Scoop measure. Large in size, shows signs of wear and tear and is rusted. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:37:56 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:41 PM
29520 Aluminum Tea Scoop Aluminum tea scoop from Aikman and Terras. Similar to SAAPT 2115. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:37:59 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:41 PM
29521 Coffee Advertisement Clock Orange clock which hung in Aikman and Terras, advertising coffee. Has cartoon mouse turning the clock hands. Large key wired to back of case in bureau, front hall. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:01 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:41 PM
29522 Bishops Castle, St Andrews Framed lithograph of castle based on calotype by Thomas Rodger Balck laquered frame Printed label on revers; A & M Sproson/ Picture Framers/ The Kirkhill Workshop/ Gregory Place/ St ANdrews/ Tel: 0334-74249/ 76679 Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:03 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:42 PM
29523 Saint Andrews St Andrews. View of cliffs by the shore, with Cathedral buildings above. A small fishing boat can be seen on the water at bottom left, with the harbour at left in the background. StAPT stamp on reverse View from Castle sands Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:05 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:42 PM
29524 St.Andrews Cathedral Lithograph of the St Andrews Cathedral ruins,. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:06 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:42 PM
29525 Marmalade Jar James Keiller and Sons Marmalade Jar. Glazed ceramic jar, empty, cream color with black lettering. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:08 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:43 PM
29526 Nannie Anderson or Brown Lived at 3 South Castle Street with her husband who worked as an Attendent at the Marine Laboratory, circa 1920. Artist: Malcolm Patterson. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:10 AM Friday 16th of April 2021 12:06:03 PM
29527 Harbour drawing of Harbour by Malcolm Patterson Copy of original, possibly from publicaiton. Art Shop label in reverse. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:12 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:44 PM
29528 Small Mint Box Tin mint box marked 'JBB Mints' on all sides. Top is ridged metal design, bottom has barcode-like ridged design cut into the metal. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:13 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:44 PM
29529 Chocolate Box Blue circular tin chocolate box featuring a lady on a lion with the union jack (Brittania). Marked 'Cadbury' on the back. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:17 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:44 PM
29530 S.C.W.S Margarine A white cardboard box of margarine with the words 'S.C.W.S guild Margarine' and '8 oz. Net' written on the top. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:20 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:45 PM
29531 Matheson McLaren and Co Tea Tin Matheson McLaren and Co Tea Tin. printed/ embossed on top : Matheson McLaren & Co's Tea Edinburgh London & Winnipeg printed inside lid : Matheson Mclaren and Co. Pure China Tea. 3/- per lb. Head office 54 york place Edinburgh Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:23 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:45 PM
29532 Tea Tin Tea Tin. Blue octagonal tall tea tin, embelished with coloured flowers and gold and cream embelishment. The tin is faceted with a hinged lid. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:25 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:46 PM
29533 Capstan Navy Cut Cigarette Tin Capstan Navy Cut Cigarette Tin. Round tin with a lid, there is a paper label around the side on which is printed the name Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:27 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:46 PM
29534 Tom Thumb Cigar Tin Tom Thumb 10 Cigars tin. Red base with white top, black border, picture of little man in flower and red lettering. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:29 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:46 PM
29535 Mazures du Chateau de S.Andre St Andrews Castle ruins, with some figures gathered in the foreground. StAPT stamp on reverse. height 12.2cm, width 15.5cm. Castle Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:31 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:47 PM
29536 The Ruins of the Cathedral of St Andrews, with the chapel of St Rule from the West Cathedral ruin, St Andrews. 5 people visible in foreground; a man and woman with dog, a man with wheelbarrow, gentleman with walking stick and a man holding a spade. A sailing ship can also be seen at far left. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:32 AM Sunday 07th of March 2021 08:22:12 PM
29537 Cathedral ruins, St.Andrews Cathedral Ruins, St Andrews, Three men, one sitting in a wheelbarrow, the others standing, under archway StAPT stamp on reverse Height 17.7cm, width 22cm. Cathedral Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:34 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:48 PM
29538 Wooden Butter Mould Wooden butter mould. Carved pattern of Prince of Wales feathers with serated edge. Uded for making fancy butter pats. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:35 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:48 PM
29539 pair of Butter Pats Pair of wooden butter pats. Used for shaping butter. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:37 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:48 PM
29540 View of the Ruins of the Cathedral of Saint Andrews Tweo gentleman in top hats stand in the foreground withtheir dog, with the ruins of St Andrews Cathedral and the graveyard around them Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:39 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:49 PM
29541 Aikman and Terras Coffee Tin Tin of coffee from Aikman and Terras. Tin with paper label. label reads: Finest coffee selected from the choicest growths of Guatemala, Costa Rica and Brazil and blended carefully. Guaranteed absolutely pure Aikman and Terras Coffee Merchants, 165 South Street, St Andrews. Black ink on organe paper. Label also holds instructions on "How to Make Good Coffee" and a picture of "Recommended Coffee Jug" Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:40 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:49 PM
29542 Aikman and Terras Coffee Scoops Twelve gold coloured small coffee scoops from Aikman and Terras; Printed in the bowl of spoon in black: "Use one spoonful of pure coffee for each breakfast cup required. Aikman & Terras Ltd., Coffee Specialists. St. Andrews"; Handle decorated with pattern in black ink; Measurements: Length 9 cm, Width 4 cm Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:42 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:50 PM
29543 Stoneware bottle Glazed stoneware bottle with cork from Wilson and Co of St Andrews and Cupar. Contained ginger beer. makers mark stamped on front. base unglazed. No distinguishing marks or inscriptions Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:44 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:50 PM
29544 Stoneware bottle Glazed stoneware bottle with cork from Wilson and Co of St Andrews and Cupar. Contained ginger beer. makers mark stamped on front. base unglazed. No distinguishing marks or inscriptions Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:46 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:50 PM
29545 Stoneware bottle Glazed stoneware bottle with cork from Wilson and Co of St Andrews and Cupar. Contained ginger beer. makers mark stamped on front. base unglazed. No distinguishing marks or inscriptions Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:47 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:51 PM
29546 Chemist's bottle Dark green glass chemist's dispensing bottle, hexagonally shaped. Two sides ribbed for easy handling, three sides smooth so contents can be viewed. Cork (not original) stopper, no contents. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:50 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:51 PM
29547 Macfarlane, Lang & Co. Sample box Rectangular tin; Picture of The Fighting Termeraire by Turner on lid; Red and gold paint on sides; Measurements length 15.5 cm, width 9.0 cm, depth 4.2 cm (all approx.) Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:52 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:51 PM
29548 Wooden Colman's Mustard Box Wooden Colman's Mustard box with hinged lid. The box is light wood (boxwood) nailed and glued together, the lid opens and shuts by a simple staple hinge at either end. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:54 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:52 PM
29549 Ruins of Cathedral and Chapel of St Regulus, St Andrews Cathedral ruins and graveyard, St Andrews, with a number of mid-Victorian individuals promenading Height 8.2cm, width 11.9cm. St Rules Tower Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:56 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:52 PM
29550 East End Gable of Cathedral, St Andrews East End Gable of Cathedral, St Andrews Drawn 1812-09-15, Published 1852-02-20 Watermark visible "J. Whatman 1810". StAPT stamp on reverse. Ink drawing (or print?) with pencil additions. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:57 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:53 PM
29551 Interior of the Cathedral, St Andrews, from the West. Interior of the Cathedral, St Andrews, from the West. Drawn 1812-09-15. Published 1852-02-20 StAPT stamp on reverse. Ink drawing (or print?) with pencil additions, 14x21cm Cathedral Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:38:59 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:53 PM
29552 Ruins of the Castle of St Andrews, from the north east Sketch of the Castle ruins, St Andrews circa 1800. In foreground is a woman and child with dog. Unknown artist. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:00 AM Wednesday 17th of February 2021 07:59:14 PM
29553 Cathedral & Chapel of St Regulus at St Andrews Engraving of the athedral & Chapel of St Regulus at St Andrews. By P. Mazell from a drawing by M. Griffiths. T. Right xxii. T. Left 194. StAPT stamp on reverse Height 14.7cm, width 20cm. Cathedral & Chapel, St Andrews Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:02 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:54 PM
29554 St.Andrews Castle Sepia engraving of St Andrews castle ruins, with surrounding cliffs and sea shore. StAPT stamp on reverse Height 13cm, width 18.4cm. Castle Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:03 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:55 PM
29555 West door, St Andrews Cathedral Ramanesque arch frames the scene, with a bearded man resting against the arch, looking towards St Andrews Cathedral ruins in the background. Height 13cm, width 18.4cm. Cathedral from photo by wilson Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:05 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:55 PM
29556 St.Andrews Cathedral Sepia engraving of teh St Andrews Cathedral ruins Height 13cm, width 18.5cm. Cathedral Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:06 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:55 PM
29557 St.Andrews Cathedral, Looking East Sepia engraving of St.Andrews Cathedral, Looking East StAPT stamp on reverse Height 13.4cm, width 18.3cm. Cathedral Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:07 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:56 PM
29558 St.Andrews - 8 views & crest Composition of eight vignettes, depicting the Cathedral and Castle Ruins, St Salvator's chapel, the Blackfriars Chapel, Madras College, United College buildings, the Martyr's Monuments and a general topographical view of St Andrews Printed mounted on heavy cars. StAPT stamp on reverse. Height 37.9cm, width 28.2cm. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:09 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:56 PM
29559 Ruins of the Cathedral and Castle of St Andrews, From the East Engraving by Barlow entitled "Ruins of the cathedral and castle of St Andrews from the east". St Andrews harbour and Cathedral ruins appear at left, while the Castle ruins are depicted at right. StAPT stamp on rever Height 8.5cm, width 13cm. Cathedral and castle Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:10 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:56 PM
