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Old Burgher Kirk- 136 South Street

166-168 South Street

141 South Street

12-20 North Street (Trust Museum)

11 College Street

24 South Street

11 College Street

11 College Street

11 College Street

11 College Street

11 College Street

24 South Street

141 South Street

141 South Street

168 South Street 01

168 South Street 02

166-168 South Street

166-168 South Street

166-168 South Street

11 College Street

11 College Street

11 College Street

12-20 North Street

24 South Street 1960

24 South Street

166-168 South Street

166-168 South Street

4 Queen’s Gardens

Woman who lived at 12-20 North Street site

11 College Street

11 South Castle Street

11 South Castle Street

11 South Castle Street

11 South Castle Street

South Castle Street 1

South Castle Street 2

Abbey Street 1966

141 South Street

11 South Castle Street 360

141 South Street 360

View of Abbey Street

Argyle Street – Courtyard of Ireland’s Brewery

Argyle Street – Courtyard of Ireland’s Brewery

North Street – Wilson's Brewery

South Street – Wilson's brewery lorry

South Street - Wilson's brewery

Wilson's Lemonade Factory

Argyle Street

Argyle Street

Argyle Street

Argyle Street

Argyle Street

Argyle Street

Argyle Street

Argyle Street

Argyle Street

Argyle Street

A. T. Reid's Jewellery Shop, 8 Bell Street

A. Caird's Clothes Shop, 19-23 Bell Street

Black's Millinery, 19 Bell Street

East View of Bell Street

Charles Donaldson, Gents Outfitters

Shop Fronts in Bell Street

Shop Fronts in Bell Street

Aikman & Terras, 165 South Street

Murray & Donald, Bell Street

'Quality Seconds' Shop on Bell Street

'Quality Seconds' Shop on Bell Street

Fletcher's Shop on Bell Street

A. Caird's Clothing Shop, 19-23 Bell Street

A. Caird's Clothing Shop, 19-23 Bell Street

Murray & Donald, Bell Street

Black's Close

Church Street, West Side. Niven & Sons, Flesher

St Andrews Woollen Mill store

St Andrews Woollen Mill store

Jack Humphries

Workmen at The Cinema House

Cycling Group

Group of fishermen and their dogs

Gourlays painting the Nelson

St Andrews City Football Club

St Andrews City Football Club

LIfeboat crew being presented with scarves

James and John Christie outside their workshop

St Andrews Post Office Staff

Jack Chisholm - laughing

Alec Hill Gourlay and son James

Three generations of Gourlays

Alex Gourlay as a child

Boy with Pipers outside New Picture House

Group at 29 norht street

Mr Mallock

WW1 Postcard - Barry Camp

Post Office wall letter box

Case of bottles

Dispensing measure



Blue glass bottle

St Salvators & North Street

North Street

Bottle of Mackenzie's smelling salts

Corner of Union Street

St Andrews Curry Powder Bottle

Box of Purified Creme of Tartar

Almond Oil

Soreen meringue powder

Chemist Bottle


Ceramic inhaler

St Andrews from Links

Nannie Anderson or Brown

Aikman and Terras Coffee Tin

The College Church

Nannie Anderson or Brown

Black Bonnet

Skipper Chisholm

Fisherwomen baiting lines outside 28 North Street

North Street by Palmer

19-21 North Street

The Royal George

Front View of 11 South Castle Street

Front View of 11 South Castle Street

Front View of 11 South Castle Street

12-20 North Street before Renovations

Gable on 1 North Street

Early View of the east end of North Street

East end of North Street, looking west

View of North Castle Street looking north

View of North Castle Street looking south

North Castle Street

Balfour Place

41-43 North Castle Street, Looking North

View of North Castle Street

41-43 North Castle Street, Looking North

Nos. 19-21

No. 19

No. 19 Stair

Fisherfolk baiting their lines

Fisherwomen baiting their lines

Busy Hands

Deans Court

24 North Street - Brown's Shop

24-26 North Street

Fitzroy Barometer at 35 North Street

35 North Street

North Street looking west

North Street looking west

Group outside 24-28 North Street

East end of North Street, looking west with horse and cart

North Street fishing housing, looking west

North Street

Interior, 12 North Street

East end of North Street, north side no. 7-13

39 - 45 North Street

41 North Street

Joan Clark at 11 South Castle Street

Joan Clark at 11 South Castle Street

East Scores

Alec Hill Gourlay at St Gregory's

Society Square - North Castle Street

View of fisherfolk on North Street looking east

The outside stair of no. 41 North Street