29560 The Cathedral at St Andrews Engraving entitled "the cathedral at St Andrews". Cathedral ruins. StAPT stamp on reverse Height 10cm, width 15.7cm. Cathedral. : St.Andrews Cathedral Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:12 AM Thursday 04th of February 2021 11:01:13 AM
29561 St.Andrews Cathedral Engraving of St Andrews Cathedral ruins and graveyard. A man can be seen at far right with a pick axe slung over his shoulder. StAPT stamp on reverse Height 12.2cm, width 17.7cm. Cathedral. Published march 25th 1791 by S. Heeper Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:14 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:57 PM
29562 St Regulus's Cathedral, as St Andrews, in Fifeshire Engraving by Eastgate of St Regulus's Cathedral ruins at St Andrews in Fifeshire with three sheep in the foreground at left. Printed on paper with light green tinge. StAPT stamp on reverse. Height 12.7cm, width 17.9cm. St Rules Tower. According to Act of parliament it was published by Alexander Hogg, No. 16 Pasternoster Row. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:15 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:58 PM
29563 St.Andrews Cathedral Engraving of the Cathedral ruins at St Andrews, with a man standing beside two gravestones in the foreground to the left. Published by Vernor and Hood paltry, Febuary 1 1805. StAPT stamp on reverse. Height 11.3cm, width 8.3cm Cathedral Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:17 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:58 PM
29564 Tower of St Regulus and Cathedral, St Andrews Yellow washed lithogrph entitled "Tower of St Regulus and cathedral St Andrews".Tower of St Regulus, cathedral ruins and graveyard, St Andrews. Several figures in mid-Victorian dress populate this scene., one holding a shovel, another smoking a pipe. Cathedral marked "Published by M.Fletcher, bookseller, St.Andrews." Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:18 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:58 PM
29565 Ruins of St Andrews Cathedral, form East yellow washed sketch, mounted on borad entitled "Ruins of St Andrews Cathedral from the east" Cathedral ruins and graveyard, St Andrews, with St Regulas' tower prominents in the composition. Two individuals sit on chest tomb at lower left of the drawer. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:20 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:59 PM
29566 Cathedral and Chapel, St Andrews Lithograph of the "Cathedral and Chapel, St Andrews". StAPT stamp on reverse Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:22 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:34:59 PM
29567 Ruins of St Andrews Cathedral Unfinished (?) faded pencil sketch of the Cathedral ruins, St Andrews. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:23 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:00 PM
29568 Castle Ruins, St Andrews Pencil sketch of the Castle ruins, by H E. Inscribed in pencil top right: St Andrews originals 1824, bottem right: by Palterson. St Andrews and the surrounding cliffs and sea shore StAPT stamp on reverse Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:25 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:00 PM
29569 Mazures de L'eglise Cathedrale de S.Andre Cathedral ruins & graveyard, St Andrews, with individuals scattered around the grounds, three on horseback. Print is surrounded by a decoraative printed border. Pasted onto paper backing. StAPT stamp on reverse. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:26 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:00 PM
29570 Ruins of Cathedral, St Andrews Cathedral Ruins, St Andrews Prtin pasted to a paper backing. StAPT stamp on reverse. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:28 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:01 PM
29571 The Ruins of the Castle of St Andrews Rare original print of the Castle Ruins at St Andrews. Right Side of castle relatively ruined, left side still fairly intact. Four figures and a dog can be seen in the foreground. Castle. Dedicatied to the Earl of Rothes Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:29 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:01 PM
29572 Sketch of St Andrews Castle from the east Castle ruins, St Andrews, also showing the cliffs and shoreline, circa 1800. Unknown artist. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:31 AM Friday 16th of April 2021 10:54:38 AM
29573 The College Church View of St Salvators Chapel, North Street St Andrews An illustration from a book, this print has text on the reverse, which talks for the history of the Cathedral, Castle and University. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:32 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:02 PM
29574 Castle of St.Andrews Engraving of the St Andrews castle ruins StAPT stamp on reverse Ink drawing (or print?) with pencil additions; Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:34 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:02 PM
29575 Blue tin billy can Blue enamelled tin billy can. Tight fitting lid brighter blue than body with loop handle. Wire carrying handle. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:36 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:03 PM
29576 Phemie Portrait of Euphemia Wilson from circa 1920. 'Phemie' lived at Balfour Place and is listed in the 1911 census as a 'gatherer of shell-fish'. Artist: Malcolm Patterson. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:37 AM Monday 12th of April 2021 08:44:41 PM
29577 Nannie Anderson or Brown Black and white sketch of elderly woman in profile, circa 1920. Looks to be wearing an apron or fisherwoman's clothes. Lived at 3 South Castle Street with her husband who worked as an Attendent at the Marine Laboratory. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:39 AM Friday 16th of April 2021 12:06:30 PM
29578 Black Bonnet Black laquered wood frame with beige mount. Sketch of an elderly stern looking woman wearing a black scarf and bonnet. Nannie Anderson or Brown? Signed by artist at bottom right. On left "No.15" Stamped label on reverse: The Art Shop/ 138South Street, St Andrews/ Phone: Artist COlourman 1288/ Picture Framing and Lettering/ John A.S. Duncan handwritten on reverse: Nannie Anderson or Brown/ "Black Bonnet"/ Given by Miss Joan Anderson Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:40 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:04 PM
29579 Skipper Chisholm Image of an elderly stern looking man, sailor/fisherman. wearing sheepskin coat. Signed by artist bottom right. "3rd State" written on left. Stamped label on reverse: The Art Shop/ 138 South Street, St Andrews/ Phone: Artist Colourman 1288/ Picture Framing and lettering/ John A. S. Duncan Handwritten on reverse: "Skipper" Chisholm?/ Nicknamed "Pout" Chisholm/ Given by miss Joan Patterson/ Peter Waters Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:39:59 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:04 PM
29580 Catle of St Andrews (from the east) Castle Ruins, St Andrews also showing the cliffs and shoreling. Print is pasted onto a cotton and card backing Very very poor condition. In three peices. Castle of St Andrews from the East: materials - paper and varnish: awful condition. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:00 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:05 PM
29581 Castle ruins Castle ruins, St Andrews, with several figures and a cow in the foreground. Drawing pasted onto heavy cardboard St Andrews Castle - pencil sketch Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:02 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:05 PM
29582 A view of the Castle ruins of St Andrews View of Castle ruins, St Andrews, with the Cathedral in the background. Circa 1775. Drawing by J Oliphant Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:04 AM Friday 16th of April 2021 10:48:07 AM
29583 Cathedral Ruins Cathedral ruins, St Andrews. Seven individuals can be seen, dressed in Victorian costume, enjoying the tranquility of the setting. Pasted onto card with SAAPT 766 Ruins of the Cathedral of St Andrews. Artist - J Stewart; Engraver - J Swan. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:05 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:06 PM
29584 Fishing boats and Cathedral St Andrews - two fishing boats bob on the surface of a choppy sea, with the harbour to the left and the cathedral ruins above cliffs in the distance. Pasted onto card with SAAPT 765 Tower of St Regulus and Part of the Cathedral of St Andrews. Drawn - J Stewart; Engraved - J Swan. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:07 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:07 PM
29585 Cathedral & Chapel of St Regulus at St Andrews Cathedral and chapel of St Regulus at St Andrews: Artist - M Griffiths; Engraver - P Mazell. StAPT stamp on reverse Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:09 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:07 PM
29586 St Andrews Cathedral. Print depicting St Andrews Cathedral ruins. StAPT stamp on reverse. H166mmxW208mm. Plate mark dimensions: H138mmxW188mm. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:10 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:07 PM
29587 St Andrews. West Front of the Cathedral West front of St Andrews Cathedral Ruins: Artist - R W Billings; Engraver - J H Lekeux; Publisher - W Blackwood, Edinburgh. Plate mark just visible at edges. StAPT stamp on reverse Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:12 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:08 PM
29588 Cathedral Ruins of St Andrews Cathedral ruins, St Andrews. Three men, one sitting on a wheelbarrow, the others standing, under an archway StAPT stamp on reverse Cathedral Ruins of St Andrews: Calotype - T Rodger; On Stone - C Schacher; Lith. - Caldwell & MacPherson; Published - J C Orr, Fife & Cupar. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:13 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:08 PM
29589 A View of St Andrews Cathedral Framed print of engraving of St Andrews Cathedral & St Rule from the West. Balck frame with beige mount. Print of the ruins of the Cathedral of St Andrews with people walking around the ruins. Inscription 'To the Right Hon'ble the Earl of Kinnoul, Chancellor of the University of St Andrews. Chancellor of the University of St Andrews. This place is most humbly dedicated by his lordship most obedient servant J Oliphant." String on the back for hanging. Stamp of A&M Picture Framers on the back Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:14 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:09 PM
29590 Tower of St Regulus & Cathedral of St Andrews Tower of St Regulus, cathedral ruins and graveyard, St Andrews. Several figures in mid-Victorian dress populate this scene, one holding a shovel, another smoking a pipe. StAPT stamp on reverse Tower of St Regulus and Cathedral of St Andrews: Drawn - I Herdman; Lithographer - W H Lizars; Bookseller - M Fletcher. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:18 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:09 PM
29591 Bishops Castle - St Andrews Castle ruins, St Andrews, circa mid-1800s. Beach and rocks are shown in the foreground. Four figures can be seen strolling near the castle. Calotype by T Rodger. Lithograph by C Schacher. Published by J C Orr, Cupar. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:20 AM Friday 16th of April 2021 10:46:32 AM
29592 The Ruins of the Castle of St Andrews Castle Ruins, St Andrews. Right side of the castle in ruin, left side still fairly intact. Four figure and a dog can be seen in the foreground. inscriptions: "Rudera Arcis Sancti Andreae" "This plate and ye following prodpect of the city of St Andrews in more humbly inscrib'd to the Right Honble John Earl of Rothels & etc Lord Vice Admirall of North Britain & Governour of Sterling Castle" StAPT stamp on reverse The Ruins of the Castle of St Andrews: Engraved - Slezer: for history 1693. Dedicated to the Earl of Rothes. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:22 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:10 PM
29593 The Ruins of the Cathedrall of St Andrews Cathedral ruins, St Andrews. A collection of incised grave slabs can be seen in the foreground, as well as a gentleman riding a horse and nother gentleman walking in front. Inscription: "Ruderae ecclediae cathedraelis sancti Andreae". "This plare and the folowing views of ye cathedralls are most humbly inscrib'd to the Right Reverend Father in God William Ld Bishop of Carlyle Lord Almoner to his Majestie" StAPt stamp on reverse. The Ruins of the Cathedral: Engraved - Slezer; Dedicated to Bishop of Carlyle. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:23 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:10 PM
29594 The Ruins of the Cathedrall of St Andrews Cathedral ruins, St Andrews. A collection of incised grave slabs can be seen in the foreground, as well as a gentleman riding a horse and nother gentleman walking in front. Inscription: "Ruderae ecclediae cathedraelis sancti Andreae". "This plare and the folowing views of ye cathedralls are most humbly inscrib'd to the Right Reverend Father in God William Ld Bishop of Carlyle Lord Almoner to his Majestie" StAPt stamp on reverse. The Ruins of the Cathedral: Engraved - Slezer. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:25 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:11 PM
29595 The Ruins of the Cathedrall of St Andrews Cathedral ruins, St Andrews. A collection of incised grave slabs can be seen in the foreground, as well as a gentleman riding a horse and nother gentleman walking in front. Inscription: "Ruderae ecclediae cathedraelis sancti Andreae". "This plare and the folowing views of ye cathedralls are most humbly inscrib'd to the Right Reverend Father in God William Ld Bishop of Carlyle Lord Almoner to his Majestie" StAPt stamp on reverse. The Ruins of the Cathedral of St Andrews: Engraved - Slezer; Dedicated to the Bishop of Carlyle. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:26 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:11 PM
29596 The Ruins of the Cathedrall of St Andrews Cathedral ruins, St Andrews. A collection of incised grave slabs can be seen in the foreground, as well as a gentleman riding a horse and nother gentleman walking in front. Inscription: "Ruderae ecclediae cathedraelis sancti Andreae". " StAPt stamp on reverse. Ruins of the Cathedral of St Andrews: Engraved - Slezer. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:28 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:11 PM
29597 Ruins of the castle of St Andrews, form the north east Castle ruins, St Andrews. In foreground is a woman and child with dog. To their left are two gentleman with a horse and cart. Print mounted onto card. StApt stamp on reverse. Ruins of Castle of St Andrews from N E: Artist - J Stewart; For the Edinburgh Magazine, 1/1/1807. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:29 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:12 PM
29598 Ruins of the castle of St Andrews from the north east Castle ruins, St Andrews. In foreground is a woman and child with dog. To their left are two gentlemen with a horse and cart. Ruins of Castle of St Andrews from N E: Artist - J Stewart. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:31 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:12 PM
29599 The Cathedral at St Andrews Cathedral Ruins, St Andrews, StAPT stamp on reverse The Cathedral at St Andrews Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:32 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:13 PM
29600 St Andrews Cathedral Cathedral ruins and graveyard, st adnrews. At Far right of print stands a man with a pick axe slung over his shoulder. StAPT stamp on reverse. St Andrews Cathedral: Engraving/Print; Published - S Heeper - 25/03/1797. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:34 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:13 PM
29601 Ruins of the Cathedral of St Andrews, with the Chapel of St Rule from the West Cathedral Ruins, St Andrews. 5 people visible in foreground; a man and woman with a dog, a man with a wheelbarrow, gentleman with a walking stick and a man holding a spade. A sailing ship cna alos be seen at far left. StAPT stamp on reverse. Ruins of the Cathedral of St Andrews with the Chapel of St Rule, from the West: Drawn - Ashmore; Engraved - P Blackmore; Published for the Edinburgh Magazine 01/01/1800 Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:35 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:13 PM
29602 St Regulus's Cathedral, at St Andrews, in Fifeshire. Cathedral Ruins, St Andrews, with shree sheep in the forground at left. St Regulus Cathedral at St Andrews in Fifeshire: Engraver - Eastgate; Publisher - A Hogg. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:37 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:14 PM
29603 Cathedral of St Andrews, with the chapel of St Rule from the West Cathedral ruins and St. Rule's Tower. 5 people visible in foregrounf; a man and woman with a dog, a man with a wheelbarrow, gentleman with wlaking stick and a man holding a spade. A sailing ship can be seen at far left. StAPT stamp on reverse. Ruins of the Cathedral of St Andrews with the Chapel of St Rule, from the West: Drawn - Ashmore; Engraved - D Blackmore; Published for Edinburgh Magazine 01/01/1800. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:39 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:14 PM
29604 Ruins of the Cathedral of St Andrews, with the chapel of St Rule from the west. Cathedral ruins and St. Rule's Tower. 5 people visible in foregrounf; a man and woman with a dog, a man with a wheelbarrow, gentleman with wlaking stick and a man holding a spade. A sailing ship can be seen at far left. StAPT stamp on reverse. Ruins of the Cathedral of St Andrews with the Chapel of St Rule, from the West: Drawn - Ashmore; Engraved - D Blackmore; Published for Edinburgh Magazine 01/01/1800. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:40 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:15 PM
29605 Mazures de l'eglise Cathedrale de S, Andre Cathedral ruins and graveyard, St Andrews, with individualy scatteres around the grounds, three on horseback. Print is surrounded by a decorative printed border. StAPT stamp on reverse. Mazures de l'Eglise Cathedrale de S Andre: Engraving/Print. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:42 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:15 PM
29606 Looking east from corner of Logies Lane Looking east from corner of Logies Lane photo:5x4 inches sepia negative:35mm BW copy:1 Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:44 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:16 PM
29607 Madras College Madras College - child pushing pram - photo:5x4sepia - copy:1 Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:47 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:16 PM
29608 West Port West Port - photo:5x3sepia - copy:3 Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:49 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:17 PM
29609 Gallaher's Rich Dark Honeydew tin Circular / dark green & gold / inscribed as title / Belfast & London Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:50 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:18 PM
29610 After Lunch snuff tin Rectangular / elaborate decoration / inscribed “Snuff Finest Quality” / Dodo Designs Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:53 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:18 PM
29611 Kendal Brown snuff tin Rectangular / yellow & silver / inscribed as title/ Illingsworths Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:54 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:18 PM
29612 Blue Bird toffee tin Octagonal / navy & gold / bird in flight pictured on lid Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:56 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:19 PM
29613 Carrs of Carlisle tin Square / black & white / sketched photo with inscription “The Frost Fair on the Thames, 1684” on lid Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:40:58 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:19 PM
29614 The Capital oat cakes tin Circular / yellow with navy text / inscribed as title / Edinburgh Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:41:00 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:19 PM
29615 Huntley & Palmers tin Rectangular / red text / Scottish coat of arms with pinned tartan pictured on lid Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:41:02 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:20 PM
29616 Crawfords Coronation Tin Round tin; Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II on lid; Queen's residences printed on sides of base; Yellowed paper label on base Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:41:05 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:20 PM
29617 Silvox Cubes Tin Small tin with hinged lid; red background with black and gold geometric frame; directions printed on base; contains the tops of fountain pens (storage) Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:41:07 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:21 PM
29618 Twinings English Breakfast Tea box Two of two identical modern Twinings tea boxes; black with gold band around top and white text throughout Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:41:09 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:21 PM
29619 James Keiller & Son Lemon Marmalade Jar Lid intact; typical Keiller label, but with colourful print of lemons; possibly modern. has the words 'Dundee' and 'Rough cut' Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:41:11 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:22 PM
29620 Tam O' Shanter Tobacco Yellow lid with thistle and pipe design. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:41:13 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:22 PM
29621 Glass Bottle Large purple glass bottle with rounded stopper-like top Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:41:16 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:22 PM
29622 Glass Bottle Medium brown glass bottle Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:41:19 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:23 PM
29623 Glass Jar Large clear glass jar with rounded nob lib. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:41:22 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:23 PM
29624 Post Office pen Push pen red and white with Post Office logo Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:41:24 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:23 PM
29625 Post Office coin bag Red bag with black lettering: 'Post Office £500 £1 pieces' Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:41:27 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:24 PM
29626 Award plaque and showcase Best Post office (regional runner up) branch award: circular bronze coloured plate and black wooden stand Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:41:29 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:25 PM
29627 Post Office clock Analogue 24hr post office clock with white face, black hands and red numbers Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:41:32 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:25 PM
29628 Wheeled walking stick Metal triangular shaped walking stick with two wheels, two metal hooks and a wooden handle Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:41:35 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:25 PM
29629 Dental floss Small jar of 12 yards of Johnson & Johnson dental floss. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:41:37 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:26 PM
29630 Walrus tusk Large walrus tusk that would have been used to make artifical teeth Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:41:39 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:26 PM
29631 Box of gum mineral bodies and gum enamel Brown cardboard box containing low-fusing mineral bodies and gum enamel in eight small glass jars (each corked) and with specimen shades attached to the lid's interior. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:41:41 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:26 PM
29632 Weighing scales Small set of weighing scales attached to a wooden box base Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:41:44 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:27 PM
29633 Small medicine cabinet Wooden cabinet with glass door (decorated panes) and two drawers underneath Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:41:46 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:27 PM
29634 Booklet on notes for dentists A small paper booklet titled 'Notes for Dentists on Acrylic Resin Materials' (blue text) produced by the Ministry of Health for the dept. of health for Scotland Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:41:49 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:28 PM
29635 Leaflet for cements and fillings Single four paged leaflet about cements for fillings featuring an image of a C.A.S. Cement box on its cover Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:41:51 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:28 PM
29636 "Portex Dentine" Instructions and Hints A four page, pink-spined booklet of instructions and hints related to portex dentine Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:41:54 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:28 PM
29637 Dental Metallurgy book A black book titled 'Notes on Dental Metallurgy: For the use of dental students and practitioners' by W. Bruce Hepburn (second edition). Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:41:56 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:29 PM
29638 Fairrie Small Cube Sugar Box 1LB Box of "Fairrie Small Cube Sugar" cubes. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:41:59 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:29 PM
29639 Cowan's Bonzo Toffee Advertisement Small tin advertisement for Cowan's Bonzo Toffee, in the shape of a bulldog. 'Cowan's "Bonzo" Toffee' written on front. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:42:02 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:30 PM
29640 Lambert & Butler tobacco tin Circular / yellow & red / inscribed “Log Cabin” Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:42:05 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:30 PM
29641 Blue Bird Luxury Assortment tin Rectangular; Tortoise shell pattern; Blue bird in flight on lid; Decorative orange interior (lid); Hinged lid; Gold base Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:42:07 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:31 PM
29642 Rowantree Circular tin, lid depicts classical image of three women holding hands in a circle. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:42:10 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:31 PM
29643 William Crawford & Sons Biscuit Tin Green, lid depicts two pink flamingo's in foreground. Mountain and clouds in background. The underside has 'FREE SAMPLE' engraved Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:42:13 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:31 PM
29644 Electric Shock Machine Electric Shock Machine in varnished wooden box with hinged lid and lock closure. External metal crank with wooden handle and metal handle on lid. Paper label on the inside of lid with black decorative details, illustrations and text. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:42:16 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:32 PM
29645 Aikman and Terras Kenya Coffee box Rectangular paper box; Brown and beige; African continent printed on three sides Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:42:19 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:32 PM
29646 Oxo cubes container Red; square; Oxo cubes branding with slogan 'you'll feel all the better for oxo'. Reads on side of lid 'This tine makes an ideal lunch box'. Thursday 06th of August 2020 09:42:22 AM Tuesday 15th of September 2020 04:35:33 PM
29647 IMG_20200827_075827_00_027.jpg Friday 28th of August 2020 11:38:46 AM Friday 28th of August 2020 11:39:51 AM
29648 St Andrews Peir Thursday 29th of October 2020 10:47:15 AM Thursday 29th of October 2020 10:48:51 AM
29649 St Andrews Harbour Thursday 29th of October 2020 10:54:53 AM Thursday 29th of October 2020 10:55:13 AM
29650 St Andrews Harbour Thursday 29th of October 2020 10:57:38 AM Thursday 29th of October 2020 10:57:38 AM
29651 St Andrews Harbour Thursday 29th of October 2020 10:59:14 AM Thursday 29th of October 2020 11:06:18 AM
29652 St Andrews Harbour Thursday 29th of October 2020 11:00:20 AM Thursday 29th of October 2020 11:06:39 AM
29653 St Andrews Harbour Thursday 29th of October 2020 11:02:11 AM Thursday 29th of October 2020 11:07:00 AM
29654 St Andrews Harbour Thursday 29th of October 2020 11:04:20 AM Thursday 29th of October 2020 11:04:20 AM
29655 St Andrews Harbour Thursday 29th of October 2020 11:08:17 AM Thursday 29th of October 2020 11:09:40 AM
29656 St Andrews Harbour Thursday 29th of October 2020 11:09:18 AM Thursday 29th of October 2020 11:09:56 AM
29657 St Andrews Harbour Thursday 29th of October 2020 11:11:24 AM Thursday 29th of October 2020 11:11:24 AM
29658 St Andrews Harbour 1921 Thursday 29th of October 2020 11:53:08 AM Thursday 25th of April 2024 03:50:32 PM
29663 St Andrews War Memorial - Armistice Day David Niven, Chairman of North-east Fife District Council (1980-84), placing a wreath at War Memorial on Armistice Day, 11th November 1982. Monday 18th of January 2021 03:52:50 PM Thursday 01st of April 2021 03:20:08 PM
29673 Fisherwomen baiting lines outside 28 North Street Mrs Mary Chisholm and Mrs Isobel Lorimer (nee Melville) sitting outside 28 North Street baiting lines, c1900, with a view of the barometer at 35 North Street in the background. Baiting the lines was a daily task. Fisherfolk would clean the lines (known as 'redding'), shell mussels for bait and use the mussels to bait hooks onto fishing lines. They would then layer the lines by separating them with grass so they were ready to be cast. With whole families often sharing one room there was little space to work indoors, so we often see photographs of fisherfolk working outside. Photographer: Unknown Thursday 04th of February 2021 02:10:46 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 01:35:54 PM
29675 Unveiling of St Andrews War Memorial Unveiling of St Andrews War Memorial, 23rd September 1922. Pictured is Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig (1861 – 1928). Haig was Lord Rector of St Andrews between 1916 and 1919 and Chancellor of the University from 1922 to 1928. Photographer: Unknown Friday 05th of February 2021 03:16:11 PM Wednesday 17th of February 2021 02:32:41 PM
29676 St Andrews War Memorial St Andrews War Memorial was designed by the prolific Scottish architect Sir Robert Lorimer (1864 – 1929) who also designed the Scottish National War Memorial at Edinburgh Castle. The memorial was unveiled on the 23rd September 1922. The memorial was damaged in a storm in 1968 and restored in 1985. Friday 05th of February 2021 03:18:42 PM Wednesday 17th of February 2021 02:31:37 PM
29677 View of Gregory Place View of Gregory Place looking towards the harbour, circa 1950s. Photographer: F Walker Friday 05th of February 2021 03:23:44 PM Wednesday 17th of February 2021 11:58:46 AM
29678 Gregory Place There is a variety of architecture at Gregory Place due to rebuilding over the centuries. A Fisherman's rest and a reading room were once located on Gregory Place and, prior to the building of the Fisher's School in 1856, a small classroom was situated in the building that is Sprosan's Picture Framers today. At the top of Gregory Place, on the south wall close to the war memorial, the remains of a cabinet that once housed a barometer can be seen. The barometer measured air pressure that could be used to predict short term weather patterns - a vital tool for the local fishermen. Friday 05th of February 2021 03:25:14 PM Wednesday 28th of April 2021 09:41:38 PM
29679 North Street by Palmer Depicting daily life at the outside stair of 19 North Street in 1884. We know nothing of the artist apart from their name. Artist: Palmer Friday 05th of February 2021 05:10:46 PM Monday 01st of March 2021 04:28:16 PM
29680 19-21 North Street 19-21 North Street was condemned in the late 1930s and earmarked for demolition. In 1946 the Burgh Council granted a licence to Miss Eleanora M Aitken to spend £1350 on 19 and 21 North Street to make the condemned property habitable. The restoration preserved the only remaining example of a pillared forestair in St Andrews. When the property was restored, the doorway for 21 North Street was altered into a window. Miss Aitken was an early and very active Trustee of St Andrews Preservation Trust, originally co-opted in 1943 and serving more or less continuously until her death in 1968. Friday 05th of February 2021 05:12:52 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 12:12:12 PM
29681 View of the front of the Royal George Tenement c1930 The front of the Royal George tenement with small fishing boats in the harbour, circa 1930. Photographer: Unknown. Sunday 07th of February 2021 03:40:46 PM Wednesday 17th of February 2021 12:00:25 PM
29682 The Royal George The Royal George tenements were named after the 18th century Royal Navy ship of the same name. The fishing families who lived in the Royal George had the harbour on one side at the front and the gas works on the other side at the rear. The odour from the gas works must have been awful to live with day-in day-out, especially when the tide was out. The building had originally been a series of warehouses until the 1850s when the site was largely converted into fisherfolk accommodation by local property developer and Town Councillor, George Bruce. The purpose of the conversion was to relieve overcrowding of fishing cottages at the east end of North Street. The tenements had a grocer’s shop and the pubs 'The Bell Rock Tavern' and 'The Auld Hoose' at each end of the building. The tenements contained two-roomed fisher houses with box beds. The houses had no storage for fishing gear which was left under a wall at the back of the building in dry weather. Cramped and unsanitary living conditions resulted in the Royal George being condemned in the 1930s and eventually demolished in 1965 to make way for modern housing. Sunday 07th of February 2021 03:48:12 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 01:51:08 PM
29683 Front View of 11 South Castle Street 11 South Castle Street. This cottage was built in the late 17th or early 18th century but was renovated in 1966. It is otherwise known as ‘Joan’s House’. Joan belonged to a well-established family of fisher-folk (the Waters family) and died at the age of 75 in 1927. She sold fish out of a wheelbarrow in Market St. and was known as a “survival of the old type of fishwife” (St Andrews Citizen). Sunday 07th of February 2021 04:57:22 PM Sunday 07th of February 2021 10:27:34 PM
29684 Front View of 11 South Castle Street 11 South Castle Street. This cottage was built in the late 17th or early 18th century but was renovated in 1966. It is otherwise known as ‘Joan’s House’. Joan belonged to a well-established family of fisher-folk (the Waters family) and died at the age of 75 in 1927. She sold fish out of a wheelbarrow in Market St. and was known as a “survival of the old type of fishwife” (St Andrews Citizen). Sunday 07th of February 2021 04:57:29 PM Thursday 08th of April 2021 09:47:44 PM
29685 Front View of 11 South Castle Street 11 South Castle Street. This cottage was built in the late 17th or early 18th century but was renovated in 1966. It is otherwise known as ‘Joan’s House’. Joan belonged to a well-established family of fisher-folk (the Waters family) and died at the age of 75 in 1927. She sold fish out of a wheelbarrow in Market St. and was known as a “survival of the old type of fishwife” (St Andrews Citizen). Sunday 07th of February 2021 04:57:32 PM Thursday 08th of April 2021 09:46:44 PM
29686 Shipwreck near Castle Sands This photograph depicts a shipwrecked ‘barque’ (a large sailing ship with three masts), most likely the ‘Merlin’. The Merlin was wrecked off the coast of St Andrews on the 5th March 1881, and a gravestone marking the deaths of the 11 crew members aboard can be found by St Andrews Cathedral. Steel vessels of this type were common during this period. The ship itself was built in 1865 and was carrying coal between Sunderland and Bordeaux before it became shipwrecked near Castle Sands. Photographer: Thomas Rodger Sunday 07th of February 2021 05:20:54 PM Thursday 18th of February 2021 04:03:50 PM
29687 Shipwreck on Castle Sands Castle Sands, March 1881. This photograph depicts a shipwrecked ‘barque’ (a large sailing ship with three masts), most likely the ‘Merlin’. The Merlin was wrecked off the coast of St Andrews on the 5th March 1881, and a gravestone marking the deaths of the 11 crew members aboard can be found by St Andrews Cathedral. Steel vessels of this type were common during this period. The ship itself was built in 1865 and was carrying coal between Sunderland and Bordeaux before it became shipwrecked near Castle Sands. Sunday 07th of February 2021 05:23:49 PM Friday 19th of March 2021 03:06:00 PM
29688 St Andrews Castle The Castle was once the residence of the bishops and archbishops of St Andrews who used it as a palace, fortress and prison. A Castle has existed on this site since the 1100s but it has been re-built several times. The ruin that we see today dates from circa 1400.The Castle was at the centre of the Protestant Reformation and its walls, underground mine and dungeon provide a fascinating insight into medieval warfare. The 1546 assassination of Cardinal Beaton by Protestant lairds sparked a siege that resulted in extensive damage of the Castle. Throughout the 17th century the Castle declined in importance and fell into a state of disrepair. Such was the poor condition of the castle that in 1656 the Town Council permitted stones from the ruin to be re-purposed for the building of the nearby pier. In 1801, the remains of the ‘Great Hall’ to the east of the Castle collapsed and fell into the sea below. Further collapses, an increase in visitors to the Town and a growing appreciation locally for the need to preserve the Town’s historic environment led to sea walls being erected in 1886 and 1904 under the direction of the Town Council. These sea walls continue to protect the Castle today. Sunday 07th of February 2021 10:10:34 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 01:48:53 PM
29689 12-20 North Street before Renovations 12-20 North Street had once been split into two tenements as seen above. 12-16 were set back from the street containing four homes while 18-20 were positioned closer towards the street by a few feet, circa 1930. This extension on the face of the building was likely to have been installed in the 18th century. The structure of each house is based on a 2-storey layout and attic with pantiled roof. Distinctively the east gable of 12-16 was crowstepped. In 1936 12-20 North Street was sold to James Hoey Scott (1892-1981), a local architect. He merged the two buildings into one, retaining for the most part the window positions with the addition of several more in 1937. He also removed the central staircase and inserted a door between the houses. Scott sold it to the Trust in 1961 and by 1963, the Trust’s conservation of the east wing was completed thanks to the generosity of Miss Janet Low, funded by the sale of Miss Low’s estate. In 1982, 12-16 North Street (now 12 North Street) officially opened as the Museum. Photographer: George M. Cowie Tuesday 09th of February 2021 02:49:49 PM Tuesday 09th of February 2021 07:54:26 PM
29690 Dr. Brown's Shop, c. 1930 Nos. 24-26 when it was Dr. Brown's Shop, circa 1930. David Brown and his daughter, Lettie, stand outside the shop. There are advertisements for refreshments, postcards, and ices. Later this building would become the famous Northpoint Cafe. It is also a C-listed, early 19th century 2-storey building with 3 canted dormers and a ground floor shop. Photographer: unknown Tuesday 09th of February 2021 04:59:44 PM Tuesday 09th of February 2021 04:59:44 PM
29691 .yaml Wednesday 10th of February 2021 03:04:49 PM Wednesday 10th of February 2021 03:36:28 PM
29692 Gable on 1 North Street Gable on 1 North Street at the entrance to Gregory Lane. 1 North Street is a B Listed building. Wednesday 10th of February 2021 03:46:26 PM Wednesday 10th of February 2021 03:46:26 PM
29693 Engraving of St Andrews, Fifeshire View of St Andrews pier and harbour buildings with Cathedral and St Rule’s Tower in the background circa early 19th century. Engraved by J. Storer from a drawing by J. Hood. Thursday 11th of February 2021 05:18:40 PM Wednesday 07th of April 2021 07:17:27 PM
29694 Cross pier and harbour entrance Engraving of the cross pier with a sailing ship in the harbour and the Cathedral and St Rule’s Tower in the background, circa early 1800s. Engraved by J. Storer from a drawing by J. Hood. Thursday 11th of February 2021 05:24:02 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 01:14:19 PM
29696 A View of the Castle of St Andrews from the South Ruins of St Andrews Castle, with a corn field and stacks of corn bushels adjoining. In the foreground are several figures, including two men on horseback. The print has a fabric backing attached. Inscription: "To George Dempster of Dunichen Esq, member for the city of St Andrews & C., this plate is humbly dedicated by his most obedient servant, J.Oliphant" Creators: J. Oliphant, B.T. Pounoy, D. Goodsman Thursday 11th of February 2021 09:53:39 PM Thursday 01st of April 2021 06:57:26 PM
29697 No 12. the Ladyhead, East Side No.12, The Ladyhead. Photographer: Jack, D. Tuesday 16th of February 2021 01:31:35 PM Tuesday 16th of February 2021 01:33:43 PM
29698 Early View of the east end of North Street The east end of North Street circa 1842 showing numbers 15 to 21, and in the foreground a traditional single-storey cottage long demolished. Photographer: John Adamson Tuesday 16th of February 2021 01:49:45 PM Wednesday 07th of April 2021 08:25:18 PM
29699 East end of North Street, looking west In 1842 the Scottish Physician and pioneer photographer, John Adamson, described the east end of North Street as 'is inhabited to a great extent by fishermen, whose habits render it highly offensive. It is covered with offal of every kind, and upon the back of many of the houses there are dunghills filled with mussel-shells, dung from pigsties, &c'. While the habits of the fishermen at the east end of North Street may have been offensive to Adamson, the community had their own way of life that was unfamiliar to those looking in from the outside were close-knit in more ways than one. Over-crowding was often an issue; with several families sharing outside toilets and washing facilities. This situation would have undoubtedly led to unsanitary conditions beyond the habits of the fishermen. North Street was also home to the fisher cross. The Geddy map (c1580) of St Andrews clearly shows a pillar, of around 3 feet high, between Union Street and South Castle Street. There were strict laws governing when and where the fisherfolk were allowed to sell their fish, and who to. Records show that fisherfolk were required to bring the fish they wanted to sell to the Fisher Cross between set hours. These regulations were first introduced in the 1100s - it may have been these regulations that inspired the erection of the Fish Cross, meaning that it could have been as old as the burgh. Records show that the Fish Cross was still in use in the early 1800s but was likely removed in around 1840. Tuesday 16th of February 2021 02:03:07 PM Thursday 29th of April 2021 01:34:36 PM
29700 A View of St Andrews Castle from the south Late 1700s engraving titled 'Mazures du Chateau de S.Andre' showing the ruins of St Andrews Castle from the south. Creator unknown. Wednesday 17th of February 2021 10:52:45 AM Friday 16th of April 2021 10:49:29 AM
29701 Castle showing retaining wall in process of being built St Andrews Castle from the east, during the building of the retaining sea wall, circa 1886. In 1801, the remains of the ‘Great Hall’ to the east of the Castle collapsed and fell into the sea below. Further collapses, an increase in visitors to the Town and a growing appreciation locally for the need to preserve the Town’s historic environment led to sea walls being erected in 1886 and 1904 under the direction of the Town Council. The 1886 sea wall was one of the first coastal defences to be built in Scotland to defend a heritage asset. The sea walls continue to protect the Castle today. The photographer, George Washington Wilson, was a pioneering Scottish photographer, and was largely known for being a landscape photographer and photographer for the Royal Family. Wednesday 17th of February 2021 12:22:28 PM Wednesday 17th of February 2021 02:17:17 PM
29702 Castle Pool from the east St Andrews Castle from the east, with ladies' bathing hut in centre, circa 1890s. The surge in popularity of seaside resorts in the mid-19th century, and the fashionable practice of sea bathing, made St Andrews an attractive tourism destination. The Ladies Pool, today known as the ‘Castle Pool’, was situated on the east side of the Castle ruins with shelters and huts for dressing. The pool was largely abandoned in the 1930s when the larger outdoor Step Rock Pool started to allow both male and female swimmers. To the west of the Castle was the Tontine Baths, constructed in 1810 by Colonel David Dewar and Captain Alexander Vilant, and included accommodation and hot and cold salt water baths. Wednesday 17th of February 2021 12:46:39 PM Thursday 18th of February 2021 04:01:30 PM
29703 Shipwreck on Castle Sands tle Sands, c. March 1881. This photograph depicts a shipwrecked ‘barque’ (a large sailing ship with three masts), most likely the ‘Merlin’. The Merlin was wrecked off the coast of St Andrews on the 5th March 1881, and a gravestone marking the deaths of the 11 crew members aboard can be found by St Andrews Cathedral. Steel vessels of this type were common during this period. The ship itself was built in 1865 and was carrying coal between Sunderland and Bordeaux before it became shipwrecked near Castle Sands. Wednesday 17th of February 2021 12:50:57 PM Friday 19th of March 2021 03:05:15 PM
29705 St Andrews Harbour, Northern (Long) Pier In its earliest form, the harbour would have consisted of the unimproved, tidal mouth of the Kinness Burn, which formed a natural haven for boats. The first recorded reference to a harbour in St Andrews was in 1222 when it was described as, 'a fishing harbour'. The John Geddy Plan of St Andrews (circa 1580) illustrates that by the late 16th century the main features of the harbour as we know it existed: the Northern (Long Pier), the Transverse quay separating the inner and outer basins, and the Shore and Shorehead quays. During the 17th and 18th centuries the Cross Pier was added and rebuilt in 1730, the Long Pier was extended and in 1787 the first lock gates were installed. The inner harbour was formally set out in 1785-89 and a protective concrete wall was erected in 1877. The piers, quays and other features are all listed structures. An interesting feature in the harbour close to the face of the Cross Pier is the remains of several wooden posts embedded in the rock, which may be the remains of the original timber and stone pier. Wednesday 17th of February 2021 08:44:31 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 01:28:00 PM
29706 Bell Rock Tavern becomes Bell Rock House, 1938 The rear of the bell rock tavern under snow. This photograph was taken the year the Bell Rock Tavern became Bell Rock House and was converted into a private dwelling. Bell Rock house became the home and studio of Josef Sekalski and his partner and fellow artist Roberta Hodges. Roberta Hodges later gifted the property to the St Andrews Preservation Trust and while the Trust took responsibility for the upkeep of the building, Roberta Hodges continued to live at the property until her death. Although it was considered to keep Bell Rock House as a Trust property, it was decided that the property was an important part of the town housing stock and was sold in 1990. However, the sale was under the condition that the cellarage of the property remain available for use by the local fishermen, ‘for as long as he wishes to use them for fishing purposes’. Photographer: Unknown Friday 19th of February 2021 03:10:51 PM Friday 19th of February 2021 03:10:51 PM
29707 View of North Castle Street looking north View of North Castle Street looking north in 1962. Photographer: S Sliwowski Wednesday 24th of February 2021 10:03:59 PM Wednesday 24th of February 2021 10:25:35 PM
29708 View of North Castle Street looking south View of North Castle Street looking South in 1962. Photographer: S Sliwowski Wednesday 24th of February 2021 10:04:03 PM Wednesday 24th of February 2021 10:04:03 PM
29709 North Castle Street In the 15th century North Castle Street was known as Fisher Street or Sea Street. By the 17th century the name Fishergait was in use before it was renamed Castle Wynd. In 1843 the name North Castle Street was adopted. The early name indicates the importance of fishing for the early settlement, also reflected by its close proximity to the harbour. The west side of North Castle Street is dominated by All Saints Church, consecrated in 1907. The stone church we see today replaced an earlier tin church, known locally as the 'bundle kirk' for the parcels of clothing and other items that were distributed by the church to those in need. Wednesday 24th of February 2021 10:16:40 PM Wednesday 28th of April 2021 09:15:47 PM
29710 Balfour Place The Balfour family, who lived at Balfour House, built by 'city architect' Robert Balfour (1770-1867), owned a timber yard on the site now known as Balfour Place, alongside the west end of the harbour. The land was later bought by local Town Councillor and property developer, George Bruce (1825-1904). He erected houses on the site, which he then let to fisher families. Threatened with demolition in the 1940s, the houses at Balfour Place were restored and modernised by local architect, James Hoey Scott. Scott was also responsible for saving 12-20 North Street from demolition. Wednesday 24th of February 2021 10:41:45 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 01:52:07 PM
29711 View of Balfour Place before restoration The exterior of Balfour House, before renovation, circa 1946. Photographer: J Y Macdonald Wednesday 24th of February 2021 10:48:23 PM Wednesday 24th of February 2021 10:48:23 PM
29712 View of houses at Balfour Place View of houses at Balfour Place looking towards the harbour area, circa 1950. Photographer: G M Cowie Saturday 27th of February 2021 04:56:25 PM Wednesday 31st of March 2021 09:55:12 AM
29713 Nos. 4 and 5 Balfour Place, before restoration Nos. 4 and 5 Balfour Place, before restoration, circa 1940s. Photographer: Robert Morris Saturday 27th of February 2021 05:03:33 PM Saturday 27th of February 2021 05:03:33 PM
29714 3 Balfour Place 3 Balfour Place, the home of Col. Hawes, just after renovation. The gasometer can be seen in the background, circa 1960. Photographer: Robert Morris Saturday 27th of February 2021 05:12:18 PM Saturday 27th of February 2021 05:12:18 PM
29715 Lifeboat in Inner Harbour Lifeboat in Inner Harbour with Balfour Place in the background, circa 1910s. Photographer: Unknown Monday 01st of March 2021 04:52:01 PM Monday 01st of March 2021 04:52:01 PM
29716 41-43 North Castle Street, Looking North 41 North Street was originally constructed in the 18th century, but also incorporates older work. It was reconstructed in 1947 by the architect J. Donald Mills. Wednesday 03rd of March 2021 04:39:34 PM Wednesday 03rd of March 2021 04:39:34 PM
29717 Kirkhill cannons View of the cannons at Kirkhill with the Cathedral to the left, circa 1925. These two gun platforms were constructed in 1860, cutting into the site of the medieval cemetery. Photographer: Unknown Thursday 04th of March 2021 12:53:27 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 12:48:16 PM
29718 Kirkhill The exposed foundations of the circa 12th century Church of St Mary of the Rock can be seen today at the Kirkhill. This church is situated on the site of a Celtic monastery for the Culdees (Servants of God), an ascetic religious order thought to have been founded in around 800AD in Ireland. Other interesting features once located at the Kirkhill include the cannons and turret lights. Cannons were installed on the Kirkhill in the early 1700s to warn crews of passing ships of danger in the Bay. Two guiding lights - one a red light at the end of the pier, and the other a bright white light on a turret of the cathedral north wall - when brought into line to indicate a vessel's course for the harbour. The turret light was installed by H L Playfair in 1849. Thursday 04th of March 2021 12:54:25 PM Thursday 29th of April 2021 03:09:48 PM
29719 View of North Castle Street North Castle Street, circa 1925 Thursday 04th of March 2021 02:16:25 PM Thursday 04th of March 2021 02:16:25 PM
29720 41-43 North Castle Street, Looking North 41 North Street was originally constructed in the 18th century, but also incorporated older work. It was reconstructed in 1947 by the architect J. Donald Mills. Thursday 04th of March 2021 02:29:00 PM Thursday 04th of March 2021 02:29:00 PM
29721 Castle from the West The photograph showing the western side of the Castle was taken by David Octavius Hill and Robert Adamson between 1843 and 1846. In 1843, pioneers Hill and Adamson set up the first photography studio in Scotland. They were known for photographing everyday Scottish rural life, such as landscapes and fisherfolk. Their photographs, like the one pictured here, were salted paper prints from Calotype negatives. Calotypes were an early form of photo processing, in which paper was coated with silver iodine. Thursday 04th of March 2021 03:00:48 PM Thursday 04th of March 2021 03:00:48 PM
29722 Cannon on Kirkhill, with Members of 3rd Fife Artillery Volunteers Cannon on Kirkhill, with members of 3rd Fife Artillery Volunteers, led by Captain David Lamb, circa 1890. The 3rd Fife Artillery Volunteers were formed on 6th March 1860, and were used in defence of coastal towns in case of invasion. According to the ‘Records of the Scottish Volunteer Force’, “in 1889 a position battery of 16-pounder guns [similar to the ones pictured here] was issued to the corps and manned by the 3rd (St Andrews) Battery, and an extra personnel specially raised”. Photographer: Unknown Thursday 04th of March 2021 03:14:15 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 12:47:52 PM
29723 Excavation at Kirkhill Excavation on the Kirkhill site during the 1980s resulted in the recovery of over 300 skeletons, along with one wooden coffin and three stone cists. Archaeologists estimated that the cemetery was in use from around the 8th century until the mid 16th century. Interestingly, according to Dr Dorothy Almar Lunt, one skeleton from the Kirkhill excavation site, dating from around the 8th century, had leprosy. The fact that this skeleton was not buried separately could be interpreted that people with leprosy were not necessarily stigmatised in this period or area. Photographer: David Niven Thursday 04th of March 2021 03:19:02 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 12:49:15 PM
29724 Continuing Excavations at Kirkhill Archaeologists continue excavating the Kirkhill cemetery site in the 1980s. The initial discovery of the Kirkhill burial site in 1860 came just one year after a similar Bronze Age cemetery was discovered at Lawhead, to the west of St Andrews. The excavation in Kirkhill uncovered traces of the old church of St Mary on the Rock, along with its large cemetery. In the 8th and 9th centuries, the small ecclesiastical site in the Kirkhill area was a centre of the St Andrews Celtic settlement. Photographer: David Niven Thursday 04th of March 2021 03:40:18 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 12:50:01 PM
29725 All Saints Church, circa1930s The courtyard of All Saints Church with the war memorial in the foreground, c. 1930s. The first church on this site was constructed in 1903, and was a temporary iron structure with a capacity of 150 people. Building began for a permanent stone structure in 1907, and the chancel and bell tower were constructed, designed John Douglas. In 1920, the iron-built nave of the church was replaced by a sturdier stone building, which was designed by Paul Waterhouse. The church was consecrated in 1923, and the war memorial pictured was constructed in 1924. Thursday 04th of March 2021 03:56:00 PM Friday 05th of March 2021 11:11:11 AM
29726 Nos. 19-21 Nos. 19-21 North Street with the outside stair, circa 1949. Photographer: G M Cowie Saturday 06th of March 2021 05:39:59 PM Saturday 06th of March 2021 06:03:21 PM
29727 No. 19 No. 19 North Street as restored by Miss Aitken, circa 1949. Photographer: G M Cowie Saturday 06th of March 2021 05:45:43 PM Saturday 06th of March 2021 05:45:43 PM
29728 No. 19 Stair No. 19 North Street showing the outside stair, circa 1949. Photographer: G M Cowie Saturday 06th of March 2021 05:49:17 PM Saturday 06th of March 2021 06:04:45 PM
29729 Fisherfolk baiting their lines Fisherfolk baiting their lines outside No. 21 North Street, circa 1910. Photographer: Unknown Saturday 06th of March 2021 05:55:06 PM Saturday 06th of March 2021 06:05:18 PM
29730 Fisherwomen baiting their lines Fisherwomen baiting their lines outside No. 21 North Street, circa 1900. Photographer: W Patrick Saturday 06th of March 2021 05:58:45 PM Saturday 06th of March 2021 06:05:48 PM
29731 Busy Hands "Busy Hands". A group of ladies knitting and winding wool outside No. 21 North Street, circa 1900. Photographer: W Patrick Saturday 06th of March 2021 06:01:35 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 10:22:39 AM
29732 East End Infants' School Pictured is the East End Infant’s School, formerly known as the Fisher’s School, at Gregory Place shortly after it closed in 1957. The school was built to educate the children of local fisher families. The school had originally been located in the Scottish Coast Mission Hall at the west end of Gregory Place before moving to this building in the 1850s. After it closed, the school was used for many years by the St Andrews Boys’ Club until it was demolished to make way for the sheltered housing complex built in 1974. 'Westwood's Parochial Directory for the Counties of Fife and Kinross’, (1861) provides a description: “The Fishers' District School is at the east end of the town. The day pupils number about 160, and there is a sewing class for girls in the evening at which the attendance is about 80". Thursday 11th of March 2021 12:54:53 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 10:42:59 AM
29733 Marine Place The homes at Marine Place were built in 1870 by a local Friendly Society for seamen, the Sea Box Society of St Andrews (1643 - 1920). Designed by the architect Jesse Hall (1820 - 1906), the homes were built around a courtyard that contained outhouses and a drying green. The Sea Box Society generated income through entry fees, land and bonds on property and interest from investments. Benefits paid out to members and their dependants included provision for those prevented from working by illness or disability, superannuation for those over 55 and for widow and children as well as funeral expenses. The Society was wound up in 1920. Marine Place was renovated and modernised in the 1980s. Thursday 11th of March 2021 01:32:41 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 12:20:22 PM
29734 View of Marine Place prior to restoration View of Marine Place prior to restoration. Shows the original brickwork. Circa 1970s Photographer: unknown Thursday 11th of March 2021 01:38:15 PM Thursday 11th of March 2021 01:38:15 PM
29735 Marine Place before renovation Marine Place before renovation, circa 1960. These houses, where fishermen and the families resided, were constructed by the Sea Box Society of St Andrews. These tenement homes were built in around 1895, and were renovated in the 1980s. Photographer: Unknown Thursday 11th of March 2021 02:07:41 PM Thursday 08th of April 2021 09:43:02 PM
29736 Marine Place after renovation Marine Place after renovation in the 1980s, when the houses were divided into 14 self-contained flats. It is currently retirement housing. Photographer: Pat Harvey Thursday 11th of March 2021 02:15:46 PM Thursday 08th of April 2021 09:44:07 PM
29737 East End Infants' School Pupils This photograph, taken in the late 1800s, shows a group of pupils and teacher from the East End Infants' School in Gregory Place. Thursday 11th of March 2021 02:28:09 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 10:44:10 AM
29738 Younger Hall Built between 1923-29, the site of the Younger Hall was previously occupied by small fisher houses and a burgh farm steading. When the cottages were demolished to make way for the Younger Hall, residents were moved to the newly built flats at St Gregory's. The Younger Hall was designed by the English architect Paul Waterhouse. It was gifted to the University of St Andrews by Dr James and Mrs Annie Younger of Mount Melville. Funds were also provided by the Youngers for the construction of nearby All Saints Church and St Gregory's. Wednesday 17th of March 2021 09:15:50 PM Monday 19th of April 2021 10:20:55 PM
29739 View of the Younger Hall looking west View of the Younger Hall looking west, circa 1940s. Photographer: David Gatherum Wednesday 17th of March 2021 09:49:51 PM Wednesday 17th of March 2021 09:49:51 PM
29740 View of Deans Court from the north-east View of Deans Court from the north-east, circa 1936. Photographer: F Walker Friday 19th of March 2021 02:17:34 PM Friday 19th of March 2021 02:25:13 PM
29741 Deans Court Deans Court is arguably the oldest dwelling house in St Andrews. Its vaulted core is thought to have been part of a 12th century house belonging to the Archdeacon, although the main L-shape structure likely dates to the early 16th century. Most of the Priory lands were seized during the Reformation in the mid-16th century, but Deans Court was saved by Sir George Douglas. Douglas was an elder of the Parish Church who had helped Mary Queen of Scots escape from imprisonment at Loch Leven. He remodelled Deans Court around 1585 and was responsible for the courtyard’s round-arched foot-gate and likely extended the property to the west. Douglas died in 1606 and his coat of arms can be seen above the gateway. In the 17th century, Deans Court was apparently home to one of the greatest mathematicians of his age, Sir James Gregory. For a while, the east end of North Street became known as Gregory’s Green. Deans Court was divided into two houses around 1730, and refurbished in the Victorian-style in 1876. At this time it was home to the Stirling family, whose coat of arms can be seen above the archway to the inner garden. In 1930, Sir James Irvine acquired the property for the University and conversion work was carried out in 1931 by J D Mills. In 1951, local architects Walker & Pride had many of the Victorian additions removed, restoring many of the building’s original features including the vaulted lower floors and panelled rooms. Deans Court was re-opened in 1952 as a post-graduate halls of residence, with the University’s coat of arms and the motto ‘Always to be Best’ inscribed over the main entrance to the house itself. Friday 19th of March 2021 02:21:40 PM Friday 19th of March 2021 02:29:40 PM
29742 24 North Street - Brown's Shop In 1922, former fisherman David Brown took over the grocery shop from James Robb. David Brown and his daughter Lettie are pictured in front of the shop in circa 1930. The shop was open seven days a week, mainly serving the local fishing community. Photographer: Unknown Friday 19th of March 2021 02:48:15 PM Friday 19th of March 2021 02:58:16 PM
29743 24-26 North Street 24-26 North Street was built in the early 1800s. The ground floor of number 24 was occupied by a grocer's shop that mainly served the local fishing community. Friday 19th of March 2021 02:49:54 PM Friday 19th of March 2021 03:00:02 PM
29744 Dean's Court from the Garden Deans Court from the garden, circa 1936. Dean’s Court has its origins in the 12th century, initially constructed as a house for the Archdeacon. The building was originally known as the ‘Archdeacon's Inns or Manse'. The original vault is today incorporated within the dining room. A small plaque bearing the coat of arms of James Halderstone, who served as Prior from 1418 to 1443, can also be found within the dining room. Sir George Douglas, who saved the building from being seized during the Reformation, reconstructed the house in 1585, adding the round stone arch. Stones from the ruins of the Cathedral were also used as building materials when the house was extended in the 16th century. Photographer: Gordon Bottomley Friday 26th of March 2021 01:13:34 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 12:37:30 PM
29745 Dean's Court Garden and Arch The garden of Deans Court, with a stone arch, circa 1950.The building was renovated again in 1876, during which it was home to the Stirling family. It later became the property of St Leonards School, until 1930 when it was incorporated into the University. Reconstruction again took place in 1951, which involved the renovation of the stair-towers and main doorway, as well as adding another storey to the north wing roof. Photographer: J Y Macdonald Friday 26th of March 2021 01:16:08 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 12:39:04 PM
29746 Dean's Court from the Garden Dean's Court Garden in circa 1936. Parties and social events are often held throughout the year, and a community vegetable garden is sited within the grounds. Croquet is also traditionally played on the lawn. Photographer: J Y Macdonald Friday 26th of March 2021 01:17:27 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 12:38:26 PM
29747 Dean's Court from the Courtyard Deans Court, looking from the courtyard through the iron gate towards the Cathedral, circa 1942. The archway dates from either the 16th or 17th century. The coat of arms of Sir George Douglas can be seen faintly on the stone, added during his reconstruction of the building in 1585. Douglas was an elder of the Church, who aided Mary Queen of Scots in her escape from Lochleven Castle. There is also a draw-well within the courtyard. Photographer: A S McCallum Friday 26th of March 2021 01:18:58 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 12:36:16 PM
29748 Iron Gates in Dean's Court Iron gate at the entrance to Deans Court, from the courtyard, circa 1936. These iron wrought gates underwent major repairs in 2002, after years of sea-spray, frost and rain had damaged them. Parts of the gate were repaired, replaced and cleaned, along with similar iron gates in St Salvator’s College and Younger Hall. Photographer: G M Cowie Friday 26th of March 2021 01:21:08 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 12:40:40 PM
29749 Gates in Dean's Court The Gates at the entrances to Deans Court opposite the Cathedral. The gates at the main entrance are no longer there. The photo shows two girls walking by, circa 1949. Photographer: B Gatherum Friday 26th of March 2021 01:22:32 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 12:41:41 PM
29750 Beebole in Courtyard Wall Close up of the beebole in the wall at Deans Court, showing the three levels, fleur de lys (the decorative lily shape) at the centre top and two shield shapes either side, circa 2014. Beeboles predate modern hives, and were a practical way of beekeeping, sheltering bees from wind and rain. They were used to harvest honey, which was a common sweetener before sugar was widely available, and beeswax, which were often used to make church candles. ‘Bole’ is a Scots word, meaning an alcove or recess in a wall. Though it is unknown when this specific beebole was built in Dean’s Court, the oldest beeboles date back to the 12th century, and they were in their heyday during the 18th and 19th centuries. Photographer: P Harvey Friday 26th of March 2021 01:24:14 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 12:42:40 PM
29751 Castle in the Background View of St Andrews Castle with lady hanging out washing on railing, date unknown. Friday 26th of March 2021 01:29:50 PM Friday 26th of March 2021 01:57:06 PM
29752 Ladies on Castle Sands Ladies on the castle sands. One lady is painting the other, circa 1950s. Photographer: David Gatherum. Friday 26th of March 2021 01:31:53 PM Friday 26th of March 2021 01:31:53 PM
29753 Dancing in the Castle Grounds Girls of Madras College Scottish country dancing in the ground of the Castle, circa 1950s. Friday 26th of March 2021 01:33:49 PM Friday 26th of March 2021 01:33:49 PM
29754 Residents at Kirkhill Residents of Kirkhill sheltered housing, including Alex Scott, a retired hairdresser. Photographer: David Niven. Friday 26th of March 2021 01:40:24 PM Monday 12th of April 2021 08:56:12 PM
29755 Men at Kirkhill Group of men by railings at Kirkhill, date unknown. Friday 26th of March 2021 01:43:39 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 12:53:10 PM
29756 Sheltered Housing Sheltered housing for the elderly. These houses were built on the site of the East Infant School in the early 1970s. Friday 26th of March 2021 01:45:42 PM Friday 26th of March 2021 01:45:42 PM
29757 Sheltered Housing Sheltered housing for the elderly. These houses were built on the site of the East Infant School in the early 1970s. Friday 26th of March 2021 01:47:23 PM Friday 26th of March 2021 01:47:23 PM
29758 Women and Children at Kirkhill Women and children at Kirkhill, circa 1890. Photographer: Unknown Friday 26th of March 2021 01:49:05 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 12:54:50 PM
29759 First World War tank at the Kirkhill The ruins of St Mary on the Rock with 'Jo', a First World War tank in the background circa 1919. In the aftermath of the First World War, tanks were presented to towns and cities across Britain in recognition of funds raised for the war effort. 'Jo' arrived in St Andrews along with a German artillery gun war trophy on the 6th of September 1919. The 32 ton tank remained at the Kirkhill until 1929. Local citizens petitioned the Town Council for its removal. Owing to the encroachment of the sea and landslips in the area, concern was raised that the tank was undermining the cliffs below. Both the tank and artillery cannons were removed in 1929. Photographer: Unknown Friday 26th of March 2021 01:52:37 PM Monday 19th of April 2021 10:40:08 PM
29760 Fitzroy Barometer at 35 North Street Group of fishermen and their dogs at the corner of North Street and North Castle Street, Fitzroy barometer in background, circa 1910. Fishermen include: Ireland, Hutchison, Cross, Waters, Fenton, Chisholm and Duncan. Barometers measure changes in the weather. This barometer was placed here around 1890 to benefit the fishermen. The fishermen also gathered at this corner to socialise. Initials can be seen scratched in a stone on the right of the barometer and at the windowsill to the left of the barometer are indentations from where the fishermen sharpened their knives. Wednesday 31st of March 2021 10:21:55 AM Wednesday 31st of March 2021 10:21:55 AM
29761 35 North Street 35 North Street is the site of the Fitzroy Barometer. This was placed here around 1890 to benefit the fishermen. In 1854, Admiral FitzRoy, acting as the first head of the Meteorological Department, initiated a project to distribute fishery barometers to fishing communities to help them predict poor weather. The barometer was a vital piece of kit. Fishermen were more often than not illiterate, so a visual tool that warned of impending stormy seas and gales was crucial to their safety. Wednesday 31st of March 2021 10:29:14 AM Wednesday 31st of March 2021 10:30:37 AM
29762 Fitzroy Barometer after restoration The Admiral Fitzroy Barometer in 1988 after it was restored by The St Andrews Preservation Trust. Photographer: Sam Taylor Wednesday 31st of March 2021 10:39:18 AM Wednesday 31st of March 2021 10:42:15 AM
29763 North Street looking west North Street looking west showing traditional homes and the farm steading (pictured far right) that once stood on the site of what is now the Younger Hall, circa 1910. By: Willie Patrick. Thursday 01st of April 2021 11:09:02 AM Friday 16th of April 2021 03:49:41 PM
29764 North Street looking west North Street looking west prior to the building of the Younger Hall, circa 1910. The business shown is ‘Alexander Braid’. Alexander Inglis Braid (1865-1933) latterly of Morfan, Woodburn Terrace, was the son of a local blacksmith. He was a carrier at 50 North Street by 1900. In 1903 & 1907 he was listed in Slater's Directories as a carrier and dairyman and from 1911 to 1915 just as a dairyman, his address changing by 1915 to 54 Market Street. His son and grandson both farmed at St Nicholas, by the East Sands. By: Tuck, Raphael & Sons. Thursday 01st of April 2021 11:10:48 AM Monday 19th of April 2021 10:06:10 PM
29765 Mr And Mrs James Younger Mr And Mrs James Younger on occasion of their Golden Wedding. Their estate was Mount Melville and they were benefactors of the Younger Hall and All Saints Manse, circa 1930s. By: G.M. Cowie. Thursday 01st of April 2021 11:12:29 AM Thursday 01st of April 2021 02:05:24 PM
29766 Students entering the Younger Hall Students entering the Younger Hall, 1939. The Younger Hall has played host to graduation ceremonies, concerts and events since opening in 1929. Photographer: Robert Morris. Thursday 01st of April 2021 11:13:38 AM Monday 19th of April 2021 10:16:32 PM
29767 The Bulding of the Younger Hall Three rows of workmen sitting at the side of the Younger Hall, dog standing in the middle of the front row, circa 1920s. Photographer: Unknown. Thursday 01st of April 2021 11:14:52 AM Thursday 01st of April 2021 02:06:39 PM
29768 Group outside 24-28 North Street Unidentified group outside 24-28 North Street, circa 1905. Photographer: Unknown Thursday 01st of April 2021 03:10:56 PM Thursday 08th of April 2021 09:41:25 PM
29769 East end of North Street, looking west with horse and cart View of the homes at the east end of North Street, circa 1930s. By the 1930s most of the remaining fisher families had been moved out of the area and several of the homes were placed under a demolition order. Photographer unknown. Wednesday 07th of April 2021 08:44:59 PM Wednesday 07th of April 2021 08:46:52 PM
29770 North Street fishing housing, looking west North Street looking west from the vicinity of no.39, circa 1900. Fishermen can be seen baiting their lines in the foreground. Most of cottage housing at this side of North Street seen in the background was demolished to make way for the Younger Hall in the 1920s. The housing in the foreground was demolished in 1937 to make way for Rectory of All Saints Church. Photographer: Unknown Thursday 08th of April 2021 09:26:36 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 03:20:42 PM
29771 Fishermen on the pier St Andrews pier scene showing a group of fishermen during stormy seas with the cathedral ruins in the background, circa 1840. Creators: H. Griffiths and T. Allom Saturday 10th of April 2021 06:13:32 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 01:23:01 PM
29772 View of St Andrews from the pier Engraving entitled "St Andrews, Fifeshire" showing a view of St Andrews from the pier, 1822. Creator: William Daniell Saturday 10th of April 2021 06:17:26 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 01:24:34 PM
29773 North Street St Andrews street scene, showing North Street looking west with St Salvators Chapel prominently visible in the middle distance. Dwelling houses of fisherfolk can be seen at the right in the foreground with lots of people working in the street. Creator: D. Small Saturday 10th of April 2021 06:21:11 PM Saturday 10th of April 2021 06:21:11 PM
29774 Interior, 12 North Street Watercolour of the interior of 12 North Street. Belonged to James H Scott. Signed bottom left. Handwritten on reverse: With best wishes/ from J.H.S and his "Hoose" Creator: Ada Hill Walker Saturday 10th of April 2021 06:26:08 PM Saturday 10th of April 2021 06:26:08 PM
29775 St Andrews Harbour Framed watercolour of three boats in St Andrews Harbour. Artist: Ada Hill Walker Saturday 10th of April 2021 06:29:38 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 10:20:19 AM
29776 East end of North Street, north side no. 7-13 The east end of North Street, north side including property 7-13 before it was altered, circa 1920. Photographer: David Gatherum Monday 12th of April 2021 09:14:00 PM Monday 12th of April 2021 09:14:00 PM
29777 39 - 45 North Street 39 - 45 North Street was demolished in 1937 to make way for the Rectory at All Saints' Church. Complete with crow-step gabling, pan-tiled roof and outside stairs, the homes were considered to be in a neglected state prior to demolition. Friday 16th of April 2021 03:13:49 PM Wednesday 28th of April 2021 09:31:38 PM
29778 Nor.S.69.TIF Nos 39-45 prior to demolition showing the two sets of outside stairs, circa 1936. Photographer: Mrs I Wilson Friday 16th of April 2021 03:17:43 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 03:17:43 PM
29780 41 North Street Daily life at the outside stair at 41 North Street, with fisherwomen shelling mussels on roadway, circa 1900. Photographer: Patrick Thompson Friday 16th of April 2021 03:33:26 PM Friday 16th of April 2021 03:33:26 PM
29781 Joan Clark at 11 South Castle Street Joan Clark (1852 - 1927) on the steps of her home at 11 South Castle Street, circa 1920s. Joan Clark (pronounced 'Jo-ann' in the Scottish tradition) was a familiar figure in St Andrews, selling fish around the town until the late 1920s. Her maiden name was Waters and she was a member of an old St Andrews fisher family. She married Henry Clark and they had one son, also named Henry, who became a golf club maker. Local journalist, A. B. Paterson wrote of her: 'Joan became a kind of local institution popular with all sections of the community'. Photographer: Unknown Monday 19th of April 2021 09:55:17 PM Monday 19th of April 2021 09:58:05 PM
29782 Joan Clark at 11 South Castle Street Joan Clark (1852 - 1927) on the steps of her home at 11 South Castle Street, circa 1920s. Joan (pronounced 'Jo-ann' in the Scottish tradition) was a familiar figure in St Andrews, selling fish around the town until the late 1920s. Her maiden name was Waters and she was a member of an old St Andrews fisher family. She married Henry Clark and they had one son, also named Henry, who became a golf club maker. Local journalist, A. B. Paterson wrote of her: 'Joan became a kind of local institution popular with all sections of the community'. Photographer: Unknown Monday 19th of April 2021 09:55:20 PM Monday 19th of April 2021 09:57:14 PM
29783 Jo the tank at the Kirkhill Unknown girl (thought to be a member of the Gourlay family) at the Kirkhill with 'Jo', a First World War tank in the background, circa 1919. In the aftermath of the First World War, tanks were presented to towns and cities across Britain in recognition of funds raised for the war effort. 'Jo' arrived in St Andrews along with a German artillery gun war trophy on the 6th of September 1919. The 32 ton tank remained at the Kirkhill until 1929. Local citizens petitioned the Town Council for its removal. Owing to the encroachment of the sea and landslips in the area, concern was raised that the tank was undermining the cliffs below. Both the tank and artillery cannons were removed in 1929. Photographer: Unknown Monday 19th of April 2021 10:42:23 PM Wednesday 28th of April 2021 09:13:48 PM
29784 Old Admiralty House Government House, owned by the Lords of the Admiralty (also known as The Old Admiralty House), in 1904. The 1907 valuation roll lists occupier Mrs Bunbury as occupier. Just below the DANGER sign opposite Admiralty House there was a cave in which Lady Buchan, who lived in St Andrews from 1760-1765, held tea parties. Photographer: W H Fowler Tuesday 27th of April 2021 10:26:15 PM Tuesday 27th of April 2021 10:39:14 PM
29785 East Scores East Scores runs from the bottom of North Castle Street and meets Gregory Place at its end. East Scores seen significant development in the 1900s with the building of Saint Gregory's to accommodate fishing families displaced from the Lady head. East Scores also joins Gregory Place through Gregory Lane, formerly known as Dickeman's Wynd until the mid-1800s. The Fisherman's Mission and Reading Room were located on Gregory's Lane in the 1800s and early 1900s. Tuesday 27th of April 2021 10:27:01 PM Thursday 29th of April 2021 04:30:08 PM
29786 East Scores Archaeological dig Archaeological dig ("Howking") next to the Old Admiralty House (Government House), possibly with Dean of Guild Linskill in charge, circa 1890. Photographer: John Honeyman Tuesday 27th of April 2021 10:43:25 PM Tuesday 27th of April 2021 10:43:25 PM
29787 Alec Hill Gourlay at St Gregory's Alec Hill Gourlay baiting lines at St Gregory's, circa 1920s. St Gregory's was built to accommodate residents displaced from North Castle Street when All Saint’s Church was completed (1920). Halfway along St Gregory's is a tiled stairway. The tiles made it easy for the fishermen to drag up wet nets into their homes. In the background centre of this photograph is a tin building. This was the Fisherman's Mission, located at the bottom of Gregory's Lane. Photographer: Unknown Tuesday 27th of April 2021 11:01:45 PM Thursday 29th of April 2021 02:53:00 PM
29788 St Andrews War Memorial 360 Wednesday 28th of April 2021 10:35:21 AM Wednesday 28th of April 2021 10:35:21 AM
29789 Deans Court 360 Wednesday 28th of April 2021 10:37:04 AM Wednesday 28th of April 2021 10:40:27 AM
29790 Deans Court 360 Wednesday 28th of April 2021 10:38:16 AM Wednesday 28th of April 2021 10:38:16 AM
29791 St Andrews Preservation Trust Museum 360 Wednesday 28th of April 2021 10:43:44 AM Wednesday 28th of April 2021 10:44:56 AM
29792 All Saints Church Wednesday 28th of April 2021 03:42:21 PM Wednesday 28th of April 2021 03:52:01 PM
29793 St Andrews Castle 360 Wednesday 28th of April 2021 03:43:25 PM Wednesday 28th of April 2021 03:52:25 PM
29794 Church of St Mary on the Rock 360 Wednesday 28th of April 2021 03:46:21 PM Thursday 29th of April 2021 03:54:34 PM
29795 Society Square - North Castle Street This more recent photograph from 2008 shows the area where tenement accommodation for fisherfolk once stood in the 1800s. The tenements were built by the Sea Box Society (1642 - 1921) who also built Marine Place. At that time it was jokingly named "Society Square". The rear of Marine Place can be seen in the background. Photographer: P Harvey Wednesday 28th of April 2021 09:12:04 PM Thursday 29th of April 2021 02:27:44 PM
29796 Anne J M Morris Balfour Place 1 Anne Morris talks about her childhood living at Balfour Place in the 1940s and 1950s. The date of the interview is 29 February 2016. Photo ref: P185.2.11 (Morris Family at 6 Balfour Place, 1953. Anne Morris at top of photo. Photographer: unknown). Wednesday 28th of April 2021 09:30:18 PM Thursday 25th of April 2024 03:50:15 PM
29797 View of fisherfolk on North Street looking east View of North Street from the vicinity of no.41, looking east towards the Cathedral circa 1890. Fisherfolk can be seen working on creels. Photographer: unknown. Wednesday 28th of April 2021 09:30:19 PM Wednesday 28th of April 2021 09:35:23 PM
29798 Anne J M Morris Balfour Place Clip 2 Anne Morris remembers fishing out the window of her house at Balfour Place in the late 1940s. The date of the interview is 29 February 2016. Photo ref: P185.2.11 (Morris Family at 6 Balfour Place, 1953. Anne Morris at top of photo. Photographer: unknown). Wednesday 28th of April 2021 09:30:53 PM Thursday 25th of April 2024 03:50:02 PM
29799 Anne J M Morris Balfour Place Clip 3 Anne Morris talks about a bomber place flying over Balfour Place and Russian ships visiting St Andrews Bay and the East Sands. The date of the interview is 29 February 2016. Photo ref: P185.2.11 (Morris Family at 6 Balfour Place, 1953. Anne Morris at top of photo. Photographer: unknown). Wednesday 28th of April 2021 09:31:48 PM Thursday 25th of April 2024 03:49:47 PM
29800 Bill Scott - Harbour Bill Scott remembers the last lifeboat in St Andrews and rowing boats at the harbour. The date of the interview is 09 March 2016. Photo ref: P050.2 (Lifeboat crew with the last lifeboat "John and Sarah Hatfield" outside lifeboat station - Duncan, Cunningham, Gourlay, Fenton, Gordon, Chisholm. Circa 1910. Photographer: Willie Patrick) Wednesday 28th of April 2021 09:35:37 PM Thursday 25th of April 2024 03:49:27 PM
29801 Harry Matheson All Saints Church N.Cas St Harry Matheson remembers All Saints’ Church in the late 1920s and 1930s. The date of the interview is 04 August 2016. Photo ref: Nor.Cas.S 036 (All Saints Church courtyard - includes the Laburnum tree and statue of Jesus on the Cross, dated 2000. Photographer: Sam Taylor) Wednesday 28th of April 2021 09:38:38 PM Thursday 25th of April 2024 03:47:30 PM
29802 The outside stair of no. 41 North Street A group of unidentified children at the outside stair of no.41 North Streer, circa 1910. Photographer: Willie Patrick Wednesday 28th of April 2021 09:40:14 PM Wednesday 28th of April 2021 09:40:14 PM
29803 Mary Grace Pier Mary Grace remembers Sunday trips with her children to the pier and East Sands in the 1950s. The date of the interview is 11 April 2016. Photo ref: east.s 048 (East Sands circa 2008. Photographer: unknown). Wednesday 28th of April 2021 09:40:36 PM Thursday 25th of April 2024 03:49:11 PM
29804 East Bents The East Bents was a hive of activity and industry, particularly in the 1800s and early 1900s. The first St Andrews lifeboat station was opened at the East Bents in 1803 before being relocated close to the Swilcan Burn at the West Sands. A new lifeboat station was built at the East Bents in 1860, close to where the first lifeboat station had been built. The Royal National Lifeboat Institute (RNLI) closed the station in 1938. At the East Bents there was also a dug-out dock for repairing vessels. Many businesses operated from the East Bents, including Balfour's Timber Yard, Gibson's Sawmill, Woodburn Laundry, Catto's Mill and Spence and Gourlay's Foundry. The East Bents is also the site of the early 12th century St Nicholas Hospital, in use until circa 1580, which provided care for lepers and the poor. In 1882, the threat of a typhus outbreak in the town saw the building of a temporary wooden hospital on the East Bents. The outbreak did not happen and the building was used as a pioneering marine laboratory ('Gatty Marine Laboratory'), now known as the Scottish Oceans Institute today. Thursday 29th of April 2021 12:52:55 PM Thursday 29th of April 2021 03:05:10 PM
29805 Gatty Marine Laboratory The first Gatty Marine Laboratory on East Bents, 1896. In 1882, the threat of a typhus outbreak in St Andrews saw the building of a temporary wooden hospital on the East Bents. The outbreak did not happen and the building was used by Professor W C McIntosh as a marine laboratory. 1896 saw a specially designed laboratory, the gift of Professor Charles Henry Gatty, built at the East Bents. Photographer: unknown Thursday 29th of April 2021 02:14:41 PM Thursday 29th of April 2021 02:14:41 PM
29806 Woodburn Laundry Interior Interior of Woodburn laundry, circa 1920s. The laundry employed around 25 women, mostly from the Ladyhead area. The laundry cleaned the clothes of hotel and business patrons, St Leonard’s School, various boys schools, the gentry and the populace. The Woodburn Laundry closed down in the 1950s after more than 65 years in the town. The laundry’s hooter sounded to signal the start of the day’s work, lunch and finishing times. Employees worked a 12-hour shift from 8am with two10 minute breaks and an hour for lunch. Dirty laundry was delivered, examined and numbered by ‘checkers’ before they separated linen from cotton and woollen from flannelette. Articles then went on to the Wash-house where two 10 feet tall washing machines were in operation. After washing, items were dried in a the large spin-drying machines known as ‘hydros’, whilst sheets and blankets were mounted onto giant clothes horses which were then placed in heated cupboards. On request, a customer’s washing could be dried outside on the line but the weather did not always make this practical. One method of drying was achieved by the use of heated roller which steam-dried and pressed items ready for folding. During the Second World War employees were expected to take occasional night-time shifts on ‘fire-watch’. Photographer: J Fairweather Thursday 29th of April 2021 02:22:47 PM Thursday 29th of April 2021 02:23:52 PM